The bibliography below is an attempt to list the books that have been published treating Tolkien, be they biographies, criticism, bibliographies, dictionaries, concordances, quiz books or any other book about Tolkien and his writings. Some categories are excluded, however. Works of fiction, based on Tolkienian events or characters are excluded as well as musical, theatrical or any other adaption of Tolkien's writings. This also goes for game books with a basis in Tolkien's writings.
Books about adaptions have due to Peter Jackson's films based on The Lord of the Rings become somewhat of a problem as some of these also treat Tolkien. In a sort of compromise between keeping them in or leaving them out I have noted them as an addendum to the bibliography proper under the heading Media related books. This list is restricted to filmed adaptions and does not list other books such as books about artists inspired by Tolkien, e.g. those about the Brothers Hildebrand.
Books are listed chronologically and alphabetically arranged within each year. At the end of the list there is a section on forthcoming books. The information in this section is by nature tentative and subject to change.
Apart from original editions of books I also list revised versions. As such editions are placed under the year they were published the same book might thus appear in several places in the list. Links are provided to the different editions.
I have also attempted to list reissues of books. In this case they appear as entries in the commentary to the original edition of the book in question and not as seperate records. Neither are they linked from the year of reissue unless the reissue appears under a new title or in a few cases where I am uncertain whether it is a case of a reissue or a revised edition.
This bibliography, however, does not list translations of books about Tolkien. It is possible that I might make a separate list of such books in the future.
The following categories of books are listed.
Works treating Tolkien in their entirety.
Works devoted to Tolkien to some extent. To meet this criterion a book must contain at least either a chapter or a paper devoted wholly or in part to Tolkien to be included in this list.
I have for practical reasons excluded encyclopedias with essays on Tolkien, including literary encyclopedias.
It must be emphasized that the following list only contains published books. Thus no doctoral or masters thesis are included, except in the few cases when they have seen a commercial publisher. It is possible that I might make a separate list for thesis in the future.
There is no minimum number number of pages that a chapbook must contain to be listed below. I have also included privately published books.
Thanks are due to all that have made suggestions for additions and corrections this list since it was originally published. Andrew Wells and Beregond, Anders Stenstrlöm. have been of especial help.
Lastly must noted that I plan to make two companion pages to this one. One is this list arranged in another fashion, listing the books according to subject,
another lists the articles that appears in the various collections listed below.
Changes to this document in 2002-2003
This document was put online on September 30, 2002. Suggestions and comments might be mailed to "a r a w n 7 4 @ g m a i l . c o m"
It was last updated on December 2, 2003.
With the the update of December 2003 this document has been online for more than a year. During this time it has expanded from the first version that listed 558 books to the present version listing 711 titles. The latest revision has expanded the list by almost 50 books.
Detailed information concerning changes to this document might be found in Additions and Changes to A Chronological Bibliography of Books About Tolkien
© Åke Bertenstam 2002-2003
Link to the 11th edition of this bibliography.
Introductory note to the 12th edition (2015)
After this document ceased to be regularly updated at the end of 2003 I made several attempts to continue work on it and several revised (and unpublished) versions exist up until August 2006. By that time I had added more than a hundred titles. The more it got delayed the stronger an impulse I felt not to publish an update until a reasonably complete version had been reached. At this stage work on it ceased completely due to lack of time and energy and also because I became acutely aware of the difficulty of continuing to maintain it as a purely text based document. I sought instead of ways to convert into a database, something that should have been done from the outset and not a time when it hade reached such a considerable size. This conversion attempt proved difficult, however, especially as I wanted to keep the companion document concerning additions and changes to this document.
Eventually I was not able to find a suitable solution to the database project which made work on this bibliography to cease altogether. It was not until the autumn of 2014 I felt a impetus strong enough to try to revive this project. By that time the bibliography had naturally become hopelessly outdated. At the same time I realised that if I should await publishing a new version until the whole of the period from 2004 to 2014 had been adequately covered there would be a very clear risk of the project foundering again. So I decided to go for an intermediary solution instead, that of adding the books published in 2012 and 2013 to the last version from 2006 to bring it reasonably up to date concerning the most recent and then continue from there. My plan was after this to add the books from 2011 and 2014 and then continue backwards and forwards until the gap remaining had been covered. This plan, which seemed sound at the time has not worked out quite as I would have liked it to. I did add a fair number of books from 2012 and 2013 during last autumn, but before I had managed to cover this period sufficiently work stopped again. Now with more than six month since I last worked on this bibliography I finally reached the conclusion that the only reasonable way to deal with this is to simply publish the bibliography in this "as is" state and then try to continue work on it from there.
So, with this rather lengthy note what I offer is an update that adds a fair number of books from the periods 2004 to 2006 and 2012 to 2013 without any ambition to cover these years in a "complete" way. No work has been done on the section Forthcoming books which makes it look rather odd as most of the books listed there have either been published, postponed indefinitely or withdrawn altogether. No work at all had been done at at all to the section Media related books altough I am acutely aware that literature in this area has proliferated immensely both concerning scholarly and popular books. No work either has been done concerning the separate document Additions and Changes to A Chronological Bibliography of Books About Tolkien, which means that this does not list the 150 or so books that have been added to this bibliography since the latest edition of it was published in 2003.
Uppsala, 13th July 2015.
Åke Bertenstam
Brodeur, Arthur Gilchrist : The Art of Beowulf. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1959. ix, [2], 283 pp.
See Chapter III: "The Structure and the Unity of Beowulf",
pp. 71-87 (On Beowulf: The Monsters and the
Critics: pp. 71-72, 73, 75, 87) and Chapter VII: "Christian and
Pagan in Beowulf", pp. 182-219 (Brodeur criticises Tolkien's views on
pp. 187-200)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer: Men, Halflings and Hero Worship. Fantasy Amateur Press Association, 1961. (A Fantasy Amateur Press Association Booklet).
Later edition: Illustrated by Judith Weiss. Baltimore: T-K Graphics, 1973. 51 pp., ill. 22 cm. (pbk)
Ryding, Erik: Djävulens nya kläder: essäer. Stockholm: Natur och kultur, 1961. 144 pp. 19.5 × 12.5 cm.
(pbk): SEK 9:75. (hbk): SEK 13:50.
See the essay "Trollkarlens Återkomst", pp. 121-137 (Revision of
"Tolkien och tiden", Sydsvenska dagbladet snällposten (Malmö), 26 January 1961).
Titles in English: The Devil's New Clothes, "The Return of the Wizard",
"Tolkien and Time".
English and Medieval Studies Presented to J.R.R. Tolkien on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Norman Davis and C.L. Wrenn. London: Allen & Unwin, 1962. 339 pp., ill.
22 contributions, of which the only one with a direct connection to Tolkien is a poem by W.H. Auden: "Short Ode to a Philologist", pp. 11-12.
- Fuller, Edmund: Books With Men Behind Them. New York: Random House, 1962. 240 pp.
See "The Lord of the Hobbits: J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 169-196.
Reprinted in Tolkien and the Critics, pp. 17-39.
- Twelve Beowulf Papers, 1940-1960: With Additional Comments. Neuchâtel: Faculté des lettres; Genève: Droz, 1962. 194 pp. (Recueil de travaux publ. par la Faculté des lettres, 30)
See the contribution by Adrienne Bonjour, : "Monsters Crouching and Critics
Rampant, or, The Beowulf Dragon Debated", pp. 97-113. (On Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics.)
- Wain, John: Sprightly Running: Part of an Autobiography. London: Macmillan, 1962. ix, 264, [1] pp. 22 × 14.5 cm. 25 s.
American edition: New York: St. Martin's Press, 1964. 264 pp.
See chapter V: "A Literary Chapter", pp. 162-210, of which pp. 179-185 deals with the Inklings.
Wain tells of his reactions to the Inklings when he attended some of their meetings while studying at Oxford, and also what views he had of them while writing his book.
- Wilson, Colin: The Strength to Dream: Literature and the Imagination. London: Gollancz, 1962. 222 pp.
Tolkien is treated in the chapter "The Power of Darkness: J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 130-132.
- Wilson, Edmund: The Bit Between my Teeth: A Literary Chronicle of 1950-1965. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, © 1965. 694 pp.
British edition: London: W.H. Allen, 1965. 694 pp.
See the essay "Oo, Those Awful Orcs!", pp. 326-332. (Originally appeared in The Nation, 15 April 1956.)
- Lewis, C.S.:Letters of C.S. Lewis. Edited with a Memoir, by W.H. Lewis. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1966. [8], 308 pp., [8] pp. of plates.
Revised and enlarged edition, edited by Walter Hooper. London: Fount Paperbacks, 1988. 528 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-00-627329-7 (pbk): £5.95
Even though no letters from Lewis to Tolkien are included and there are no extended passages about Tolkien long enough to qualify for inclusion still Tolkien is mentioned approximately 20 times in the letters and the volume is included on the strength of being a primary biographical source about the Inklings.
- A Library of Literary Criticism: Modern British Literature. Compiled and edited by Ruth Z. Temple, Martin Tucker. New York: Ungar, 1966. 3 vols. 25 cm.
Vol. 3, Q-Z. © 1966.
See the following contributions: D.M. Stuart's review of The Fellowship of the Ring (originally appeared in English, Autumn 1954, p. 114), extracts from W.H. Auden: "A world imaginary, but real" (originally appeared in Encounter, vol. 3, November 1954, pp. 59-62) and from Mark Roberts: "Adventure in English" (originally appeared in Essays in criticism, vol. 6, 1956, pp. 450-459).
- Moorman, Charles: The Precincts of Felicity: The Augustinian City of the Oxford Christians. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1966. xiii, 143 pp.
See chapter 5: "The Shire, Mordor, and Minas Tirith", pp. 86-100.
Reprinted in: Tolkien and the critics, pp. 201-217.
- Johnston, George Burke: The Poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien. Blacksburg, Va.: White Rhinoceros Press, 1967. 23 pp.
- Kuncewicz, Piotr: Samotni wobec historii. Warszawa: Czytelnik, 1967. 210 pp.
Contains 14 articles, the one on Tolkien is "Tolkien czyli swiat".
- Tolkien Festival (Mankato: 1966): The Tolkien Papers: Ten Papers Prepared for the Tolkien Festival at Mankato State College, October 28 and 29, 1966. (Mankato State College Studies, vol. 2 (1967) no. 1) (Mankato studies in English, 2)
Luke, Helen M.: Choice in The Lord of the Rings. Three Rivers, Mich.: Apple Farm paper, 1968. 16 pp.
Apple Farm group discussions, February, 1968.
Perspectives in Contemporary Criticism: A Collection of Recent Essays by American, English and European Literary Critics. Edited by Sheldon Norman Grebstein. New York: Harper & Row, 1968. xvii, 395 pp.
See the contribution by W. H. Auden: "The quest hero", pp. 370-381. (Originally appeared in Texas quarterly, vol. 4 (1961), pp. 81-93.)
Ready, William: The Tolkien Relation: A Personal Inquiry. Chicago: Regnery, [1968]. 184 pp. 21 cm.
Canadian edition: Vancouver: Copp Clark Publishing Co., [1968]. 184 pp. 21 cm.
In COPAC is also listed a previous edition: Vancouver: Copp Clark, 1966. Pp. 3-96. 18 cm. (pbk)
This edition, however, is missing from the National Library of Canada database .
Reprinted as: Understanding Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. New York: Paperback Library, 1969. 96 pp. 18 × 11 cm. (Paperback library; 64-036)
ISBN 0-446-64996-1 (pbk)
Tolkien and the Critics: Essays on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Edited by Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, © 1968. [10], 296 pp.
ISBN 0-268-00279-7 (pbk. 20.5 × 13.5 cm)
An Afternoon in Middle Earth. Birmingham: Cannon Hill Trust, [1969]. 16 pp., ill.
A programme pamphlet for an evening of lectures at Studio Theatre Midlands i Arts Centre, Cannon Hill, 30 November 1969.
Carter, Lin: Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings. New York: Ballantine Books, 1969. [ix], 211 pp. 18 × 11 cm.
ISBN 0-345-21550-8 (pbk): $0.95
Hardback edition: New York: Tor Books, [January] 2003.
ISBN 0-7653-0720-0 (hbk)
For a revised edition see: Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings[2003 ed.].
It is possible that the Tor Books edition above also has the revised text, but as I have not seen this edition I cannot state that with certainty.
Luke, Helen M.: The King. Three Rivers, Mich.: Apple Farm Paper, 1969. 16 pp.
On Tolkien: pp. 4-16.
Ryan, J. S.: Tolkien: Cult or Culture? Armidale, New South Wales: University of New England, 1969. xv, 253 pp., ill., ports. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-85834-000-3
Lectures presented at a seminar held in Armidale, May 23-25, 1969, under the auspices of the Department of University Extension of the University of New England.
Selected Bibliography, pp. 229-253.
Shadows of Imagination: The Fantasies of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Edited by Mark R. Hillegas. Carbondale and Edwardsville, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press; London and Amsterdam: Feffer & Simons, 1969. xix, [1], 170 pp. 21.5 × 13 cm. (Crosscurrents) (Modern critiques)
ISBN 0-8093-0384-1
Revised edition: Shadows of Imagination [1979 ed.].
Stimpson, Catherine: J.R.R. Tolkien. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1969. 48 pp. 20.5 × 13.5 cm. (Columbia essays on modern writers, no. 41)
ISBN 0-23-103207-2 (pbk): $1.00
Pp. 46-48: "Selected Bibliography".
Bergier, Jacques: Admirations. Paris: Bourgois, 1970. 315, [2] pp.
See Chapitre VI: "J.R.R. Tolkien ou Le Seigneur des anneaux", pp. [171]-199.
An article introducing Tolkien and his works for French readers (at this time only The Hobbit had been translated into French). Tolkien's great popularity is also discussed, and Bergier utters his hope that Tolkien would be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Ellwood, Garcia Fay: Good News from Tolkien's Middle-earth: Two Essays on the Applicability of The Lord of the Rings. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1970. 160 pp. 22 cm.
The essays are entitled: "Everything is Alive: An Essay on Magic in Middle Earth and Elsewhere", pp. 11-83 & "The Good Guys: A Study in Christ-imagery", pp. 85-142.
Higgins, James Edward: Beyond Words: Mystical Fancy in Children's Literature. New York: Teachers College Press, 1970. 112 pp. 19 cm.
On George MacDonald, W.H. Hudson, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.
Narnia Conference: Narnia Conference Proceedings. Maywood, Cal.: The Mythopoeic Society, © 1970. 40 pp., ill.
Smith, Philip: The Lord of the Rings and other Bookbindings. Redhill, Surrey: C.P. Smith, 1970. 61 pp. 21 cm. (pbk)
An English bookbinder who created bindings of The Lord of the Rings among other works.
Another edition: London: C.P. Smith, 1970. 61 pp., ill. 21 cm. (pbk)
West, Richard C.: Tolkien Criticism: An Annotated Checklist. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 1970. xvi, 73 pp. 22 × 14 cm. (The Serif Series: Bibliographies and Checklists, no. 11)
SBN 0-87338-052-5
For a revised version see: Tolkien Criticism [1981 ed.].
Wilhelmi, Janusz: Słowa, rzeczy, krajobrazy.Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawiczy, 1970. 191 pp.
The book contains some 60 reviews of which "Sprojrzenie z zewnątrz" treats The Lord of the Rings.
Foster, Robert: A Guide to Middle-Earth. Baltimore, Md.: The Mirage Press, 1971. xiii, 284, [7] pp., geneal. tables. 22.5 × 14.5 cm. (The Voyager Series, V-105) (The Anthem Series, A-1009)
Paperback edition: New York: Ballantine Books, 1974. 283 pp., geneal. tables. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-345-24138-X (pbk)
For a revised edition see The Complete Guide to Middle-earth from The Hobbit to The Silmarillion.
Imagination and the Spirit: Essays in Literature and the Christian Faith Presented to Clyde S. Kilby. Edited by Charles A. Huttar. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, © 1971. xvi, 496 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
(hbk): $9.95
See the contribution by Marjorie Evelyn Wright: "The Vision of Cosmic Order in the Oxford Mythmakers", pp. 259-276.
Introduction to the Essay. [Compiled by] Edmund Fuller, O.B. Davis. New York: Hayden Book Co., [1971, © 1972]. 209 pp. 23 cm.
See the contribution by Edmund Fuller: "The Lord of the Hobbits: J.R.R. Tolkien".
Music Drama in Schools. Edited by Malcolm John. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1971. xii, 176 pp. (The Resources of Music Series, 4)
ISBN 0-521-08003-7
See the contribution by Paul Drayton & Humphrey Carpenter: "A Preparatory School Approach", pp. 1-19.
On a musical dramatization of The Hobbit where has Drayton been the composer and Carpenter the librettist. On pp. 1-17 Drayton comments the music with numerous examples of score; on pp. 18-19 Carpenter comments the adaption and production. Tolkien's reactions are also noted (p. 12).
Mythopoeic Conference (1: Los Angeles, Cal.: 1970): Mythcon I Proceedings. Los Angeles, Cal.: The Mythopoeic Society, 1971. 59 pp., ill. 28 × 21.5 cm.
Ready, William: The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit: Notes. Toronto: Coles, © 1971. vi, 130 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm. (Coles notes)
50 p. (pbk)
Bibliography: pp. 128-130.
Another edition: An Outline of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. [Toronto]: Forum House, [1971]. vi, 130 pp. 22 cm.
Reilly, Robert J.: Romantic Religion: A Study of Barfield, Lewis, and Tolkien. R.J. Reilly. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1971. x, 249 pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-8203-0267-8 (hbk): $9.00
See chapter 5, "J. R. R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings", pp. [190]-211.
Urang, Gunnar: Shadows of Heaven: Religion and Fantasy in the Writing of J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and J.R.R. Tolkien. Philadelphia, Pa.: United Church Press, © 1971. xvi, [1], 186 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm. (A Pilgrim Press Book)
ISBN 0-8298-0197-9 (hbk)
See chapters 3: "J.R.R. Tolkien: Fantasy and the Phenomenology of Hope", pp. 93-130, and 4: "Fantasy and the 'Motions of Grace'", pp. 131-170.
Chapter 3 is a longer version of "Tolkien's Fantasy: the Phenomology of Hope" in Shadows of Imagination, pp. 97-110 [1969 ed.].
Wollheim, Donald: The Universe Makers: Science Fiction Today. New York: Harper & Row, [1971]. vi, 122 pp. 21 cm.
British edition: London: Gollancz, 1972. vi, 122 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 0-575-01338-9
See the chapter "Why Frodo lives", pp. 107-111.
Allan, James: A Glossary of the Eldarin Tongues.By James D. Allan. Orillia, Ontario: J. Allan, 1972. 51 pp. 21 cm.
Davie, Donald: Thomas Hardy and British Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. viii, 192 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 0-19-501572-X
British edition: London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. viii, [2], 192 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-7100-7530-8
British paperback edition: London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979. viii, 192 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-7100-0349-8
See the chapter "Lucky Jim and the Hobbits", pp. 83-104. (On the poetry of Kingsley Amis and the reasons for the popularity of Tolkien's works, pp. 93-99).
Evans, Robley: J.R.R. Tolkien. New York: Warner Paperback Library, 1972. 206 pp. 18 × 11 cm. (Writers for the Seventies, 4)
ISBN 0-446-68988-2 (pbk): $1.50
Kocher, Paul H.: Master of Middle-earth: The Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1972. [7], 247 pp. 22 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-395-14097-8 (hbk): $5.95
British edition: Master of Middle-earth: The Achievement of J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Thames and Hudson, 1973. 247 pp., 21 cm.
ISBN 0-500-01095-1 (hbk)
British paperback edition: Master of Middle-earth: The Achievement of J.R.R. Tolkien. Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin, 1974. 222 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-14-003877-9 (pbk)
American paperback edition: New York: Ballantine Books, 1977. 233 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-345-27242-0 (pbk)
New British paperback edition: Master of Middle-earth: The Achievement of J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Pimlico, [November] 2002. [7], 247 pp.
ISBN 0-7126-3697-8 (pbk): £9.00
New American paperback edition: New York: Del Rey, [August 2003]. [7], 247 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 0-345-46560-1 (pbk)
Melmed, Susan Barbera: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Bibliography. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, Dept. of Bibliography, Librainship and Typography, 1972. iv, 31, pp. 30 cm.
Mythopoeic Conference (2: Santa Barbara, Cal.: 1971): Mythcon II Proceedings. Los Angeles, Cal.: The Mythopoeic Society, © 1972. 39 pp., ill. 28 × 21.5 cm.
See contribution by Robert Foster: "The Heroic in Middle-earth", pp. 22-25.
Ohlmarks, Åke: Sagan om Tolkien. Stockholm: Gebers, 1972. 245 pp. 18.5 × 11 cm. (En Geber-pocket)
ISBN 91-20-05253-7 (pbk)
Bibliography: 'Litteratur', pp. 237-242.
Title in English translation: The Tolkien saga.
Reading - Today and Tomorrow: Readings. Edited by Amelia Melnik and John Merrit for the Reading Developement Course at The Open University. London: University of London Press [for] the Open University Press, 1972. x, 508 pp., ill., facsims. 22 cm. (Open University)
ISBN 0-340-16782-3 (hbk)
ISBN 0-340-16783-1 (pbk)
See the contribution by Colin Field: "Reading and child developement", pp. 285-290. (On Tolkien: pp. 286-288, about The Hobbit - concerning Bilbo and Gollum as characters, pp. 287-288).
Carter, Lin: Imaginary Worlds: The Art of Fantasy. New York: Ballantine Books, 1973. [8], 278 pp. 18 × 11 cm.
ISBN 0-345-03309-4: $1.25 (pbk)
See chapter 6: "The Inklings Produce a Classic: The Achievement of Tolkien and his Influence", pp. 109-130.
Haughton, Rosemary: Tales From Eternity: The World of Fairytales and the Spiritual Search. New York: Seabury Press, 1973. 191 pp. (A Continuum book)
ISBN 0-8164-9161-5
British edition: London: Allen & Unwin, 1973. Pp. 3-191. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-04-298003-1
Chapter 5: "The Quest", pp. 115-144 deals mainly with The Lord of the Rings.
Miesel, Sandra: Myth, Symbol and Religion in The Lord of the Rings. Illustrated by Judith Weiss. Baltimore, Maryland: T-K Graphics, 1973. 71 pp. 22 cm.
Post, J.B.: An Atlas of Fantasy. Baltimore, Md.: Mirage Press, 1973. xi, 283 pp., maps. 28 × 22.5 cm.
ISBN 0-88358-011-X (pbk)
ISBN 0-88358-108-6 (hbk): $20.00
For a revised edition see: An Atlas of Fantasy [1979 ed.].
See the chapter "Middle-earth", pp. 155-163 (text p. 155, maps pp. 156-163).
Rockow, Karen: Funeral Customs in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Baltimore: T-K Graphics, 1973. 25 pp. 22 cm.
Reprinted from: Unicorn, vol. 3 (1973), no. 1, pp. 22-30 in which it appeared under the title "Funeral Customs in Tolkien's Trilogy".
Sale, Roger: Modern Heroism: Essays on D.H. Lawrence, William Empson and J.R.R. Tolkien. Berkely, Cal.: University of California Press, 1973. xi, 261 pp.
ISBN 0-520-02208-4
On Tolkien: pp. 11-15, 249-255 & chapter IV: "Tolkien and Frodo Baggins", pp. 193-240.
Wilson, Colin: Tree by Tolkien. London: Covent Garden Press: INCA Books, 1973. [3], 20 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 0-902843-62-1
ISBN 0-902843-63-X
Limited edition of 600 copies, of which 100 signed and numbered by the author.
For a revised version see: Tree by Tolkien [1974 ed.]
Green, Roger Lancelyn: C.S. Lewis: A Biography. Roger Lancelyn Green and Walter Hooper. London: Collins, 1974. 320 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-00-216059-5 (hbk)
With numerous references to Tolkien, the most extended passage on pp. 116-118 concerning his role in C.S. Lewis's conversion to Christianity.
Helms, Randel: Tolkien's World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974. xi, [4], 167 pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-395-18490-8 (pbk): $3.95
British edition, slightly shortened: London: Thames and Hudson, 1974. 160 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-500-01114-1: £2.95 (1975 reprint)
British paperback edition: St Albans: Panther, 1976. 142 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-586-04365-9 (pbk)
Cover title of this edition: Myth, Magic and Meaning in Tolkien's World.
Huttar, Charles A.: Inside Middle Earth: The Myth of the Underground in The Lord of the Rings. Holland, Mich.: Charles A. Huttar, 1974. 22 pp.
Luke, Helen M.: The Way of Women, Ancient and Modern. Three Rivers, Mich.: Apple Farm paper, 1974. vi, 109 pp.
On Eowyn: pp. 1-18.
Miller, Stephen O.: Mithrandir. Baltimore, Md.: T-K Graphics, © 1974. 47 pp., ill.
Myth, Allegory and Gospel: An Interpretation of J.R.R. Tolkien/C.S. Lewis/G.K. Chesterton/Charles Williams. By Edmund Fuller, Clyde S. Kilby, Russell Kirk, John Montgomery & Chad Walsh. Edited by John Warwick Montgomery, with Introduction, Revue Critique, and Unpublished Letter from C. S. Lewis to the Editor. Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany Fellowship, © 1974. 159 pp.
ISBN 0-87123-357-6 (hbk)
ISBN 0-87123-358-4 (pbk. 21.5 × 14 cm): $2.95
See the contribution by Clyde S. Kilby: "Mythic and Christian Elements in Tolkien", pp. 119-143.
New edition: Newburgh, Ind.: Trinity Bible College and Trinity Theological Seminary, 1994. 159 pp.
ISBN 1-885914-03-2 (pbk): $8.95
Canadian edition: Edmonton: Canadian Institute for Law, Theology, and Public Policy Inc., 2000. 159 p. 21 cm.
ISBN 1-896363-11-3 (pbk): CA$15.50
Mythopoeic Conference (3: Long Beach, Cal.: 1972): Mythcon III Proceedings. Los Angeles, Cal.: The Mythopoeic Society, © 1974. 44 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
See contribution by Jim Allan: "The Decline and Fall of the Osgiliathian Empire", pp. 3-6, 32, 36).
Noel, Ruth S.: The Languages of Middle Earth. Baltimore, Md.: Mirage, 1974. xxxix, 97 pp., ill. 22 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-88358-021-7 (pbk)
A revised edition appeared in 1980.
Perspectives of Roman Poetry: A Classics Symposium. Essays by Georg Luck... Edited and prefaced by G. Karl Galinsky. Austin, Tx.: Published for the College of Humanities and the College of Fine Arts of the University of Texas at Austin by the University of Texas Press, [1974]. 160 pp. 23 cm. (Symposia in the Arts and the Humanities, no. 1)
ISBN 0-292-76420-0
"Based on the formal proceedings 'Perspectives of Roman Poetry,' which was held at the University of Texas at Austin on February 14-16, 1972."
See the contribution by Kenneth J. Reckford: "Some Trees in Virgil and Tolkien", pp. 57-91.
Purtill, Richard L.: Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, © 1974. 211, [5] pp. 18 × 11 cm.
(pbk): $1.50
Pp. 197-201: "Basic Lewis-Tolkien Bibliography".
Science Fiction Today and Tomorrow: A Discursive Symposium. Edited by Reginald Bretnor. New York: Harper & Row, 1974. ix, 342 pp.
ISBN 0-06-010467-8
See the contribution by Anne McCaffrey: "Hitch your dragon to a star", pp. 278-294.
Smith, Philip: New Directions in Bookbinding. London: Studio Vista, 1974. 208 pp., ill. (some col.), facsims. 31 cm.
ISBN 0-289-70324-7 (hbk)
American edition: [New York]: Van Nostrand Reinhold, [1974]. 208 pp., ill. 31 cm.
ISBN 0-442-27788-1 (hbk)
This book contains many photographs of bindings of The Lord of the Rings by Philip Smith."
Uyldert, Mellie: Symboliek van Tolkien's In de ban van de ring. [Omslag en illustraties van Elsje Zwart]. Deventer: Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes, 1974. 128 pp., ill. 21 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 90-202-4834-0 (pbk)
Wilson, Colin: Tree by Tolkien. [Rev. ed.] London: Village Press, 1974. 30 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-904247-26-0 (pbk)
American edition: Santa Barbera, Cal.: Capra Press, 1974, 47 pp., ill. (Capra chapbooks series)
ISBN 0-912264-96-9 (pbk. 18 × 12.5 cm.)
ISBN 0-912264-97-7 (hbk)
With drawings by Caitlin Mackintosh. In the American edition the Introduction (pp. 3-7 in the British edition) appears as "Note on Tolkien", pp. 41-47.
For the original edition see: Tree by Tolkien [1973 ed.].
Zgorzelski, Andrzej: Kreacje Świata sensów: szkice o współczesnej powieści angielskiej. Łódź: Państwowe wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1975. 90 pp. (Lubelskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Prace Wydziału Humanistycznego, 6)
Zł. 27.00.
The book contains four articles, which treat Golding, Ballard, T.H. White and Tolkien, respectively. The following article treats Tolkien: "Konwencje gatunkowe i rodzajowe w trylogii J.R.R. Tolkiena".
Allan, James: An Extrapolation on The Silmarillion. By Jim Allan. [Liverpool]: The Tolkien Society, [1975]. [2], 35 pp. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-905520-00-9 (pbk)
"A Tolkien Society Publication"
For a revised version see A Speculation on The Silmarillion.
Begg, Ean C.M.: The Lord of the Rings and the Signs of the Times. London: Guild of Pastoral Psychology, 1975. 23 pp. (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lectures, ISSN 0434-9253, no. 178)
ISBN 0-85266-133-9 (pbk)
Haarder, Andreas: Beowulf: The Appeal of a Poem. København: Akademisk forlag, © 1975. 340, [1] pp. 20 cm.
ISBN 87-500-1519-2
Diss.: Aarhus: Aarhus universitet.
See Chapter 4: "The Consequences of Comprehensiveness", pp. 59-88 (on Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, pp. 63-65: comparisons to N.F.S. Grundtvig's articles); chapter 6: "Epic Dimensions", pp. 111-140 (pp. 118-119 comparisons to W.P. Ker); chapter 7: "A Work of Art", pp. 141-170 (on Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, pp. 148-170).
Manlove, C. N.: Modern Fantasy: Five Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. viii, 308 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-521-20746-0
See chapter 1: 'Introduction', pp. 1-12 (on fantasy theory); chapter 5: "J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) and The Lord of the Rings, pp. 152-206 (notes pp. 284-289) and chapter 7: "Conclusion", pp. 258-261.
Miller, Stephen O.: Middle Earth: A World in Conflict. Illustrated by James Shull. Baltimore, Md.: T-K Graphics, © 1975. 82 pp., ill. 21 × 13.5 cm.
(pbk): $3.50
Mroczkowski, Przemyslaw: Dżentelmeni i poeci: Eseje z literatury angielskiej.
Kraków: Wydaw. Liter., 1975. 306, [2] pp.
Zł. 45.00.
See the chapter "Uczoność a wyobrażnia w Oksfordzie", pp. 278-307, an essay about C. S. Lewis and Tolkien.
Title in English translation: Gentlemen and Poets: Essays on English Literature.
A Tolkien Compass. Edited by Jared Lobdell. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, © 1975 [January 1975]. [6], 201 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-87548-303-8 (pbk. 20.5 × 13.5 cm): $2.95
ISBN 0-87548-316-X (hbk)
"Including J. R. R. Tolkien's Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings"
New paperback edition: New York: Ballantine Books, [June] 1980. [6], 216 pp. 18 × 10.5 cm.
ISBN 0-345-28855-6 (pbk): $2.50
A second, reset edition with a preface by Tom Shippey and a postscript by Jared Lobdell but without Tolkien's "Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings" was published in 2003. See A Tolkien Compass [2003 ed.]
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Drawings by J.R.R. Tolkien at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 14th December - 27th February 1976-1977 and at The National Book League, 7 Albemarle Street, London W1, 2nd March - 7th April 1977. Oxford: The Ashmolean Museum; London: The National Book League, 1976. [40] pp., ill. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-900090-42-1 (Ashmolean)
ISBN 0-85353-251-6 (National Book League)
Title on cover: Drawings by Tolkien.
De Camp, L. Sprague: Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers: The Makers of Heroic Fantasy. Sauk City, Wisc.: Arkham House, 1976. xxix, 313 pp., [10] pp. of plates, photographs. 20.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-87054-076-9 (hbk): $10.00
See chapter 12: "Merlin in Tweeds: J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 215-251.
Grotta-Kurska, Daniel: J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle-earth: A Biography. Edited by Frank Wilson. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1976. 165 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 0-914294-29-6 (lib.bdg.): $9.80
ISBN 0-914294-28-8 (pbk. 21 × 12.5 cm): $2.95
For a revised edition see The Biography of J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle-earth.
Helms, Randel: Myth, Magic and Meaning in Tolkien's World. See Tolkien's World.
Irwin, W.R.: The Game of the Impossible: A Rhetoric of Fantasy. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1976. xii, 216 pp.
ISBN 0-252-00587-2 (hbk)
On Tolkien: chapter 10, pp. 160-166.
Kilby, Clyde S.: Tolkien & The Silmarillion. Wheaton, Ill.: Shaw, © 1976. 89 pp. 22 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-87788-816-7 (hbk): $3.95
Morrison, Louise D.: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring. New York: Monarch Press, © 1976. vi, 98 pp. (Monarch notes, 00971)
Ohlmarks, Åke: Tolkien-lexikon: Med allt från Alvhem till Örtplyte. Stockholm: AWE/Gebers, 1976. 279 pp. 18.5 × 11 cm.
ISBN 91-20-04793-2 (pbk)
Bibliography: pp. 278-279.
Title in English: A Tolkien Dictionary with Everything from Elvenhome to Mugwort.
Palmer, Bruce: [Of Orc-rags, Phials & a Far Shore]: Visions of Paradise in The Lord of the Rings. Baltimore, Md.: T-K Graphics, © 1976. 29 pp. 21 × 13 cm.
$2.00 (pbk)
Main title from cover.
Savater, Fernando: La infancia recuperada. Madrid: Taurus, 1976. 191 pp., ill. 21 cm. (Persiles, 98)
ISBN 84-306-2098-2
For chapter about Tolkien see the English translation, Childhood Regianed.
Suitable for Children? Controversies in Children's Literature. Edited and introduced by Nicholas Tucker. Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1976. 224 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-520-03236-5
British edition: London: Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press, 1976. 224 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-85621-048-X: £6.00
See the contributions by Catherine Storr: "Why folk tales and fairy stories live forever", pp. 64-76, and Michael Wood: "Tolkien's fictions", pp. 165-172.
Tyler, J.E.A: The Tolkien Companion. Edited by S.A. Tyler. Illustrated by Kevin Reilly. London: Macmillan, 1976. 10, [1], 530, [1] pp., ill. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-333-19633-3: £5.95
For a revised edition see: The New Tolkien Companion. For a further revised edition see The Complete Tolkien Companion.
Allan, James: A Speculation on The Silmarillion. Baltimore, Md.: T-K Graphics, 1977. [23] pp. 21 × 14 cm.
(pbk): $1.50
A revised version of An Extrapolation on The Silmarillion.
Brooke, Elise: Theology and Fantasy. Dublin and Cork: The Mercier Press, 1977. 83 pp. 18 × 11 cm. (Theology Today Series, 40)
ISBN 0-85342-523-X (pbk)
See chapter 4: "Middle Earth: J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 57-71 and "Conclusion", pp. 73-78.
Carpenter, Humphrey: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography. London: Allen & Unwin, 1977. [11], 287 pp., [16] pp. of plates, photographs. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-04-928037-6 (hbk): £4.95
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977. 286 pp., [8] pp. of plates, ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-395-25360-8 (hbk)
For a revised version see: Carpenter, Humphrey: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography. [Rev.ed.]
- Hardy, Gene B.: The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit: Notes. Lincoln, Neb.: Cliffs Notes, © 1977. 75 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm
ISBN 0-8220-1286-3 (pbk): $3.50
E-book edition (Adobe Reader): Hungry Minds, [October] 1977. 429 KB
ISBN B000066SRS: $5.99 (2002)
The publishing date for the e-book edition must be in error in the database as no e-books existed in 1977 and probably refers to the publishing date of the printed edition.
Lochhead, Marion: The Renaissance of Wonder in Children's Literature. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1977. xiii, 169 pp., ill. 22.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-903937-28-X: £4.00
The book contains three chapters on Tolkien: Chapter 12 : "The Tree of Fairy-tale: J.R.R. Tolkien and 'Fairy Stories', pp. 101-106, Chapter 13: "The Northern Nobility: Tolkien and Beowulf", pp. 107-111 & Chapter 14 : "Hobbits and Heroes", pp. 112-125 (on the role of the Hobbits in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings).
Noad, Charles E.: The Trees, the Jewels and the Rings: A Discursive Enquiry into Things Little Known on Middle-earth. Harrow, Middx.: The Tolkien Society, 1977. [2], 44 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-905520-01-7 (pbk)
Noel, Ruth S.: The Mythology of Middle-earth. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977. x, 198 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-395-25006-4 (hbk): $7.95
Bibliography: pp. 192-193.
British edition: London: Thames and Hudson, 1977. x, 198 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-500-01187-7 (hbk): £4.95
Svensson, Ingvar: Tolkiens Midgård: En uppslagsbok. Stockholm: Skandinavisk förening för science fiction, 1977. 211 pp., ill. 18.5 × 11 cm.
ISBN 91-85550-01-9 (pbk)
Title in English translation: Tolkien's Middle-earth: A Dictionary.
Tolkien, Christopher: The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien: A Brief Account of the Book and its Making. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1977. [7] pp.
Towards a Poetics of Fiction. Edited by Mark Spilka. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1977. xi, 359 pp., ill., 25 cm.
ISBN 0-253-37500-2 (hbk): $12.50
"Essays from Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 1967-1976."
See the contribution by Elizabeth Kirk: "'I Would Rather Have Written in Elvish': Image, Fiction and The Lord of the Rings", pp. 289-302. (Originally appeared in Novel, vol. 5 (1971), pp. 5-18.)
Carpenter, Humphrey: The Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and Their Friends. London: Allen & Unwin, 1978. xiv, [i], 287 pp., [16] pp. of plates, photographs. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-04-809011-5 (hbk): £6.50
Eglerio! In Praise of Tolkien. Edited by Anne Etkin. Anne Etkin, C.S. Lewis, Nan C.L. Scott. Decorations and illustrations by Lucy Matthews. Greencastle, Penn.: Quest Communications, © 1978. 100, [2] pp., [8] pp. of plates.: ill. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.
(pbk): $1.50
Foster, Robert: The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: from The Hobbit to The Silmarillion. New York: Ballantine Books, 1978. xvi, 575 pp., geneal. tables. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-345-27975-1 (pbk)
British edition: London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1978. xii, [i], 441, [8] pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-04-803001-5 (pbk): £1.50
ISBN 0-04-803002-3 (hbk)
Illustrated edition: Illustrated by Ted Nasmith. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [Sept.] 2003.
ISBN 0-00-716942-6 (hbk)
Revised edition of A Guide to Middle-Earth.
Grotta, Daniel: The Biography of J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle-earth. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Penn.: Running Press, 1978. 197 pp.
ISBN 0-89471-034-6 (lib.bdg.)
ISBN 0-89471-035-4 (pbk. 25.5 × 17 cm): $4.95
Revised edition of J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle-earth: A Biography.
An Introduction to Elvish and to Other Tongues and Proper Names and Writing Systems of the Third Age of the Western Lands of Middle-Earth as Set Forth in the Published Writings of Professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Edited and compiled by Jim Allan from his
own researches and from those of Nina Carson, Björn Fromén, Chris Gilson, Alexandra Tarasovna Kiceniuk, Laurence J. Krieg, Paula Marmor, Lise Menn, Bill Welden, and others. Hayes, Middx.: Bran's Head Books, 1978. xxi, 303 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm
ISBN 0-905220-10-2 (pbk)
Mathews, Richard: Lightning from a Clear Sky: Tolkien, the Trilogy and The Silmarillion. San Bernadino, Cal.: The Borgo Press, 1978. 63 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm. (The Milford series) (Popular writers of today, 15)
ISBN 0-89370-221-8 (pbk): $2.45
Bibliographies: pp. 62-63.
- Obituaries from The Times. Reading: Newspaper Archive Development, 1975- .
ISSN 0951-2284
1971-1975: Including an Index to all Obituaries and Tributes appearing in The Times during the Years 1971-1975. Compiler: Frank C. Roberts. Reading: Newspaper Archive Development, © 1978. 647 pp.
ISBN 0-903713-97-7 (Newspaper Archive Development)
ISBN 0-930466-05-5 (Meckler Books)
See the contribution "Professor J.R.R. Tolkien: Creator of Hobbits and Inventor of a New Mythology", pp. 532-533 and usually attributed to C.S. Lewis. The obituary originally appeared in The Times (London) on the 3rd September 1973.
Ohlmarks, Åke: Tolkiens arv. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Plus, 1978. 204 pp. 21 × 13 cm.
ISBN 91-7406-122-4 (pbk)
Bibliography: pp. 203-204.
Title in English translation: Tolkien's Inheritance.
Rottensteiner, Franz: The Fantasy Book: An Illustrated History from Dracula to Tolkien. New York: Collier Books, 1978. 160 pp., ill. 28 cm.
ISBN 0-02-053560-0
Bibliography: pp. 155-158.
British edition: The Fantasy Book: The Ghostly, the Gothic, the Magical, the Unreal. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978. 160 pp, ill. (some col.), map, ports., 28 cm.
ISBN 0-500-27119-4 (pbk)
On Tolkien: "J.R.R. Tolkien and the Realms of Middle-earth", pp. 96-98 (p. 96: The entrance to Erebor, p. 98: The Gate of Eregion).
The Science Fiction Festival (1977: København): Vølve: Scandinavian Views on Science Fiction: Selected Papers from the Science Fiction Festival 1977. København: Engelsk institut ved Københavns universitet, 1978. 123 pp.
See the contribution by Bent Nordhjem: "In the Quest of Tolkien's Middle-Earth: On the Interpretation and Classification of The Lord of the Rings", pp. 17-42.
- The Tolkien Scrapbook. Edited by Alida Becker. Illustrated by Michael Green. Color illustrations by Tim Kirk. Philadelphia, Pa.: Running Press, © 1978. 191 pp., [8] pp. of plates, ill. (some in color)
ISBN 0-89471-083-4 (lib. bdg.)
ISBN 0-89471-082-6 (pbk. 27 × 20.5 cm.): $7.95.
Yates, Jessica: Tolkien in Oxford: The Tolkien Society Guide. Littlehampton, West Sussex: SONF Enterprises, 1978.
Guide to places of interest in relation to Tolkien.
Andrews, Bart: The Tolkien Quiz Book: 1,001 Questions about Tolkien's Tales of Middle-earth and Other Fantasies. By Bart Andrews, with Bernie Zuber. New York: New American Library, 1979. [6], 154 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-451-08525-6 (pbk)
"A Signet book."
British edition: London: Sphere, 1979. 160 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-7221-1136-3 (pbk)
Bratman, David S.: Notes From the Shire Records: A Bibliography of Books About J.R.R. Tolkien and his Works. Berkeley, California: D.S. Bratman, 1979. 9 pp.
Buchholz, Suzanne: The Middle-earth Quiz Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979. xiii, 146 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-395-28428-7 (pbk): $3.95
British edition: London: Thames and Hudson, 1980. xiii, 146 pp. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-500-27189-5
Comburg Papers in English Studies. W. Keutsch & R.O.U. Strauch, eds. Ludwigsburg, 1979. 389 pp. (Ludwigsburg studies in language and linguistics, 3)
See the contribution by Wilifred Keutsch: "A Rich Passion for Extremes: Action-centered and Setting-centered Quest Stories", pp. 332-388. On The Lord of the Rings: pp. 334-348 (comparisons with Orlando Furioso, pp. 345-347). Comparisons between Tolkien and Walter Scott, pp. 365-368.
Day, David: A Tolkien Bestiary. Illustrated by Ian Miller... London: Mitchell Beazley, 1979. 287 pp., ill. (some in colour) 28 cm.
ISBN 0-85533-188-7
American ed.: New York: Ballantine Books, 1979. 287 pp ., ill. (some in colour). 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 0-345-28283-3 (hbk)
Canadian edition: [Madeira Park, B.C.]: Harbour Pub., [1984], © 1979. 287 pp., ill. (some col.) 28 cm.
ISBN 0-920080-47-2 (hbk): Can$18.95
British paperback edition: London : Emblem, 1985. 287 pp., ill. (some col.) 28 cm.
ISBN 0-85533-414-2 (pbk)
Reissued as: Characters from Tolkien. London: Bounty Books, [October] 2001. 287 pp.
ISBN 0-7537-0561-3 (pbk): £5.95
J.R.R. Tolkien, Scholar and Storyteller: Essays in Memoriam. Edited by Mary Salu and Robert T. Farrell. Ithaca, N.Y. and London: Cornell University Press, 1979. 325 pp., 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-8014-1038-X
Fricker, Robert: The Unacknowledged Legislators: Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur englischen Literatur. Herausgegeben von Werner Senn und Dimiter Daphinoff. Bern: Francke, © 1979. 235 pp. (Schweizer anglistische Arbeiten, 98)
ISBN 3-7720-1450-X
See the essay: "The Lord of the Rings: Aktualisierung einer untergehenden Welt", pp. 202-231.
Grant, Patrick: Six Modern Authors and Problems of Belief. London: Macmillan, 1979. x, 175 pp.
ISBN 0-06-492515-3 (hbk)
On Aldous Huxley, Robert Graves, David Jones, Owen Barfield, Michael Polanyi and Tolkien. See chapter 5: "Belief in Fantasy: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", pp. 93-121.
Le Guin, Ursula K.: The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. Edited and with introductions of Susan Wood. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1979. 270 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-399-12325-3
Bibliography of author's works: pp. 237-270.
Paperback edition: New York: Putnam/Perigee, 1980.
New paperback edition: New York: Berkley Books, 1981. [8], 262 pp. 17.5 × 10.5 cm.
ISBN 0-425-05205-2 (pbk): $2.75
For a revised edition see: The Language of the Night [1989 ed.]
The Mankato Papers. Union Lake, Michigan: The American Tolkien Society, 1979. [5], 100 pp.
"An American Tolkien Society Publication".
Originally published as The Tolkien Papers.
Marquette University. Memorial Library. Department of Special Collections and University Archives: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien manuscript collection, ca. 1930-: 20 boxes and oversize material comprising 9.8 cubic feet. Wisconsin: Marquette University, [1979?]. 54 pp.
Marquette's collections of manuscripts are described in great detail in this catalogue. They comprise 8827 pp. of manuscripts and galley sheets of which 1607 pp. concerned with The Hobbit, 187 pp. with Farmer Giles of Ham, 6925 pp. with The Lord of the Rings and 187 pp. with Mr. Bliss.
Myhre, Øyvind: Magiske verdener: Fantasilitteraturen fra Gilgamesj til Richard Adams. Oslo: Cappelen, 1979. 143 pp. 18.5 × 12 cm. (Uglebøkene, 174)
ISBN 82-02-04294-1: NOK 47.00.
Tolkien is treated chiefly in 10: "De store mestere" ("The great masters"), pp. 81-89 (see pp. 81-84). A short biography of Tolkien and a description of Tolkien's main works.
The book also contain a great number of comparisons beteween Tolkien and other writers.
Nietzsche, Jane Chance: Tolkien's Art: 'A Mythology for England'. London: Macmillan, 1979. ix, [i], 164 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-312-80819-4
American edition: New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. ix, [i], 164 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-312-80819-4 $18.90
Paperback edition: London: Papermac, 1980.
ISBN 0-333-29034-8 (pbk. 21.5 × 13.5 cm): £2.95
For a revised edition see: Tolkien's Art [2001 ed.]
O'Neill, Timothy R.: The Individuated Hobbit: Jung, Tolkien and the Archetypes of Middle-earth. With 13 ill. [by the author]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979. xv, [5], 200 pp., ill. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-395-28208-X
British edition: London: Thames and Hudson, 1980. xv, [v], 200 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-500-01237-7 (hbk): £6.95
Petty, Anne C.: One Ring to Bind Them All: Tolkien's Mythology. Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, © 1979. [vi], 122 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8173-7328-4 (hbk)
For a revised edition see: One Ring to Bind Them All [2002 ed.].
Probably based on Petty's Ph. D. Thesis (Florida State University, 1972), The Creative Mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien: A Study of the Mythic Impulse, iii, 144 leaves.
Post, J.B.: An Atlas of Fantasy. Rev. ed. New York: Ballantine Books, 1979. xiv, 210 pp., maps. 21.5 × 28 cm.
ISBN 0-285-62424-5 (pbk)
For the original edition see: An Atlas of Fantasy [1973 ed.].
See the chapter "The Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 88-95 (text p. 88, maps pp. 89-95).
- Romantropologie: Essays over antropologie en literatuur. Onder redactie van Jan van Bremen, Sjaak van der Geest en Jojada Verrips. [Amsterdam]: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1979. v, 147 pp. 30 cm. (Uitgave. Vakgroep Culturele Antropologie en Niet-Westerse Scociologie Algemeen, Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 16)
See the contribution by Willem de Blécourt: "De antropologië van Faërie: enkele beschouwingen over het werk van J.R.R. Tolkien".
Shadows of Imagination: The Fantasies of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Edited by Mark R. Hillegas. New ed. with an afterword on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion by Peter Kreeft. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1979. xvii, 190 pp. (Crosscurrents) (Modern critiques)
ISBN 0-8093-0897-5 (hbk)
ISBN 0-8093-0908-4 (pbk. 20 × 12.5 cm)
Original edition: Shadows of Imagination [1969 ed.]
Il superuomo e i suoi simboli nelle letterature moderne, VI. [Scritti di] Angelica Palumbo... Prefazione di Elémire Zolla. Firenze: La nuova Italia, 1979. 168 pp. (Facoltá di magistero dell'Università di Genova. Istituto di lingue e letterature straniere, 11)
L 2500.
See the contribution by Carla Giannone: "Il superuomo di Tolkien", pp. 139-150.
Title of book in English: The Superman and his Symbols in the Modern Literature, VI.
Title of article in English: "The Superman in Tolkien".
Tyler, J.E.A.: The New Tolkien Companion. Illustrated by Kevin Reilly. 2., (rev.) ed. London: Macmillan, 1979. xiii, 651 pp. ill., 1 geneal. table, maps. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-333-27532-2
Paperback edition: London: Picador, 1979. xiii, 649, [2] pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-330-25801-X (pbk): £2.95
Revised edition of The Tolkien Companion. For a further revised edition see The Complete Tolkien Companion.
Zipes, Jack: Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales. London: Heinemann, 1979. xix, [3], 201 pp., ill. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-435-82985-8 (hbk)
ISBN 0-435-82986-6 (pbk)
American edition: Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979. xix, 201 pp. ill. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-292-70725-8
American paperback edition: New York: Routledge, 1992. xix, [3], 201 pp., ill. 22 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-415-90719-5 (pbk)
For a revised edition see Breaking the Magic Spell [2002 ed.]
See chapter 5: "The Utopian Function of Fairy Tales and Fantasy: Ernst Bloch the Marxist and J.R.R. Tolkien the Catholic", pp. 129-159.
Aspects of Tragedy in the Twentieth Century English and American Literature. Pod redacją Marii Łobzowskiej. Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski, 1980. 99 pp. (Prace historycznoliterackie, 15) (Prace naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 351)
See contribution by Andrzej Wicher: "The Disturbed Utopia of The Lord of the Rings by John Ronald Revel [sic] Tolkien: (An Essay on the Understanding of Tragicality)", pp. 76-86.
Attebery, Brian: The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature from Irving to LeGuin. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, © 1980. viii, 212 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-253-35665-2 (hbk)
See the chapter: "After Tolkien", s. 154-186.
Attebery sees Tolkien as an influence on Andre Norton, Peter Beagle and, above all, on Ursula K. LeGuin.
Carpenter, Humphrey: The Lord of the Rings: Souvenir Booklet Commemorating Twenty Five Years of its Publication. London: Allen & Unwin, © 1980. [16] pp. 18 × 11.5 cm.
Kocher, Paul H.: A Reader's Guide to The Silmarillion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980. [7], 286 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-395-28950-5 (hbk): $8.95
British edition: London: Thames and Hudson, 1980. [7], 286 pp. 21.5 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-500-14022-7 (hbk)
Meyers, Walter E.: Aliens and Linguistics: Language Study and Science Fiction. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, © 1980. [xi], 257 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (South Atlantic Modern Language Association Award Study)
ISBN 0-8203-0487-5
Pp. 227-248: Bibliography.
On Tolkien: p. 54: On man's wish to able to talk with animals (in 4: "Resident Aliens: Monkeys and Marine Mammals", pp. 53-68), pp. 148-158: On Tolkien's languages, mainly Quenya with a translation of "Namárie" (in 10: "A History of Linguistics in Science Fiction. I", pp. 146-170).
Noel, Ruth S.: The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980. [10], 207 pp. 19 cm.
ISBN 0-395-29129-1 (hbk)
ISBN 0-395-29130-5 (pbk. 18.5 × 11.5 cm.)
Revised edition of a book originally published in 1974.
Petzold, Dieter: J.R.R. Tolkien: Fantasy Literatur als Wunscherfüllung und Weltdeutung. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1980. 124 pp. 19.5 × 12.5 cm. (Forum Anglistik)
ISBN 3-533-02850-X (pbk)
Polia, Mario: Omaggio a J.R.R. Tolkien: fantasia e tradizione. Cur. A. Morganti. Rimini: Cerchio, 1980. 81 pp.
L 4000.00.
Not seen.
Title in English: Homage to J.R.R. Tolkien: Fantasy and Tradition.
Rogers, Deborah Webster: J.R.R. Tolkien. By Deborah Webster Rogers and Ivor A. Rogers. Boston: Twayne, 1980. 164 pp. 21 × 14 cm. (Twayne's English authors series, TEAS 304)
ISBN 0-8057-6796-7 (hbk)
Pp. 151-158: Selected Bibliography.
Young Adult Literature: Background and Criticism. Compiled by Millicent Lentz and Ramona M. Mahood. Chicago, Ill.: American Library Association, 1980. viii, 516 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8389-0302-9
See the contribution by Robert Sklar: "Tolkien and Hesse: Top of the Pops", pp. 418-424. (Reprinted from: The Nation, vol. 204, 1967, pp. 598-601.)
Anderson, Poul: Fantasy. With an Afterword by Sandra Miesel. [S.l.]: Tom Doherty Associates; New York: Distributed by Pinnacle Books, © 1981. 334 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-523-48515-8 (pbk): $2.50.
See the chapter: "Fantasy in the age of science", pp. 265-286 (pp. 273-277 on The Lord of the Rings and to some extent also about The Silmarillion).
Asimov, Isaac: Asimov on Science Fiction. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1981. 334 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-385-17443-8: $14.95
British edition: London, New York: Granada, 1983. 334 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-246-12044-4: £7.95
Contains 55 essays, of which "The Ring of Evil", pp. 276-280, deals with Tolkien.
Brooke-Rose, Christine: A Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure, Especially of the Fantastic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. vii, 446 pp.
ISBN 0-521-22561-2
See the chapter: "The Evil Ring: Realism and the Marvellous", pp. 233-255 (revised version of an article earlier published in Poetics today, vol. 1 (1980), no. 4, pp. 67-90).
Crabbe, Kathryn F.: J.R.R. Tolkien. New York: Ungar, 1981. viii, 192 pp.
ISBN 0-8044-2134-X (hbk)
ISBN 0-8044-6091-4 (pbk. 19.5 × 12 cm): $4.95
For a revised edition see J.R.R. Tolkien [1988 ed.].
Davenport, Guy: The Geography of the Imagination: Forty Essays. San Francisco, Calif.: North Point Press, 1981. x, 384 pp.
ISBN 0-86547-000-6 (hbk)
ISBN 0-86547-001-4 (pbk)
British edition: London: Pan Books, 1984. x, 384 pp.
ISBN 0-330-28416-9 (hbk)
ISBN 0-330-28415-0 (pbk. Picador. 19.5 × 13 cm.)
See the essay "Hobbitry", pp. 336-338. (Reprint of "Hobbits in Kentucky" from New York Times, 23 February 1979).
Fonstad, Karen Wynn: The Atlas of Middle-earth. Boston, Md.: Houghton Mifflin, 1981. xiv, [1], 208 pp., maps. 28.5 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 0-395-28665-4
For the revised edition see: The Atlas of Middle-Earth, [1992 ed.]
Foster, Robert: Teacher's Guide to The Hobbit. New York: Ballantine Books, 1981. 40 pp.
ISBN 0-345-30384-9
Not seen. The ISBN above belongs according to to an edition published in September 1984.
Giddings, Robert & Holland, Elizabeth : J.R.R. Tolkien: The Shores of Middle-earth. London: Junction Books, 1981. x, 289 pp.
ISBN 0-86245-018-7 (hbk)
ISBN 0-86245-022-5 (pbk. 21.5 × 13.5 cm.)
Green, Bill: Tolkien: Master of Fantasy. Charlotteville, N.Y.: SamHar Press, 1981. 29 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm. (Outstanding Personalities, 91)
ISBN 0-87157-591-4 (hbk)
ISBN 0-87157-091-2 (pbk)
Helms, Randel: Tolkien and the Silmarils. Boston, Md.: Houghton Mifflin, 1981. viii, 104 pp.
ISBN 0-395-29469-X
British edition: London: Thames and Hudson, © 1981. xiii, 104 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-500-01264-4 (hbk): £5.50
Homenaje a Esteban Pujals Fontrodona. [Ed. Antonio Garnica]. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Oviedo por Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, [1981]. [212] pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 84-7468-063-8
See the contribution by José Luis Caramés Lage & Carmen Martin Suarez: "J.R.R. Tolkien y la literatura fantastica actual". (The book is unpaginated. The present contribution consists of twelve pages.)
Title of book in English: A Homage to Esteban Pujals Fontrodona.
Title of article in English: "J.R.R. Tolkien and the Modern Fantastic Literature".
Inglis, Fred: The Promise of Happiness: Value and Meaning in Children's Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. xiv, 333 pp.
ISBN 0-521-23142-6
1. paperback ed.: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. xiv, 333 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-521-27070-7 (pbk)
See chapter 8: "Cult and Culture: A Political-Psychological Excursus", pp. 182-210. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are discussed on p. 191-200. Inglis is critical to The Lord of the Rings, especially its style, and finds The Hobbit far more satisfying.
Lobdell, Jared: England and Always: Tolkien's World of the Rings. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, © 1981. xiv, 94 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8028-1898-6 (pbk)
For a revised edition see: The World of the Rings: Language, Religion, and Adventure in Tolkien.
Ridden, Geoffrey: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit: Notes. Harlow, Essex: Longman; Beirut: York Press, 1981. 70 pp. 21 × 14 cm (York notes, 121)
ISBN 0-582-78230-9 (pbk): 90 p.
Title on cover: Notes on The Hobbit: J.R.R. Tolkien.
Title on spine: York Notes on The Hobbit.
Robinson, Nigel & Wilson, Linda: The Tolkien Quiz Book. London: Star, 1981. 115 pp. 18 × 11 cm (A Star book)
ISBN 0-352-30951-2 (pbk): £1.25
Strachey, Barbara: Journeys of Frodo: An Atlas of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1981. [109] pp., mainly maps in colour. 19 × 24.5 cm.
ISBN 0-04-912011-5 (pbk)
Toijer-Nilsson, Ying: Fantasins underland: myt och idé i den fantastiska
berättelsen. Stockholm: EFS-förlaget, 1981. 238 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 91-7080-482-6 (pbk)
See chapter 7: "De nya mytiska världarna: J.R.R. Tolkien och Inklingarna", pp. 63-77.
Title of book in English translation: The Wonderland of Fantasy: Myth and Idea in the Fantastic Tale.
Title of chapter 7 in English translation: "The New Mythic Worlds: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Inklings".
Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives. Edited by Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo. Lexington, Ky.: The University Press of Kentucky, 1981. [7], 175 pp. 22 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-8131-1408-X
Was ist heute noch links? Herausgegeben von Eberhard Knödler-Bunte unter Mitarbeit von Gerhard Bott und Alexander Ris. Berlin: Ästhetik-und-Kommunikation-Vlg, 1981. 240 pp., ill. 21 cm. (Ästhetik und Kommunikation: Akut, 6)
ISBN 3-88245-206-4: DEM 24.00.
See contribution by Rolf Schwendter: "Notate zu Tolkien und der Linken", pp. 137-144.
Titles: What is Still Left Today? and "Notes on Tolkien and the Left".
West, Richard C.: Tolkien Criticism: An Annotated Checklist. Rev. ed. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, © 1981. xiv, [1], 177 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm. (The Serif Series: Bibliographies and Checklists, no. 39)
ISBN 0-87228-256-0 (hbk)
For the original edition see: Tolkien Criticism [1970 ed.].
Antiik- ja väliskirjanduse probleeme: müüt ja reaalsus = Problemy antičnoj i zarubežnoj literatury: mif i real'nost'. [Redaktsioonikolleegium: H. Peep...] Tartu, 1982. 156 pp. (Töid romaani-germaani filoloogia alalt = Trudy po romano-germanskoj filologii) (Kirjandusteadus = Literaturovedenie) (Tartu riikliku ülikooli toimetised = Učenye zapiski Tartuskogo gosudarstvennego universiteta = Acta et commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis, ISSN 0494-7304, 626)
(pbk): 1 rub. 40 kop.
See the contribution by Lauri Linask: "Myth and Reality in the Literary Works of J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 14-25. (On "On Fairy-Stories".)
Title in English: Problems of Ancient and Foreign Literature: Myth and Reality.
Bradfield, Julian C.: A Dictionary of Quenya and of Proto-Eldarin, with an Index. Compiled by J.C. Bradfield from the Published Works of the Late J.R.R. Tolkien. [Cambridge]: [Christ's College]: [Julian Bradfield], 1982. [40] leaves.
For the second edition see A Dictionary of Quenya [1983 ed.]
Les Cahiers de l'imaginaire. No. 6, Dossier J. R. R. Tolkien. [Sous la direction de] D. Couegnas. Laillé: Société des Cahiers de l'Imaginaire, 1982. 68 pp.
Erzählforschung: Ein Symposion. Herausgegeben von Eberhard Lämmert. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1982. xvi, 729 pp. (Germanistische Symposien - Berichtsbände, 4)
ISBN 3-476-00472-4
See contribution by Rainer Wimmer: "Aus Namen Mythen machen: zu Tolkiens fiktionaler Welten", pp. 552-567.
Title in English: "Making Myths out of Names: On Tolkien's Fictional World".
Gray, Douglas: A Marriage of Mercury and Philology: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered before the University of Oxford on 21 May 1981. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982. 27 pp.
ISBN 0-19-951535-2 (pbk.)
DG is the first holder of the chair in English language and literature named after Tolkien. The lecture contains, accordingly, several references to Tolkien: on Tolkien's valedictory lecture in 1959 (p. 3 - about having something to say), on his lectures on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in 1920 (p. 19), on his chairs from 1925 to 1959 (pp. 20-23 - remembrances and anecdotes from this time and also about his scholary writings).
Great Fantasy Stories: Model Interpretations: James Thurber, Edward Lear, J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Washington Irving, Maurice Sendak, English Folktales. Edited by Reinbert Tabbert. 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Klett, 1982. 155 pp.
ISBN 3-12-577230-3
A teacher's guide to the anthology Great Fantasy Stories.
Das grosse Buch der Fantasy. Herausgegeben von Michael Gördern. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei-Lübbe, 1982. 523 pp., ill. (Bastei-Lübbe-Paperback, 28 102)
ISBN 3-404-28102-0 (pbk)
Jönsson, Åke: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980: Verk av och om J.R.R. Tolkien = A Tolkien Bibliography 1911-1980: Writings by and about J.R.R. Tolkien. Borås, 1983. xvi, 146, [1] pp. (Specialarbete. Högskolan i Borås. Institutionen bibliotekshögskolan, ISSN 0347-1128, 1982:76)
With parallel text in Swedish and English.
Also distributed as: Malmö: [Å. Jönsson], 1983. xvi, 146, [2] pp.
The variance in the pagination is caused by the second version containing a page with corrections pasted into the book.
For later editions see: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980 [1984 ed.] and En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980 [1986 ed.].
Lewis, C.S.: Of This and Other Worlds. Edited by Walter Hooper. London: Collins, 1982. 192 pp. 21 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-00-215608-3 (hbk): £7.95
American edition: On Stories and Other Essays. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, 1982.
British paperback edition: London: Collins: Fount, 1984. 192 pp., 18 cm.
ISBN 0-00-626545-6 (pbk)
New British paperback edition: London: Fount, 2000. 166 pp., 20 cm.
ISBN 0-00-628142-7 (pbk)
See the contributions: "The Hobbit", pp. 110-111 (reprint of "A World for Children", Times Literary Supplement, October 2, 1937, p. 714), and "Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", pp. 112-121 (concatenation of "The Gods Return to Earth" (originally review of The Fellowship of the Ring, Time and tide, vol. 35, 1954, pp. 1082-1083) and "The Dethronement of Power" (originally review of The Two Towers and The Return of the King, Time and tide, vol. 36, 1955, pp. 1373-1374)).
Lewis, W.H.: Brothers and Friends: The Diaries of Major Warren Hamilton Lewis Edited by Clyde S. Kilby and Marjorie Lamp Mead. 1. ed. San Francisco, Calif.: Harper & Row, 1982. xxiv, [4], 308 pp., [16] leaves of plates: ill.
ISBN 0-06-064575-X (hbk)
Subtitle on cover: An Intimate Portrait of C.S. Lewis.
Dates below refer to diary entries, except in one or two cases when W.H. Lewis (WHL) recorded events several days afterwards. If that is the case more than one date appear in an entry.
On Tolkien: p. 96 (dinner at Pembroke College, 25th January 1933);
p. 105-106 (dinner at Exeter College as the guest of Tolkien and Hugo Dyson, 26th July 1933);
p. 125 ("Tolkien came to tea", 23rd November 1933);
p. 126 (about "Errantry", 30th November 1933);
p. 127 ("Confound Tolkien! I seem to see less and less of J. every day.", 4th October 1933);
p. 144 (about plans to see Wagner's Der Walküre together with Tolkien, 24th March 1934);
p. 145 (T, C.S. Lewis and WHL are reading the text of Der Walküre in English and German, 26th March 1934);
p. 172-173 (Tolkien broke a ligament in his leg while playing squash, 1st February 1936);
p. 182 (about the death of Charles Williams - "Inklings can never be the same again", 15th May 1945);
p. 184-185 (about a conversation with Tolkien on Tolkien's domestic life, 11 December 1945 and on p. 185 an account of a three-day vacation in Fairford);
p. 189 (meeting at the Bird and Baby, 2nd August 1946);
p. 194 (Tolkien read "a magnificent myth which is to knit up and concludes his Papers of the Notions Club." [possibly refers to "Imram"], 22nd August 1946);
p. 195 (meeting of the Inklings, 19th September 1946);
p. 196-197 (Inklings - WHL praises The Lord of the Rings, 24th October 1946);
p. 198 (Inklings - Christopher Tolkien reads The Lord of the Rings even with Tolkien present, 6th February 1947);
p. 200 (Inklings - Hugo Dyson excercises a veto against reading The ord of the Rings, 24th April 1947);
p. 203 (WHL recieves a letter from Tolkien, 2th July 1947);
p. 204 (WHL recieves installments of The Lord of the Rings while being treated for his alcoholism in Drogheda, 4th July 1947);
p. 205 (WHL recieves a theological letter from Tolkien, 9th July 1947);
p. 205 (WHL answers Tolkien's letter, 11th July 1947);
p. 206 (WHL compares The Lord of the Rings to William Morris's Glittering Plain, 18th July 1947);
p. 207-208 (a vacation in Malvern together with CSL and Tolkien; Tolkien accompanies them on walks from 5th to 8th August 1947, but finds it difficult to keep up with their pace because of his biological and entomological interests);
p. 210 (Inklings - Tolkien talks about the early history of Sweden, 4th October 1947);
p. 211 (Inklings, 9th October 1947);
p. 212 (Inklings - Tolkien reads LR, "but I think we all missed Christopher's reading", 23rd October 1947);
p. 214 (Bird and Baby, 11th November 1947);
p. 214-215 (Inklings - "Tollers read a rich melancholy poem on autumn, which J. aptly described as 'Matthew Arnold strayed into the world of Hobbit'", 13th November 1947);
p. 215 (Bird and Baby, 18th November 1947);
p. 216 (Inklings, 27th November 1947);
p. 217 (Inklings, 1st January 1948);
p. 218 (Inklings, 26th February 1948);
p. 218-219 (Inklings party, with a ham from Warfield M. Firor as one of its attractions (see back cover to Humphrey Carpenter's The Inklings), 11th March 1948);
p. 219 (Bird and Baby, 16th March 1948);
p. 219 (Inklings, 18th March 1948);
p. 220; p. 231 (WHL has finished The Lord of the Rings in MS and praises it, 12th November 1949);
p. 232 (about Tolkien's false teeth, 4th April 1950);
p. 235 (Bird and Baby - "the question was propounded whether Tollers' voice production or Hugo's hand writing gave more trouble to their friends, J 'Well, there's this to be said for Hugo's writing, there's less of it.'", 19th September 1950);
p. 242; p. 243 (Farewell dinner to CSL by the English Faculty, 9th December 1954);
p. 261 (The Lord of the Rings has sold one million copies in the U.S.A. and WHL feels a "swift and unworthy pang of envy that his success should have so far exceeded anything that ever came J's way"; Clyde S. Kilby helps Tolkien with S, 26th June 1966);
p. 265-266 (Kilby wants to photograph Warninghall "being the scene of Tolkien's Farmer Giles", 19th August 1966);
p. 268 (on Charles Moorman's The Precincts of Felicity being "on the whole a silly book", 5th January 1967);
p. 272 (on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 10th August 1967);
p. 300 (on the death announcement of Mrs. Tolkien, 30th November 1971).
Lodigiani, Emilia: Invito alla lettura di J.R.R. Tolkien. Milano: Mursia, © 1982. 196, [1] s. (Invito alla lettura. Sezione straniera, 39)
(pbk): L 4500
Later edition, possibly revised: 2. ed. Milano: Mursia, 1990. 204 pp. 17 cm. (Invito alla lettura. Sezione straniera, 39)
ISBN 88-425-0275-8
Neoplatonism and Christian Thought. Edited by J. O'Meara. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press for International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, 1982. 297 pp. (Studies in Neoplatonism, Ancient and Modern)
ISBN 0-87395-492-0
See contribution by M.C. Rose: "The Christian Platonism of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams", pp. 203-212.
Ohlmarks, Åke: Tolkien och den svarta magin. Stockholm: Sjöstrand, 1982. 142 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 91-7574-053-2 (hbk)
Title in English translation: Tolkien and the Black Magic.
Pesch, Helmut W.: Fantasy: Theorie und Geschichte einer literarischen Gattung. Forchheim: [H.W. Pesch], 1982. xi, 292 pp.
(pbk): DEM 15.00.
Diss. Köln: Univ., 1981.
S. 215-278: "Auswahlbibliographie zur Fantasy-Literatur."
S. 279-292: "Bibliographie der behandelten Arbeiten."
Pesch treats Tolkien and MacDonald extensively, but also discusses works by H. Rider Haggard, William Morris, Lord Dunsany, Edgar Rice Burroughs, J.B. Cabell, David Lindsay, E.R. Eddison, R.E. Howard, T.H. White, Mervyn Peake, Fletcher Pratt, Jack Vance, Poul Anderson and Peter S. Beagle.
For a later edition see Fantasy: Theorie und Geschichte.
The Romantic Presence. Armand E. Singer, editor-in-chief. John Luchok, University Editor; The Board of Editors: Porter P. Conerly... Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, 1982. iv, 161 pp. (Philological Papers, vol. 28)
"The present issue of the West Virginia University Philological Papers is devoted exclusively to the publication of a selection from papers read at West Virginia University's Fifth annual Colloquium on Modern Literature: The Romantic Presence, September 11-13, 1980."
See the contribution by Michael Kent Havens: "Tolkien's Green Earth: Coleridge's Natura Naturans Realized", pp. 127-131.
Savater, Fernando: Childhood Regained: The Art of the Storyteller.
Translated by Francis M. López-Morillas. New York: Columbia Unversity Press, 1982. xv, 208 pp. (European Perspectives)
ISBN 0-231-05320-7 (hbk)
ISBN 0-231-05321-5 (pbk. 23 × 15 cm.)
Title of the Spanish original: La infancia recuperada.
Tolkien is treated in chapter 10: "Among the Fairies", pp. 123-137. There are notes to the chapter on p. 203.
Shippey, T.A.: The Road to Middle-Earth. London: Allen & Unwin, 1982. xii, 252 pp. 22.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-04-809018-2
For a revised edition see: The Road to Middle-earth [1992 ed.].
Bauer, Hanspeter: Die Verfahren der Textbildung in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit. Bern: Lang, 1983. [6], vii, 260 pp. 21 × 15 cm. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 14, Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, 122)
ISBN 3-261-03350-9 (pbk): SFR 54.80.
Title in English: Methods of Text-composition in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.
Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery. Department of Local History: J.R.R. Tolkien & Sarehole Mill. [Text by Stuart Davies]. [Birmingham]: The Publications Unit, Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery for the Department of Local History, [1983]. [6] pp. (folder), ill. 21 × 10 cm.
About Tolkien's childhood in Sarehole (there is nowadays a museum in Sarehole Mill in which a part of the exhibits deals with Tolkien, hence the publishing of this folder).
Bradfield, Julian C.:A Dictionary of Quenya: And Proto-Eldarin and Ante-Quenya: With an Index. Compiled by J.C. Bradfield from the works of the late J.R.R. Tolkien. 2. ed. [Cambridge]: [J.C. Bradfield], [1983]. [48] pp. 28 cm.
For the first edition see A Dictionary of Quenya [1982 ed.]
Children's Novels and the Movies. Edited by Douglas Street. New York: Ungar, © 1983. 304 pp., ill.
ISBN 0-8044-2840-9 (hbk)
ISBN 0-8044-6883-4 (pbk)
See contribution by Gene B. Hardy: "More than a magic ring", pp. 131-140.
On Rankin-Bass's film based on The Hobbit. Hardy finds that it has not succeeded in depicting the character developement of Bilbo.
Dictionary of Literary Biography. Detroit, Mich.: Gale.
Vol. 15: British Novelists, 1930-1959. Edited by Bernard Olney. 1983. 2 vol. (713 pp.), ill.
ISBN 0-8103-1637-4
See contribution by Augustus M. Kolich: "J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 520-530.
Edwards, Malcolm: Realms of Fantasy. Malcolm Edwards & Robert Holdstock. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1983. 120 pp., ill. (mainly in colour). 28 × 25 cm.
ISBN 0-385-18888-9: $17.95.
See "Introduction", pp. 4-9; Chapter One: "Middle Earth" (illustrated by Paul Monteagle), pp. 11-22; Chapter Six: "Atlantis" (illustrated by Chris Foss), pp. 70-75 (on Númenor, pp. 74-75); Chapter Eight: "Earthsea" (illustrated by Stephen Bradbury; monochrome by Mark Harrison), pp. 87-97 (several comparisons to Tolkien).
Flieger, Verlyn: Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, © 1983. xx, [i], 167 pp. 21 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-8028-1955-9 (pbk): $6.95.
For a revised edition see: Splintered Light [2002 ed.]
J.R.R. Tolkien: This Far Land. Edited by Robert Giddings. London: Vision Press, 1983; Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble, 1984. 206 pp., 22.5 × 14.5 cm. (Critical Studies Series)
ISBN 0-85478-355-0 (UK): £13.95
ISBN 0-389-20374-2 (US)
Kranz, Gisbert: Tolkien: Leben - Werk - Wirkung: Ausstellung der Inklings-Gesellschaft für Literatur und Ästhetik e.V. Aachen: Öffentliche Bibliothek der Stadt Aachen, 1983. 14 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
De Mijnen van Moria: Essays over J.R.R. Tolkien. Met illustraties van Marvano en Chris Vandendriessche. Antwerpen: EXA, © 1983. 103 pp., ill. 21 × 13.5 cm. (HEXA, ISSN 0771-0909, 14)
ISBN 90-7053-053-1 (pbk)
Ohlmarks, Åke: Stora frågesportboken: Rolig läsning för blivande allvetare. Stockholm: Nyblom, 1983. 220 pp. 22 × 15 cm.
ISBN 91-85040-77-0 (hbk)
See the section "Tolkiens sagovärld", pp. 25-36 (answers, pp. 37-57; "Tolkien's fairyworld"). The section contains 400 questions and the book a total of 2328.
Title in English translation: The Big Quiz Book: Funny Reading for the Prospective Know-it-all.
Palusci, Oriana: John R.R. Tolkien. Firenze: La Nuova Italia, [1983]. 167 pp. 17 cm. (Il Castoro, 191)
Bibliography: pp. 151-163.
Not seen.
Santoyo, Julio-César: John R.R. Tolkien. Julio-César Santoyo, José Miguel Santamaria. 1 ed. Barcelona: Barcanova, © 1983. 142 pp., ill. 18.5 × 12.5 cm. (El autor y su obra, 24)
ISBN 84-7533-084-3 (pbk)
Bibliography: pp. 139-142.
Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation (2: Stockholm: 1982): Papers from the Second Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation, Stockholm May 15-16, 1982. Editor: Sven Jacobson. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1983. 176 pp., diagr., tables. 24 × 16.5 cm. (Stockholm Studies in English, ISSN 0346-6272, 57)
ISBN 91-22-00603-6 (pbk): SEK 80.00.
See the contribution by Nils-Lennart Johannesson: "On the Use of Syntactic Variation in The Lord of the Rings", pp. 135-151.
Schuchart, Max: Tolkien: In de ban van zijn werk. Utrecht: Spectrum, © 1983. 15, [1] pp., ill. 18 × 10.5 cm. (Prisma pocket)
Tolkien's visit to the Netherlands is treated on pp. 1-4; pp. 4-6 deals with Tolkien's popularity, pp. 6-7 with Tolkien and translators and finally pp. 7-16 with Tolkien's life and work in general.
The title of the Dutch translation of The Lord of the rings is In de ban van de Ring.
Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature. Edited by Frank N. Magill. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Salem Press, © 1983. 5 vols.
ISBN 0-89356-450-8: $250.00.
Tolkien: Herdenkingsnummer van Lembas, orgaan van het Tolkiengenootschap Unquendor. Den Haag: Sirius et Siderius, 1983. 102, [4] pp. 20 × 12.5 cm.
ISBN 90-644-1053-4 (pbk)
WHIM Conference (1982 : Tempe, Ariz.): The Language of Humor and the Humor of Language: Proceedings of the 1982 Western Humor and Irony Membership Conference. Ed. by Don L.F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen. Tempe, Ariz.: Western Humor and Irony Membership Conference, 1983. (Western Humor and Irony Membership Serial Yearbook, ISSN 0737-0342, 1 (1983))
See contribution by Thomas S. Donahue: "Tolkien's Elvish".
Not seen.
Wilson, Anne: Magical Thought in Creative Writing: The Distinctive Roles of Fantasy and Imagination in Fiction. South Woodchester, Stroud, Glos.: Thimble Press, 1983. 156 pp. 20 × 12.5 cm.
ISBN 0-903355-09-4 (hbk): £10.95
See 4: "The Lord of the Rings", pp. 70-81, and 6:II: "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Lord of the Rings", pp. 107-113.
La Destra radicale. Una ricerca di F. Ferraresi... A cura di Franco Ferraresi. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1984. 288 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 88-07-11002-4: L. 22 000.00.
According to Roger Griffin: "Revolts Against the Modern World: The Blend of Literary and Historical Fantasy in the Italian New Right" (Literature and history, vol. 11 (1985), pp. 101-123) this book deals with various currents of the extreme right in Italy, and Tolkien's place in these is treated on pp. 119-135 and 192-193. Griffin does not mention the titles or authors of these passages.
Not seen.
Dolitsky, Marlene: Under the Tumtum Tree: From Nonsense to Sense: A Study in Nonautomatic Comprehension. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, Penn.: Benjamins, 1984. [vii], 119 pp. (Pragmatics & beyond, ISSN 0166-6258, 5:1)
ISBN 0-915027-39-9 (U.S.A.)
ISBN 90-272-2534-6 (Europa)
On nonsense literature and the interpretations a number of adults and children had when reading the texts ("Namárie" and Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky").
See chapter 5: "The unknown language", pp. 73-91. This chapter contains examples of tries to "translate" the text by simply equating words that are homonymous. It also relates for what children have read into "Namárie" and finally readers' responses to "Namárie" are compared to those of "Jabberwocky".
Fantasists on Fantasy: A Collection of Critical Reflections by Eighteen Masters of the Art. Edited by Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski. New York, N.Y.: Avon, 1984. [13], 287 pp. 17.5 cm. (Discus)
ISBN 0-380-86553-X (pbk): $3.95.
The book contains two works by Tolkien: "Fantasy" and "To W.H. Auden". Tolkien is treated in the "Introduction" (pp. 1-11) where the various contributions are compared and commented upon; "John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)" (pp. 75-77), a short biography with comments to the two contributions by Tolkien; "Peter S. Beagle (1939-)" (pp. 125-128) in which his contribution on Tolkien is commented upon on p. 127-128; Peter S. Beagle: "Tolkien's magic Ring" (pp. 128-136 - a reprint from Holiday, vol. 39, pp. 128, 130, 133-134); Ursula K. LeGuin: "Dreams must explain themselves" (pp. 184-194 - a reprint from The Language of the Night); LeGuin's "From Elfland to Poughkeepsie" (pp. 195-209 - also reprinted from The Language of the Night).
- Giaccherini, Enrico: Il Cerchio magico: il romance nella tradizione letteraria inglese. Roma: Ed. di storia et letteratura, 1984. 182 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 2-284-01051-2: 39.64
According to the record in the Bibliothèque nationale de France database, this books treats symbolism in Tolkien's works and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight apart from being a general study of themes and motifs in the medieval English romance.
Hetmann, Fredrik: Die Freuden der Fantasy: Von Tolkien bis Ende. Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Wien: Ullstein, September 1984. 142 pp. 18 × 12 cm.
ISBN 3-548-36506-X (pbk): DEM 7.80
See chapter 1: "Die Klassiker der Fantasy-Literatur", pp. 27-74, the section "J.R.R. Tolkien und seine Mittelerde", pp. 34-42.
J.R.R. Tolkien, der Mythenschöpfer. Herausgegeben von Helmut W. Pesch. Meitingen: Corian-Vlg Wimmer, © 1984. 192 pp. 21 times 14,5 cm. (Edition Futurum, 5)
ISBN 3-89048-205-8 (pbk)
Jönsson, Åke: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980: Verk av och om J.R.R. Tolkien = A Tolkien Bibliography 1911-1980: Writings by and about J.R.R. Tolkien. Örebro: [Å. Jönsson], 1984. xvi, 146, [1] pp.
Med svensk och engelsk parallelltext.
In this edition a number of errors have been corrected, mainly erroneous cross references. The page of corrections pasted into the book (cf. 1982 ed.) has in this edition been edited into the text of p. 147.
For the original edition see: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980 [1982 ed.]. For a further revised edition see: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980 [1986 ed.].
Koolen, Ben: Erebor en Dol Goldur, twee queesten, een krijgsplan, [of: hoe Gandalf, Thorin en Bilbo om de tuin leidt, de Witte Raad naar zijn hand zet en zijn eigen plan doorzet.] [S.l.]: [B. Koolen], 1984. 13, [1] pp. 21 × 15 cm. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 2])
Reprinted with minor corrections in Lembas, nr 17, 1985, pp. 3-8.
Koolen, Ben: Vergelijkbaar citeren. 1984. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 1])
Not seen. I do not know to what extent this edition differs from the revised edition, but the comparisons in that to editions from 1986 of De Hobbit and In de ban van de Ring cannot have been included in the present edition.
Title in English: Quoting Comparably.
Koolen, Ben: Het Zuyderland en zijn bewoners. Rijswijk: [B. Koolen], 1984. 26 pp. 21 × 15 cm. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 3])
Reprinted in Lembas-extra, 1985, pp. 59-72. Here the indexes are lacking, however.
Title in English: Sutherland and its Inhabitants.
Kranz, Gisbert: Tolkien: Leben-Werk-Wirkung: Ausstellung. Duisburg: Universität Duisburg, 1984. 9 pp.
Kranz, Gisbert: Tolkien: Leben, Werk, Wirkung: Ausstellungskatalog. Bochum: Stadtücherei Bochum, 1984-1985. 13 pp.
LACUS Forum (10: Quebec: 1983): The Tenth LACUS Forum, 1983. Edited by Alan Manning, Pierre Martin, Kim McCalla. 1. ed. Columbia, S.C.: Hornbeam Press, © 1984. ix, 530 pp.
ISBN 0-917496-24-8
See the contribution by Helmut W. Pesch: "The Language of Imagination: A Linguistic Appraisal of Literary Fantasies", pp. 47-56.
Phonological, morphological, pragmatic and graphemic qualities of Tolkien's invented languages are discussed on pp. 51-55. This section forms part of "J.R.R. Tolkiens linguistische Ästhetik" (J.R.R. Tolkien, der Mythenschöpfer) in a revised version.
Little, Edmund: The Fantasts: Studies in J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Mervyn Peake, Nikolay Gogol and Kenneth Grahame. Amersham: Avebury, 1984. viii, 136 pp. 21.5 × 13.5 cm
ISBN 0-86127-212-9 (pbk): £12.00.
Tolkien is treated in chapter 1: "The making of other worlds", s. 1-12; chapter 2: "J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973): Middle-earth", pp. 13-38 (there are comparisons with Carroll and Grahame); chapter 7: "The Otherness of Other Worlds", pp. 105-123; chapter 8: 'Epilogue', pp. 124-128.
Lundberg, Erik: Drömmar i det förflutna: Berättelser - essäer - kåserier. Lund: Settern, 1984. 163, [1] pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 91-7586-163-1 (hbk)
See the essay "Den vita stjärnan bortom Ephel Duath", pp. 155-[164] (reprint of "Den vita stjärnan över Ephel Duath: en studie över J.R.R. Tolkiens Sagan om Ringen", Studiekamraten, 62 (1980), nr 8, pp. 9-10)
Title of book in English translation: Dreams in the Past: Tales - Essays - Causeries.
Title of essay in English translation: "The White Star above Ephel Duath". (Title of earlier version: "The White Star beyond Ephel Duath: A Study of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings".)
Popular Fiction and Social Change. Edited by Christopher Pawling. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 246 pp.
ISBN 0-312-63034-4 (hbk): $25.00.
See the contribution by D. Glover: "Utopia and Fantasy in the late 1960s: Burroughs, Moorcock, Tolkien", pp. 185-211.
Purtill, Richard L.: J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion. 1st ed. San Francisco, Calif.: Harper & Row, 1984. xi, 154 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm
ISBN 0-06-066712-5 (hbk): $12.95.
New edition: Foreword by Joseph Pearce. San Francisco, Calif.: Ignatius Press, [March] 2003. xvi, 207 pp. 20 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-89870-986-7 (pbk): $12.95.
Joseph Pearce's foreword appears on pp. ix-xii.
Ridden, Geoffrey: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings: Notes. Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex: Longman, 1984. 73 pp. 21 × 14 cm (York Notes, 230)
ISBN 0-582-79232-0 (pbk): 99 p.
Title on cover: Notes on The Lord of the Rings.
Title on spine: York Notes on The Lord of the Rings.
Rossi, Lee D.: The Politics of Fantasy: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, © 1984. 143 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm (Studies in Speculative Fiction, no. 10)
ISBN 0-8357-1597-3 (hbk.): $24.95.
Probably a revised version of LDR's doctoral dissertation, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1972, 264 pp.
Santoski, T.J.R.: Catalogue of an Exhibit of the Manuscripts of JRRT. [Prepared by T.J.R. Santoski. Held at] Marquette University, Memorial Library, Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 12-23, 1983. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Marquette University Department of Special Collections and University Archives, [1984]. [4], v, 31 pp., ill. 21.5 × 13.5 cm.
The exhibition took place in connection with the conference "The Road Goes Ever On", September 15-17, 1983. The catalogue describes the 70 exhibits, of which 10 were connected with The Hobbit, 7 with Farmer Giles of Ham, 6 with Mr. Bliss and 47 with The Lord of the Rings.
Swinfen, Ann: In Defence of Fantasy: A Study of the Genre in English and American Literature since 1945. London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984. x, 253 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-7100-9252-2 (pbk): £6.95.
See especially chapter 4: "Secondary worlds", pp. 75-99 in which The Lord of the Rings is compared to C.S. Lewis's Narnia books, Ursula K.LeGuin's Earthsea trilogy and Lloyd Alexander's Prydain cycle.
Broberg, Jan: I fantasins världar. Göteborg: Zindermans, 1985. 159, [1] pp., ill. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 91-528-0445-3 (hbk)
See [chapter 11]: "Tillsammans med Tolkien", pp. 93-99, which is a heavily revised version of "'Sagan om ringen' ingen allegori: ff-författaren vill ge avkoppling" ("'The Lord of the Rings' is no Allegory: The Author of F[antasy] F[iction] Wants to Give Relaxation"), Kvällsposten (Malmö), 27 July 1961.
Title of book in English: In the Worlds of Fantasy.
Title of interview in English: "Together with Tolkien".
Crawford, Edward: Some Light on Middle-earth: The Use of Scientific Techniques of Social Analysis to Reveal the Nature of the World of the Free Peoples. Pinner: The Tolkien Society, 1985. xiii, 46 pp. 20.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-905520-02-5 (pbk): £2.50.
The chapter "A political economy of the Shire" + Appendix 1 & 2 is
a reprint in slightly revised form of "A Marxist Look at Middle Earth; or, The Political Economy of the Shire" (Mallorn, no. 9 ([1975]), p. 30) and "A Note on the Population and Settlement of Bree" (Mallorn, no. 9 ([1975]), p. 30). Appendix 3: "Speeds" is a reprint of "Speeds" (Amon Hen, no. 25 (1977), pp. 6-8)
Death and the Serpent: Immortality in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Edited by Carl B. Yoke and Donald M. Hassler. 1. pr. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985. viii, [i], 235, [1] pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 13)
ISBN 0-313-23279-2: $35.00.
See contribution by Robert Crossley: "A long day's dying", pp. 57-70.
Edelson, Maria: Allegory in English Fiction of the Twentieth Century. Łódź: Uniwersytet Łódźki, 1985. 209, [2] pp. 24 × 17 cm. (Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria, ISSN 0208-6085, 15)
(pbk): ZŁ. 150.00.
Pp. [199]-206: Bibliography.
See Chapter V: "Allegory, Allegoresis and the Fairy Story: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", pp. 109-134. This chapter is a revised, enlarged and rearranged version of "Mechanisms of Allegorical Evocation in J.R.R. Tolkien's Trilogy The Lord of the Rings" (Studia Filologiczne, R. 8 (1979), pp. 3-25).
The other authors treated in the book are: C.S. Lewis (The Pilgrim's Regress), George Orwell (Animal Farm), E.M. Forster (The Other Side of the Hedge), William Sansom (The Long Sheet), T.F. Powys (Mr Weston's Good Wine), Rex Warner (The Aerodrome), and William Golding (Pincher Martin).
Elgin, Don D.: The Comedy of the Fantastic: Ecological Perspectives on the Fantasy Novels. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985. [11], 204 pp. 22 cm. (Contributions in the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 15)
ISBN 0-313-23283-0 (hbk): $29.95.
See especially 2: "J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 31-59. There are comparisons between Tolkien and other authors throughout the book. (Elgin also treats C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, Frank Herbert, and Ursula K. LeGuin)
Harvey, David: The Song of Middle-earth: J.R.R. Tolkien's Themes, Symbols and Myths. London: Allen & Unwin, 1985. xiv, [1], 143 pp. 22.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-04-809023-9: £10.95.
International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film (1: 1980: Boca Raton, Fla.): The Scope of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the First International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film. Edited by Robert A. Collins
and Howard D. Pearce. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985. 2 vols.
ISBN 0-313-22547-8
Vol. 1, Theory, Technique, Major Authors. xii, 295 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 10)
ISBN 0-313-23447-7
See the contribution by D.A. Burger: "Tolkien's Elvish Craft and Frodo's Mithril Coat", pp. 255-262.
Vol. 2, Culture, Biography, Themes, Children's Literature. xii, 284 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 11)
ISBN 0-313-23448-5
See the contribution by David Stevens: "Trolls and Dragons Versus Pocket Handkerchiefs and 'Polite Nothings': Elements of the Fantastic and the Prosaic in The Hobbit", pp. 249-255.
Kongreß der Phantasie (1: Passau: 1984). Passau, 1985. ii, 172 pp. (Fantasia, 23)
Koolen, Ben: Straft het kwaad zichzelf? Saurons jacht op de Ring. 1985. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 5])
Repr. as: "Saurons jacht op de Ring: straft het kwaad zichzelf?" (Lembas-extra, ISSN 0167-823X, 1986, pp. 19-27).
Not seen.
Title in English: Does Evil Punish Itself?: Sauron's Hunt for the Ring.
Kragh, Bodil: "Heorot Revisited": Håbløshed og heltemod: Brugen av Beowulf - som literatur og i literatur - i det tyvende Århundrede, med hovedvægt på J.R.R. Tolkiens forfatterskab. Odense: Udgivelseudvalget under Odense Universitets Konsistorium, 1985. [1] p., pp. [1]-122, 122a, [123]-139. (Udgivelseudvalgets samling af studenterafhandlinger, 26)
ISBN 87-766-18-3 (pbk): DKR 35.00.
Originally: Speciale Odense : Odense universitet. Engelsk institut, 1983.
In the publ. an erroneous ISBN is given: 87-766-18-3.
Pp. 123-135: Bibliography.
Pp. [136]-139: Appendiks.
About Tolkien: pp. 21-84. Besides Tolkien John Fowles, John Gardner and William Golding are treated.
Title in English: "Heorot revisited": Hopelessness and Heroism: The Use of Beowulf - As Literature and in Literature - In the Twentieth Century, Stressing the Authorship of Tolkien.
Mythopoeic Conference (16: 1985: Wheaton, Ill.): Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Convention of the Mythopoeic Society, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 26-29 July 1985. Wheaton, Ill.: The Convention, © 1985. [3] leaves, 330 pp.
Pienciak, Anne: J.R.R. Tolkien's Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series, © 1985. 138 pp. (Barron's book notes)
ISBN 0-8120-3523-2
Not seen.
Punter, David: The Hidden Script: Writing and the Unconscious. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. ix, 193 pp. 22 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-7100-9951-7: £14.95.
See chapter 9: "Some cultural materials", pp. 154-174, the section "J.R.R. Tolkien and the legendary", pp. 157-161.
Stableford, Brian: Scientific Romance in Britain 1890-1950. New York: St. Martin's Press, © 1985. 360 pp.
ISBN 0-312-70305-8
British edition: London: Fourth Estate, 1985. [384] pp.
ISBN 0-947795-85-5
See Chapter 8: "After the holocaust" contains a passage about C.S. Lewis (pp. 288-299) where his and Tolkien's mutual interest in myths is treated on pp. 289-291.
Touchstones: Reflections on the Best in Children's Literature. [Edited by Perry Nodelman]. West Lafayette, Ind.: ChLA Publishers for Children's Literature Association, © 1985-1989. 3 vols.
Vol. 1. © 1985. vi, 309 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
An erroneous ISBN is given in the publication: 0-318-1834-3.
See the contribution by C.W. Sullivan III: "J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit: The Magic of Words", pp. 253-261.
The book contains 28 contributions, each devoted to one author. The following fantasy authors are treated: Lloyd Alexander (Prydain), Lewis Carroll (Alice), Kenneth Grahame (The Wind in the Willows), Rudyard Kipling (Mowgli), Madeleine l'Engle (A Wrinkle in Time),
C.S. Lewis (Narnia), George MacDonald (Princess), A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh), Edith Nesbit (The Story of Treasure Seekers), Mary Norton (The Borrowers) och T.H. White (The Sword in the Stone).
The Transcendent Adventure: Studies of Religion in Science Fiction/Fantasy. Edited by Robert Reilly. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985. x, 266 pp. 22 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 12)
ISBN 0-313-23062-5
Žanrovoje svojeobrazije literatury Anglii i Sša XX veka. Celjabinsk: Mežvuz, 1985.
See the contribution by S. Košelev: "Žanrovaja priroda Pvelitelja kolec Dž.R.R. Tolkijena", pp. 39-58.
Title in English: "The Genre Nature of The Lord of the Rings".
Approaches to Teaching Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Edited by Miriam Youngerman Miller and Jane Chance. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1986. xii, 256 pp. (Approaches to teaching masterpieces of world literature, 9)
ISBN 0-87352-491-8 (hbk)
ISBN 0-87352-492-6 (pbk. 22.5 × 15 cm.)
The size figure applies to the paperback edition
Clausen, Christopher: The Moral Imagination: Essays on Literature and Ethics. 1. ed. Iowa City, Iowa: Univ. of Iowa Press, 1986. xii, 195 pp.
ISBN 0-87745-151-6 (hbk): $18.95.
See 3: "Home and Away", pp. 39-50 (p. 43 quote from "On Fairy-Stories" about escape, pp. 48-49 comparisons between H and Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows, and pp. 49-50 about examples in LR of the chapter's theme) and 5: "J.R.R. Tolkien: The Monsters and the Critics", pp. 86-109 (three themes: the polarized views on LR among
critics, the moral views of LR and finally comparisons between LR and George Orwell's 1984).
Congreso Internacional sobre la Juglaresca (1: 1986: Patronato "Arcipreste de Hita"): La juglaresca: Actas del I Congreso Internacional sobre Juglaresca. Dirección: Manuel Criado de Val, con el patrocinio de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara. Madrid: EDI-6, 1986. x, 759 pp. 23 × 17 cm. (Historia de la literatura hispánica desde sus fuentes, 7)
ISBN 84-85786-94-7
At head of title: Patronato "Arcipreste de Hita".
See the contribution by Jorge Norberto Ferro: "La juglaresca primitiva como recurso relevante en la estructura de El señor de los anillos, de J. R. R. Tolkien", pp. 699-703.
Treats according to MLA (1988:I:5554): "Narrative technique; relationship to troubadours".
Diakonia: Studies in Honor of Robert T. Meyer. Edited by Thomas Halton and Joseph P. Williman. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, © 1986. xiii, 348 pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-8132-0596-4
See contribution by Verlyn Flieger: "Naming the Unnameable: The Neoplatonic 'One' in Tolkien's Silmarillion", pp. 127-132.
Einhaus, Barbara: The Lord of the Rings: Logik der kreativen Imagination. München: tuduv-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1986. [8], 239 pp. (tuduv-Studien. Reihe Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, 21)
ISBN 3-88073-217-5 (pbk): DEM 37.80.
Title in English: The Lord of the Rings: The Logic of Creative Imagination.
Hidal, Sten: Kelter, dystre domprosten och Tolkien: Nio essäer med engelska motiv. Vejbystrand: Catholica, 1986. 108, [1] pp. 20 × 13 cm.
ISBN 91-86428-08-X (pbk): SEK 65.00.
See the essay "Kristendom och mytologi: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien och kretsen kring dem", pp. 92-[105], reprinted from Signum, Årg. 11, 1985, pp. 75-81 without the notes.
Title of the book in English: Celts, the Glum Dean and Tolkien: Nine Essays with English Motifs.
Title of the essay in English: "Christianity and Mythology: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and the Circle round them".
International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film (2: 1981: Boca Raton, Fla.): Aspects of Fantasy: Selected Essays from the Second International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film. Edited by William Coyle. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1986. ix, 250 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 19)
ISBN 0-313-24608-4 (hbk)
International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film (3: 1982: Boca Raton, Fla.): Forms of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Third International Conference on the Fantastic in Literature and Film. Edited by Jan Hokenson and Howard Pearce. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1986. xiv, [i], 262 pp. 24 × 15.5 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 20)
ISBN 0-313-25035-9 (hbk)
Johnson, Judith A.: J.R.R. Tolkien: Six Decades of Criticism. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1986. viii, 266 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Bibliographies and Indexes in World Literature, ISSN 0742-6801, 8)
ISBN 0-313-25005-7 (hbk): $35.00.
Jönsson, Åke: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980: Verk av och om J.R.R. Tolkien = A Tolkien Bibliography 1911-1980: Writings by and about J.R.R. Tolkien. Uppsala: [Å. Jönsson], 1986. xvi, 146, [1] pp. 30 × 21 cm.
With parallel text in Swedish and English.
For the original edition see: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980 [1982 ed.]. For the second edition see: En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980 [1984 ed.].
Koolen, Ben: Christelijke invloeden op de beschrijver van Midden-Aarde, J.R.R. Tolkien. Rotterdam: Ben Koolen, [1986?]. 28 pp.
NLG 3.50.
Not seen.
Title in English: Christian Influences on the Describer of Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien.
Koolen, Ben: Inleiding in de ardalogie: Een prove. Rotterdam: [B. Koolen], 1986. 32 pp. 21 × 15 cm. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 6])
An attempt at systematising ardaology as a science going through important source texts among Tolkien's own works.
Title in English: Introduction to [the Study of] Ardaology: An Experiment.
Koolen, Ben: Midden-aarde tussen Eden en Ur: christelijke invloeden op de beschrijver van Midden-aarde J.R.R. Tolkien. Rotterdam: B. Koolen, 1986. 28 pp. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 7])
Possibly a (revised?) ed. of Christelijke invloeden op de beschrijver van Midden-aarde, J.R.R. Tolkien.
For a revised edition see Midden-aarde tussen Eden en Ur [1987 ed.] Source: list of parts in the series in Ben Koolen: Rhovanion.
Not seen.
Title in English: Middle-earth between Eden and Ur: Christian Influences on the Describer of Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien.
Koolen, Ben: Vergelijkbaar citeren. Herziene uitg. Rotterdam: [B. Koolen], 1986. [12] pp., tab. 21 × 15 cm. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 1])
P. [12]: Reprint of René Fransen: "Verwijzingen naar passages uit Tolkien's werk" (Lembas, nr 11 (1983), p. 34)
For an earlier edition see Vergelijkbaar citeren [1984 ed.].
Consists of page comparisons on a chapter basis between British editions (mainly in paperback) and Dutch translated editions of The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, and The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.
Title in English: Quoting Comparably.
Marquette University. Memorial Library. Department of Special Collections and University Archives: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Collection, 1911-: Manuscripts, ca. 1930-1955: Printed Literature, 1911-. Wisconsin, Ill.: [The Univ.]
Series 1-4: Inventory to Manuscripts. [S.a.] 39 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
Revised ed. of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Manuscript Collection, ca. 1930- . The preface states that the original inventory was put together by Kathleen G. Hughes, Judith Jablonski och Kathleen Johnson Reck in 1978 to 1979 and that a revision was made in 1982 by Terry Margherita with the consultation of T.J. Santoski. On p. 39 is said: "updated and revised 11/82". Whether this refers to the entire inventory or just this page is unclear, it cannot however have been printed before this date. My copy was acquired in July 1987, and the catalogue does not include the manuscripts pertaining to early versions of The Lord of the Rings that Christorpher Tolkien has added to the
collection at this time and later.
Series 5-7: Inventories to Printed Literature. [S.a.] [19] leaves. 28 × 21.5 cm.
Series 5 comprises articles, theses, clippings, calendars, gramophone records, and books by and about Tolkien. Series 6 consists of journals published by Tolkien societies. Series 7, finally comprises poems and scholary articles, and copies of letters from Tolkien. This inventory was acquired in July 1987. This version cannot have been put together before autumn 1986 since the last issue of Weathertop listed is no. 4 (Autumn 1986).
Morse, Robert E.: Evocation of Vergil in Tolkien's Art: Geritol for the Classics. Oak Park, Ill.: Bolchazy-Carducci, 1986. ix, 66 pp.
ISBN 0-86516-175-5 (hbk): $19.00.
ISBN 0-86516-176-3 (pbk. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.): $9.00.
Poe and our Times: Influences and Affinities. Edited by Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV. Baltimore, Md.: The Edgar Allan Poe Society, © 1986. [9], iii, 156 pp.
ISBN 0-9616449-0-7 (hbk)
See the contribution by Carol Marshall Pierce: "'In the Perilous Realm': The Fantastic Geographies of Tolkien and Poe", pp. [124]-136.
- San José Villacorta, María del Pilar: La literatura fantástica de J.R.R. Tolkien. 1a ed. Léon: Universidad de Léon, Servicio de Publicaciones, [October] 1986. [27] pp. 21 × 15 cm.
ISBN 84-600-4657-5
Diss.: Univ Léon (extract).
Title in English: The Fantastic Literature of J. R. R. Tolkien.
Schätze, Marli: Neue Wege nach Narnia und Mittelerde: Handlingskonstituenten in der 'Fantasy'-Literatur von C.S. Lewis und J.R.R. Tolkien. Bern: Lang, 1986. 303 pp. 21 × 15 cm. (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 14, Angelsächsiche Sprache und Literatur, 156)
ISBN: Sfr 65.00.
Title in English: New Ways into Narnia and Middle-earth: Plot-consitutents in the Fantasy Literature of C.S Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Stevenson, Randall: The British Novel since the Thirties: An Introduction. London: Batsford, 1986. Pp. [3]-257.
ISBN 0-7134-4663-3 (hbk)
ISBN 0-7134-4664-1 (pbk)
See 2: "In the thirties", pp. 30-67, the section "Fantasy, Marxism and Class: Rex Warner, Edward Upward, Walter Greenwood, Lewis Grassic Gibbon", pp. 44-61 (on p. 46 in a section about EU's fantasy world Mortmere the observation is made that this can be compared to the worlds of Lewis Carroll, C.S. Lewis, and Tolkien).
See also 3: "War and Post-war, 1940-1956", pp. 68-122, the section "Dream Worlds: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mervyn Peake, Wyndham Lewis".
Alderson, Brian: The Hobbit 50th Anniversary, 1937-1987: A Commemorative Booklet Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of The Hobbit. London: Unwin Hyman, © 1987. [12] pp., ill., facs., maps. 21 × 14.5 cm.
Bodleian Library: Drawings for The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien: An Exhibition to Celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of its Publication: 24 February - 23 May 1987. Oxford: The Library, [1987]. 8 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
Carpenter, Humphrey: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography. [Rev. ed.] London: Unwin Paperbacks, [March] 1987. 288 pp., [8] pp. of plates, photographs. 19 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-04-928070-8 (pbk): £4.95.
This is considered by the publisher to be just a new edition; the fact that the bibliography (App. C: "The Published Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. [266]-275) has been thoroughly revised (by Charles Noad with help by Christina Scull, Åke Bertenstam, and Wayne Hammond) is nowhere stated. The rest of the text has also been scrutinzed. The text of "Goblin Feet" (pp. 82-83), which in the original ed. of J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography was based on a ms. has been exchanged for the printed version. The corresponding American edition has not been revised.
Christopher, Joe R.: C.S. Lewis. Boston: Twayne, 1987. [15], 150 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm. (Twayne's English Author Series, TEAS 442)
ISBN 0-8057-6944-7
Besides Tolkien being mentioned briefly some twenty times, parallels between The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and the Narnia cycle are discussed on pp. 110-119.
Doughan, David & Bradfield, Julian: An Introduction to the Writing Systems of Middle-earth. London: Quettar, © 1987. (Quettar special publication, 1)
Pt 1, The Fëanorian Letters. 11 pp.
Pt 2, The Runes. Pt 3, Numerals. 5 pp.
Georges Dumézil in memoriam. Lyon:
Institut d'études indo-europénnes, 1987-1990. 3 vol. (Études indo-europénnes, ISSN 0750-3547, année 6-8)
Hunnewell, Gary: Halfast Thinking. [Arnold, Miss.]: [G. Hunnewell], 1987. [20] pp.
Contents: "Introduction", s. [3]-[16] (a selection of funny and curious quotations about Tolkien and Tolkien fandom, including illustrations from Tolkien fanzines - mainly from the 60's and early 70's), "An (incomplete) list of Tolkien (or Tolkien related) fanzines, newsletters and journals (1960-1987)" (lists 186 publications - no information is given apart from the titles).
Hyde, Paul Nolan: A Working Concordance; Being a Compilation of Names, Places, Things, and Language Elements together with Volume and Page Number of every Occurence in the Following Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit (H), Fellowship of the Ring (I), Two Towers (II), Return of the King (III), The Silmarillion (S), Unfinished Tales (UT), The Book of Lost Tales-part one (LT), The Book of Lost Tales-part two (LT-2), The Lays of Beleriand (LB), The Shaping of Middle-earth (SM), The Road Goes Ever On (R), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (L), The Monsters and the Critics (MC). [Simi Valley, Calif.?: s.n., 1987]. [2], 160 leaves. 28 cm. $20.00.
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (5: 1984: Boca Raton, Fla.): The Fantastic in World Literature and the Arts: Selected Essays from the Fifth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Edited by Donald E. Morse. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987. xiv, 250 pp., ill. 21.5 × 14.5 cm. (Contributions to the study of science fiction and fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 28)
ISBN 0-313-25526-1: $45.00.
See contribution by John A. Calabrese: "Continuity with the Past: Mythic Time in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", pp. [31]-45.
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit: Drawings, Watercolors, and Manuscripts, June 11 - September 30, 1987. Patrick & Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Marquette University, © 1987. 44 pp., facs., ill. 25.5 × 17.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8239-0662-5 (pbk)
Koolen, Ben: Midden-aarde tussen Eden en Ur: Christelijke invloeden op de beschrijver van Midden-aarde J.R.R. Tolkien. Herziene uitg. 1987. ([Gele Tolkien-reeks, 7])
Revised edition of Midden-aarde tussen Eden en Ur [1986 ed.] Source: list of parts in the series in Ben Koolen: Rhovanion.
Not seen.
Koolen, Ben: Rhovanion: Een geschiedenis van de mensenvolkeren van Rhovanion. Rotterdam: [B. Koolen], 1987. 28 pp., maps. 21 × 15 cm. (Gele Tolkien-reeks, 10)
Title: Rhovanion: A History of the Mannish Peoples of Rhovanion.
Lustrum Celebration of the Dutch Tolkien Society "Unquendor" (1: 1986: Leiden): Tolkien and the Spirit of the Age: Papers (+ Discussion) as Presented at the First Lustrum Celebration of the Dutch Tolkien Society "UNQUENDOR", 23-25 May 1986. [Editor:
Renée Vink. With the help of Arti Ponsen]. Leiden: Tolkien Genootschap "Unquendor", © 1987 [pr. 1987]. 73 pp. 30 × 21 cm.
Moorcock, Michael: Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy. London: Gollancz, 1987. 160 pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-575-04146-3 (hbk): £10.95
ISBN 0-575-04147-1 (pbk): £5.95
[New ed.]. London: VSGF, 1988. 237 pp. 18 × 11 cm.
ISBN 0-575-04324-5 (pbk): £2.95
See 5: "Epic Pooh" (pp. 121-139; in the paperback ed., pp. 179-207).
Odero, José Miguel: J.R.R. Tolkien: Cuentos de hadas: La poética tolkiniana como clave para una hermenéutica sapiencial de la literatura de ficción. Pamplona: EUNSA, 1987. 127 pp. 18 × 11 cm. (Biblioteca NT. NT literatura, 2)
ISBN 84-313-1006-5 (pbk)
Title in English: J.R.R: Tolkien: Stories of Fairies: Tolkien's Poetics as a Key to a Sapient Hermeneutics for Fiction.
Perspectives on Language in Performance: Studies in Linguistics, Literary Criticism and Language Teaching: To Honour Werner Hüllen on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Edited by Wolfgang Lärscher and Rainer Schulze. Tübingen: Narr, © 1987. 2 vols. (xxix, 1448 pp.) 24 × 17.5 cm. (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, ISSN 0564-7959, 317)
ISBN 3-87808-377-7
See the contribution by Helmut Schrey: "Language at Play: A Philologist as Author - J.R.R. Tolkien with Horses", pp. 747-759.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 1878-1985: An International Author and Subject Index to History and Criticism. Edited by H.W. Hall. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., © 1987. 2 vols. (xviii, [2], 589 pp. + xx, [2] pp., pp. 595-1460)
ISBN 0-8103-2129-7: $175.00.
Vol. 1 is alphabetically sorted by author, vol. 2 by subject. According to the preface the bibliography comprises more than 19,000 references under 42,000 headings. Literature about Tolkien is found on pp.1316-1327, 371 references in all.
Selections from the Marquette J.R.R. Tolkien Collection: [Catalogue]. [Designed and prepared by Taum Santoski.] Marquette University Library. Milwaukee, Wisc.: The Univ., 1987. iv, [25] pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
Systematischer Katalog der Inklings Bibliothek: Spezialsammlung von Primär- und Sekundärlitteratur zu G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy L. Sayers, J.R.R. Tolkien und Charles Williams. Aachen: Inklings Gesellschaft für Literatur und Ästhetik e.V., 1987. 71 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
Inventory of 700 indexed books and 1100 articles. Additionally, the collections include 10,000 not yet indexed books. For references about Tolkien see pp. 50-63 (pp. 50-52 primary literature, 52-63 secondary literature).
For a revised edition see Gisbert Kranz, Die Inklings-Bibliothek [2. Aufl. 1992]
Title: Systematic Inventory of the Inklings Library: A Special Collection of Primary and Secondary Literature on...
Think, Inc.: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien. Long Island, N.Y.: Imperial International, © 1987.
Consists of two loose sheets ("Activity Sheets") with questions, one loose sheet ("Answer Key") and one booklet ("Teacher's Guide", [1], 13, [2] pp.), the latter common for the series (45 titles listed). "Teacher's Guide" has the ISBN 0-8481-0363-7 and is © 1988.
The price for the whole set is $5.95 and has the order number II-019.
Tolkien dall'A alla Zeta. [A cura di Maria Letizia Magini.] Milano: Edizione CDE, 1987. 32 pp., ill. 20 cm.
Wort Gottes, Wort des Menschen: Ethik und Ästhetik in der christlichen Literatur (Workshop) (Odenwald: 1986): Christlicher Glaube und Literatur. Bd 1. Carsten Peter Thiede (Hrsg.) Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus, © 1987. 116 pp.
ISBN 3-417-24100-6
Workshop held at Schloß Reichenberg 30 May to 1 June 1986. That this is a compilation of conference papers is only indicated by the preface, there are no information to that effect on the title page.
See the contribution by Gisbert Kranz: "Möglichkeiten christlicher Dichtung: Das Beispiel der Hauptwerke von C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams und J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 89-97.
Title of book in English: The Word of God, the Word of Men: Ethics in the Christian Literature... Christian Belief and Literature.
Title of essay in English: "The Possibilities for Christian Fiction: The Examples of the Main Works of..."
Writers for Children. Jane M. Bingham, editor. New York: Scribner's, 1987. 661 pp.
ISBN 0-684-18165-7
British edition: London: Collier Macmillan, 1988. 801 pp.
ISBN 0-684-18165-7: £60.00.
See the contribution by Robin McKinley: "J.R.R. Tolkien, 1892-1973", pp. 561-571.
Cawthorn, James & Moorcock, Michael: Fantasy: The 100 Best Books. London: Xanadu, 1988. 215, [1] pp. 22 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-947761-24-1: £9.99.
American edition: New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1988. 216 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-88184-335-0: $15.95.
Contains one chapter on each book. The Lord of the Rings is treated in chapter 76, pp. 161-162.
Crabbe, Katharyn F.: J.R.R. Tolkien. Rev. and expanded ed. New York: Continuum, 1988. x, 233 pp. 22 cm. (Literature and life. British writers)
ISBN 0-8044-2106-4 (hbk): $16.95
ISBN 0-8044-6106-6 (pbk): $9.95.
For the original edition see J.R.R. Tolkien [1981 ed.].
According to Wayne G. Hammond in "Inklings Bibliography", 34 (Mythlore, no. 57 (1989), p. 63) chapter 6: "The quest continued" has been added, which treats Unfinished Tales and The History of Middle-earth up to and including The Shaping of Middle-earth.
Not seen.
Dracula: The Vampire and the Critics. Edited by Margaret L. Carter. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1988. xx, 253 pp. 24 cm. (Studies in Speculative Fiction, ISSN 1040-5119, 39)
ISBN 0-935718-89-1: $39.95.
See contribution by Gwyneth Hood: "Sauron and Dracula", pp. [215]-230. (Reprinted from Mythlore, no. 52 (1987), pp. 11-17, 56.)
Gose, Elliott: Mere Creatures: A Study of Modern Fantasy Tales for Children. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1988. x, [i], 203 pp. 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-8020-5761-6 (hbk): $30.00.
ISBN 0-8020-6674-7 (pbk)
A study of ten fantasy works published during the last century, among them The Hobbit. See 10: "Crossing the Border: The Hobbit, pp. [148]-168, which primarily treats archetypes in The Hobbit. (Gandalf is throughout misspellt Gandolf.) In 11: "Conclusion", pp. [169]-186 the ten works are compared.
Hyde, Paul Nolan: A Working English Lexicon; Being a Compilation of the English Words Used to Translate Invented Language Elements together with Volume and Page Number of every Occurence in the Following Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit (H), Fellowship of the Ring (I), Two Towers (II), Return of the King (III), The Silmarillion (S), Unfinished Tales (U [i.e UT]), The Book of Lost Tales-part one (LT), The Book of Lost Tales-part two (LT-2), The Lays of Beleriand (LB), The Shaping of Middle-earth (SM), The Lost Road (LR), The Road Goes Ever On (R), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (L), The Monsters and the Critics (MC), 'Guide to names' in Tolkien Compass. [Simi Valley, Calif.?: s.n., 1988]. 1st ed. 2, 104 leaves. 28 cm. $20.00.
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (6: 1985: Beaumont, Tex.): Spectrum of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Sixth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Edited by Donald Palumbo. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1988. xx, 266 pp., ill. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 31)
ISBN 0-313-25502-4 (hbk)
See the contribution by John A. Calabrese: "Dynamic Symbolism and the Mythic Resolution of Polar Extremes in The Lord of the Rings", pp. 135-140.
On the Ring as a symbol in LR.
Mitchell, Bruce: On Old English: Selected Papers. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988. x, [iii], 363 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-631-15872-3 (hbk): £45.00.
With a quotation of a letter from Tolkien, p. 53 (no date is given).
See the essay "'Until the dragon comes...': Some Thoughts on Beowulf", pp. 3-15. (Reprinted from Neophilologus, vol. 47, 1963, pp. 126-138 with additions written in 1987.) On Beowulf with "Beowulf, the Monsters and the Critics" as a starting-point. Mitchell also discusses some critics' view of Tolkien's essay, especially T.M. Gang: "Approaches to Beowulf" (Review of English Studies, N.S., vol. 3 (1952), pp. 1-12).
Mittelalter-Rezeption (Symposion) (3: 1986: Salzburg): Mittelalter - Rezeption III: Gesammelte Vorträge des 3. Salzburger symposions: "Mittelalter, Massenmedien, neue Mythen". Herausgegeben von Jürgen Kühnel, Hans-Dieter Mück, Ursula Müller, Ulrich Müller. Göppingen: Kummerle Vlg, 1988. xi pp., pp. 3-812, [26] pp. of plates, ill. (Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, ISSN 0179-1834, 479)
ISBN 3-87452-715-8
Title in English: Reception of the Middle Ages: Collected Lectures of the Third Salzburg Symposion: "The Middle Ages, Mass Media, New Myths".
Motieven in Midden-aarde: Essays over Tolkien en fantasy. [Redactie: René van Rossenberg]. [Leiden]: Tolkien Genootschap Unquendor, © 1988. 93 pp. 21 × 15.5 cm. (Lembas-extra, ISSN 0167-823X, 1988)
Title in English: Motifs in Middle-earth: Essays on Tolkien and Fantasy.
Olney, Austin: The Hobbit Fiftieth Anniversary: 1938-1988: A Commemorative Booklet Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of The Hobbit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, © 1988. [11] pp. 20.5 × 15 cm.
Pringle, David: Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Novels: An English-Language Selection, 1946-1987. London: Grafton Books, 1988. [4], 278 pp.
American edition: 1. American ed., 1. pr. New York: Bedrick Books, 1989. [4], 278 pp.
ISBN 0-87226-328-2 (hbk)
ISBN 0-87226-219-7 (pbk: 21 × 13.5 cm): $8.95.
See 16: "J. R. R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings, pp. 60-61.
Shorto, Russell: J.R.R. Tolkien: Hobbit Chronicler. [Illustrations by Bill Negron.] New York: Kipling Pr., [September] 1988. viii, [i], 48 pp., ill., maps, photographs. (Classic Author Series)
ISBN 0-9437180-07-4: $8.95.
Studies in Fantastic Fiction. Ed. Andrzej Zgorzelski. Gdansk: Uniwersytet Gdanski, 1988. 112 pp. (Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Humanistycznego. Filologia Angielska. Uniwersytet Gdański, ISSN 0239-9121, 8)
See the contribution by Mariola Czezyk: "Extratextual Perspectives of two Trilogies", pp. 75-89. Treats Tolkien and Ursula K. LeGuin (presumably the Earthsea trilogy).
Tolkien Society Workshop (3: 1988: Cambridge): Tolkien and Romanticism: Proceedings of the Cambridge Tolkien Workshop 1988. Editors: I.R. Morus, M.J.L. Percival and C.S. Rosenthal. Cambridge: The Cambridge Tolkien Workshop, 1988. [4], 34 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
Translations of The Hobbit reviewed. Edited by David Doughan. London: The Linguistic Fellowship of The Tolkien Society, © 1988. 27 pp. 21 × 14 cm. (Quettar Special Publication, 2)
Wilson, A.N.: Penfriends from Porlock: Essays and Reviews 1977-1986. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1988. x, 278 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-241-12175-2 (hbk): £14.95.
American edition: New York: Norton, 1989. x, 278 pp. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-393-02647-7 (hbk): $19.95.
[New ed.,] 1. pr. New York: Fawcett Columbine, February 1991. x, 278 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-449-90470-9 (pbk): $9.95.
See the essay "J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 196-199.
A reprint of Wilson's review of Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, originally printed in Spectator, vol. 247, 12 September 1981, pp. 17�18 under the title "Beyond the Misty Mountains". The review forms part of the subsection "Sketches for Portraits" which also has contributions on C. S. Lewis and Chesterton.
- Children and Their Books: A Celebration of the Work of Iona and Peter Opie. Edited by Gillian Avery and Julia Briggs. With a foreword by Iona Opie. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. xvi, 424 pp., ill., 1 port, facsims. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-19-812253-5 (pbk)
ISBN 0-19-812991-2 (hbk): £25.00
See the contribution by Hugh Brogan: "Tolkien's Great War", pp. 351-367
The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Edited by Jeanie Watson and Maureen Fries. Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, © 1989. [iv], xiv pp., pp. [1]-23, [14] pp., pp. 24-197, [1], ill. (Studies in Comparative Literature, ISBN 0-88946-393-X, 2)
ISBN 0-88946-395-6 (hbk)
See the contribution by Miriam Youngerman Miller: "J.R.R. Tolkien's Merlin: An Old Man with a Staff: Gandalf and the Magus Tradition", pp. 121-142.
Hunter, Lynette: Modern Allegory and Fantasy: Rhetorical Stances of Contemporary Writing. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1989. [8], 215 pp. 22 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-333-45370-0
Apart from some fifteen briefer mentions there are two longer discussions about Tolkien: pp. 30-34 on critics' views on LR, especially T.A. Shippey's, pp. 43-51 on "On Fairy-Stories", which is compared to Johan Huizinga: Homo ludens.
Hyde, Paul Nolan: A Working Reverse Dictionary (Without Meanings): Being an Alphabetical Listing of Reverse-spelled Morphological Elements in the Languages of Middle-earth Together with Volume, Page Number, and the Original Entry (Without Other Linguistic Information) in the Following Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit (H), Fellowship of the Ring (I), Two Towers (II), Return of the King (III), The Silmarillion (S), Unfinished Tales (U) [i.e. UT], The Book of Lost Tales-part one (LT), The Book of Lost Tales-part two (LT-2), The Lays of Beleriand (LB), The Shaping of Middle-earth (SM), The Lost Road (LR), The Return of the Shadow (RS), The Road Goes Ever On (R), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (L), The Monsters and the Critics (MC), 'Guide to Names' in Tolkien Compass (TC). [Simi Valley, Calif.?: s.n., 1989]. 1 vol. (unpaged). 28 cm.
"An alphabetical listing of over 24,000 invented linguistic elements spelled backwards, together with the original word". (Beyond Bree, July 1989, p. 11)
Hyde, Paul Nolan: A Working Reverse Dictionary (With Meanings): Being an Alphabetical Listing of Reverse-spelled Morphological Elements in the Languages of Middle-earth Together with Volume and Page Number where Related Information (such as Language, Part of Speech, Translation) is Documented, in the Following Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit (H), Fellowship of the Ring (I), Two Towers (II), Return of the King (III), The Silmarillion (S), Unfinished Tales (U) [i.e. UT], The Book of Lost Tales-part one (LT), The Book of Lost Tales-part two (LT-2), The Lays of Beleriand (LB), The Shaping of Middle-earth (SM), The Lost Road (LR), The Return of the Shadow (RS), The Road Goes Ever On (R), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (L), The Monsters and the Critics (MC), 'Guide to Names' in Tolkien Compass (TC). Compiled by Paul Nolan Hyde. [Simi Valley, Calif.?: s.n., 1989]. 1 vol. (unpaged). 28 cm.
"Similar to the Reverse Index, 'except that the alphabetical listing is confined to the 17,000 Middle-earth language elements which have explicit translations in the published texts'". (Beyond Bree, July 1989, p. 11)
Hyde, Paul Nolan: A Working Tolkien Glossary: Being a Seven-volume Compilation of Morphological Elements in the Languages of Middle-earth Together with Volume and Page Number where Related Information (such as Language, Root Source, Part of Speech, Translation, Contextual Information, and Related Words and derivations) are Documented in the Following Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit (H), Fellowship of the Ring (I), Two Towers (II), Return of the King (III), The Silmarillion (S), Unfinished Tales (U) [i.e. UT], The Book of Lost Tales-part one (LT), The Book of Lost Tales-part two (LT-2), The Lays of Beleriand (LB), The Shaping of Middle-earth (SM), The Lost Road (LR), The Return of the Shadow (RS), The Road Goes Ever On (R), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (L), The Monsters and the Critics (MC), 'Guide to Names' in Tolkien Compass (TC). Compiled by Paul Nolan Hyde. 1st ed. [Simi Valley, Calif.?: s.n., 1989]. 7 vols. 28 cm.
Vols. unnumbered and unlettered: vol. [1] contains letters A-C, vol. [2], D-F, vol. [3], G-I, vol. [4], K-M, vol. [5], N-R, vol. [6], S-T, vol. [7], U-Z.
"A seven-volume work which presents each of 25,000 entries together with . . . the Language, Part of Speech, Etymological Roots, Translation, Contextual Information, and a listing of related Cognates". (Beyond Bree, July 1989, p. 11)
Kongreß der Phantasie (2: Passau: 1988): Der zweiter Kongreß der Fantasy. Herausgegeben von R.G. Gaisbauer. Redaktion: Franz Schöpf. Mitarbeiter: Andreas Gehmeyr. Passau: Erster Deutscher Fantasy Club, 1989. 328 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm. (Fa[ntasia], 42/43)
ISBN 3-924443-41-6
Le Guin, Ursula K.: The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction . Edited and with introductions of Susan Wood. Revised edition edited by Ursula K. Le Guin. London: Women's Press, 1989. 210 s., 20 cm.
ISBN 0-7043-4202-2 (pbk): £5.95.
American edition: New York: HarperPerennial, 1992. vi, 250 pp. 20 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-06-092412-8 (pbk): $10.00.
For the original edition see: The Language of the Night [1979 ed.]
Lynn, Ruth Nadelman: Fantasy Literature for Children and Young Adults: An Annotated Bibliography. 3. ed. New York: Bowker, 1989. xlvii, 771 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-8352-2347-7
Revised edition of: Fantasy for Children. 2. ed. 1983.
According to a review in Mallorn 27 this bibliography contains 11 pages of references to Tolkien. Not seen.
The Once and Future Arthur. Edited by Edmund R. Meskys. Center Harbor, NH: Niekas Publications, January 1989. 72 pp., ill. 27.5 × 21.5 cm. (Niekas, no. 38)
ISBN 0-910619-03-4 (pbk): $5.95.
See contribution by Jane T. Sibley: "J.R.R. Tolkien's Runes", s. 13, 67.
Contains a letter from Tolkien to Sibley on p. 13. A corrected version of the article was printed in Vinyar Tengwar, no. 6 (1989), pp. 7-8.
Study Guide for The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien: Strategies for Teaching the Novel: Based on an Unabridged Version. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal, Littell & Company, © 1989. 24 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8123-5980-1 (pbk)
"Strategies for Teaching the Novel" might be a series title.
A Tolkien Treasury: Stories, Poems, and Illustrations Celebrating the Author and his World. With essays by W.H. Auden... Edited by Alida Becker. Illustrations by Michael Green. Color illustrations by Tim Kirk. Philadelphia, Penn.: Running Press/Courage Books, [June] 1989. 192 pp., [8] pp. of plates, ill. (some in colour). 31 cm.
ISBN 0-89471-704-9: $9.98.
Hardback according to Locus #343 (August 1989). The only known changes compared to The Tolkien Scrapbook are that the inventories of Tolkien societies and fanzines have been revised and that the bibliography ("A Tolkien Bibliography") has been updated (here printed on pp. 180-192), unfortunately with some major errors and omissions.
Sources: Library of Congress record in the LIBRIS database and annotations by Wayne G. Hammond in "An Inklings bibliography", 37, p. 58. Not seen.
New edition: New York; Sydney: Mallard Press, 1990. 192 pp., [8] pp. of plates, ill. (some col.) 32 cm.
ISBN 1-86325-072-7
A miniature book edition with the same title appeared in 2001, see A Tolkien Treasury, [2001 ed.]
Weltuntergang, Weltübergang: Science-fiction zwischen Religion und Neomythos. Herausgegeben von Linus Hauser und Dietrich Wachler. Altenberge: Telos, 1989. 142 pp. 21 cm. (Metamytologica, 2)
ISBN 3-89375-011-8: DEM 29.80.
See the contribution by Erhard Meier: "Die Idee des verborgenen Welt-Erretters in dem Roman Der Herr der Ringe", pp. 24-43.
Title of book in English: World's Ruin, World's Transition: Science Fiction between Religion and New Mythology.
Title of contribution in English: "The Idea of the Secret World-Saver in the Novel The Lord of the Rings.
Bertenstam, Åke: Om ondska i Arda: kommenterad bibliografi = On Evil in Arda: An Annotated Bibliography. Uppsala: [Ardasällskapet], 1990. [1], 19 pp. 30 × 21.5 cm.
Prepared in connection with the Fourth International Arda Symposium in Stockholm, 24-25 May 1990.
Contents: A. "Allmänt = General", pp. 1-6 (36 items); B. "Speciella ämnen = Special subjects", pp. 7-19 (arranged alphabetically according to subject, 97 items).
Blackwelder, Richard E.: Tolkien Phraseology: A Companion to A Tolkien Thesaurus. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Marquette University Archives, 1990. 15 pp.
Blackwelder, Richard E.: A Tolkien Theasaurus. New York: Garland Pub., [September] 1990. [7], 277 pp. 28.5 × 22 cm. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1326)
ISBN 0-8240-5296-X (hbk)
Colebatch, Hal K.: Return of the Heroes: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Contemporary Culture. Perth, W.A.: Australian Institute for Public Policy, 1990. iv, 103 pp. (Critical Issues, ISSN 0816-3332, 13)
ISBN 0-949186-39-2
For a revised edition see: Return of the Heroes [2003 ed.].
Elrond's Holy Round Table: Essays on Tolkien, Sayers and the Arthur Saga. [Editor: René van Rossenberg.] [Leiden]: Tolkienwinkel, 1990. 77 pp., ill. 21 × 15 cm. (Lembas extra, ISSN 0167-823X, 1990)
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (7: 1986: Houston, Tex.): The Shape of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Seventh International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Edited by Olena H. Saciuk. New York: Greenwood Press, [March] 1990. xiv, [i], 270 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, 39)
ISBN 0-313-26198-9
See the contribution by Brian Attebery: "Tolkien, Crowley, and Postmodernism", pp. 21-32.
Kloczko, Edouard: Les langues de la Terre du Milieu de J.R.R. Tolkien.
T. 1: Dictionnaire Quenya Français-Anglais avec Appendices. Compilée par Edouard Kloczko d'après les écrits du Pr. J.R.R. Tolkien. Publiée avec le concours de la Faculté des Études Elfiques. 2. éd. revue et corr. impr. [Houilles]: La Fée, 1990. 71 pp., ill. 30 × 21 cm. (FÉERIK. Hors-série, 1)
The first of five planned volumes.
Titles in English: The Languages of Middle-earth by J.R.R. Tolkien and Dictionary Quenya French-English with Appendices.
Knight, Gareth: The Magical World of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield. Longmead, Shaftesbury, Devon: Element Books, 1990. x, [iv], 258 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm
ISBN 1-85230-169-4 (pbk): £9.99
See the chapters "Introducing the Inklings", s. [1]-14 and "J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 111-153.
The latter chapter is probably the basis for Knight's book The Magical World of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Knowles, Sebastian D.G.: A Purgatorial Flame: Seven British Writers in the Second World War. Philadelphia, Penn.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990. xxiv, 273, [3] pp. 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-8122-8213-2 (hbk)
See chapter V: "The Inklings in the War: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams", pp. 132-172. ["My 'purgatorial' story": J.R.R. Tolkien's Leaf by Niggle", pp. 132-141"]
Lurie, Alison: Don't Tell the Grown-Ups: Subversive Children's Literature. 1. ed., 1. pr. Boston: Little, Brown, © 1990. xv, 229 pp. 24 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-316-53722-5: $19.95.
British edition: London: Bloomsbury, 1990. xv, 229 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISSN 0-7475-0603-5 (hbk): £12.99.
New British edition: Not in Front of the Grown-Ups: Subversive Children's Literature. London: Cardinal, 1991. 255 pp. 20 cm.
ISBN 0-7474-1002-X (pbk): £4.99.
See 13: "Heroes for our Time: J.R.R. Tolkien and T.H. White", pp. 156-168. Lurie's comments mainly deal with Tolkien's views on good and evil in The Hobbit.
Noad, Charles E.: The Harper-Collins Takeover of Unwin-Hyman: A File Assembled by C.E. Noad, Esq. London: Nan Elmoth Publications, 1990. [18] leaves. 29.5 × 21 cm.
"For private distribution, August 1990".
Print run of 25 numbered copies to be sold at Oxonmoot 1990. Contains 5 pp. with Noad's summary and 10 pp. of copies of news clippings.
Paggi, Marco: La spada e il labirinto: Meraviglioso e fantastico ne Il signore degli anelli. 1. ed. Genova: Edizioni Culturali Internazionali, 1990. 154 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (La rosa del Paracelso)
ISBN 88-7545-363-2: ITL 15 000.00.
Title in English: The Sword and the Labyrinth: The Marvelous and the Fantastic in The Lord of the Rings.
Bibliography: pp. 143-151.
Pennanen, Eila: Luettua, läheistä: Juttuja kirjoista. Porvoo: Söderström, 1990. 247, [1] pp. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 951-0-16352-8
See the essay "Kaiken alku: Tolkienin myytti", pp. 11-25.
On The Silmarillion.
Titles in English: Read, Close: Stories of Books & "The Beginning of Everything: Myth with Tolkien".
- Reality and the Vision. Philip Yancey, editor. Dallas: Word Pub., 1990. xiii, 186 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-8499-0681-4
See the contribution by Stephen R. Lawhead: "J. R. R. Tolkien: Master of Middle Earth", pp. 28-38.
Cantor, Norman F.: Inventing the Middle Ages: The Lives, Works, and Ideas of the Great Medievalists of the Twentieth Century. 1st ed. New York: W. Morrow, © 1991. 477 pp. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-688-09406-6 (hbk): $28.00
British edition: Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, [October] 1992. 477 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-7188-2873-9 (hbk): £25.00 (November 2003)
American paperback edition: 1st Quill ed. New York: Quill/W. Morrow, [February 1993], © 1991. 477 pp. 23 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-688-12302-3 (pbk): $15.95 (November 2003)
See chapter six: "The Oxford Fantasists: Clive Staples Lewis, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, and Frederick Maurice Powicke", pp. 205-244.
Day, David: Tolkien: The Illustrated Encyclopedia. London: Mitchell Beazley, 1991. 279, [1] pp. 28.5 × 22 cm.
ISBN 0-85533-924-1 (hbk): £17.99
ISBN 1-85732-346-7 (pbk. 28 cm)
See chapter six: "The Oxford Fantasists: Clive Staples Lewis, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, and Frederick Maurice Powicke", pp. 205-244.
Fonstad, Karen Wynn: The Atlas of Middle-Earth. Rev. ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991. xii, [1], 209 pp., maps. 28 × 20.5 cm.
British edition: London: Grafton, 1991. xii, [1], 209 pp., maps.
ISBN 0-261-10277-X (pbk): £12.99.
For the original edition see: The Atlas of Middle-Earth, [1981 ed.]
Göncz, Árpád: Gyaluforgács. Budapest: Pesti Szalőon Könyvkiado, 1991. 336 pp. 20 × 14 cm.
ISBN 963-7994-10-6: 248 FT.
See the essay "J.R.R. Tolkien: A gűrűk ura", pp. 25-29 (reprinted from the Hungarian translation of The Return of the King, published in 1981).
Hunnewell, Gary: From the Archives of Hildifons Took, Formerly of Tuckborough: A Collection of Items Found in Non-Tolkien Fanzines, Written and Drawn by Fans and Students of the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien... Mo.: G. Hunnewell, 1991. P. [1]--132, 134--192. 28 × 21,5 cm.
Lists some 1000 references.
Jourde, Pierre: Géographies imaginaires: de quelques inventeurs de mondes au XXe siécle: Gracq, Borges, Michaux, Tolkien. Paris: José Corti, 1991. 343, [6] pp.
ISBN 2-7143-0422-2 (pbk): 140F.
J.R.R. Tolkien - en introduksjon. [Redaktør: Nils Ivar Agøy.] Oslo: Arthedain - Norges Tolkienforening, 1991. 50 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Angerthas, nr. 26)
Revised edition: 2. opl. Oslo: Arthedain - Norges Tolkienforening, 1991. 52 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Angerthas, nr. 26) (pbk)
This new edition contains a page with additions and corrections to the earlier edition on pp. 50.
Title in English: J.R.R. Tolkien - an Introduction.
Kranz, Gisbert: Kafkas Lachen und andere Schriften zur Literatur 1950-1990 mit einer Kranz-Bibliographie. Hg. von Elmar Schenkel. Kön, Wien: Böhlau-Verlag, 1991. xix, 455 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm. (Literatur und Leben, N.F., Bd 42)
ISBN 3-412-19789-0
See the essay "Der heilende Aragorn: Zu einer Gestalt in The Lord of the Rings", pp. 32-38. Revised version of an article originally published in Inklings, 2 (1984), pp. 11-24.
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien: Curriculum Unit. Center for Learning, [January] 1991. 96 pp.
ISBN 1-56077-137-2 (spiral-bound)
In the record Tolkien is given as author to this study guide.
Medievalism: Inklings and Others. Edited by Jane Chance. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1991. Pp. [229]-392. 23 × 15.5 cm. (Studies in Medievalism, Vol. 3 (Winter 1991), no. 3)
ISBN 0-85991-320-1 (pbk)
This issue is published together with: German Medievalism. Edited by Francis G. Gentry. Pp. [393]-538. (Studies in Medievalism, Vol. 3 (Spring 1991), no. 4)
Percival: Fantasins mirakel: Möten, samtal, essäer... Stockholm: Carlsson, 1991. 212, [1] s., ill., 22 cm.
ISBN 91-7798-407-2 (inb.)
See the article "I Tolkiens sagovärld", pp. 18-[33].
Titles in English: The Miracles of Fantasy: Meetings, Conversations,
Essays... and "In Tolkien's Fairy-Tale World".
Phases in Chaos. Edited by Martin H. Greenberg. With an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. New York: Avon Books, 1991. xiv, 273 pp. 18 cm. (Isaac's Universe, vol. 2)
ISBN 0-380-75752-4 (pbk)
See the contribution by Isaac Asimov: "Concerning Tolkien".
Swann, Donald: Swann's Way: A Life in Song. Recorded and edited by Lyn Smith. Illustrations by Alison Smith. London: William Heinemann, 1991. viii, 277 pp., [8] leaves of plates.
ISBN 0-434-75292-4
See chiefly pp. 205-211.
New edition: London: Arthur James, 1993. viii, 296 pp., [8] pp. of plates, ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-85305-329-4
New edition: London: Thames, 1997. viii, 296 pp.,[8] pp. of plates, ill., ports. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-903413-98-1
The Tolkien Society Workshop (4: Beverley: 1989): Leaves From the Tree: Tolkien's Shorter Fiction. The 4th Tolkien Society Workshop, The Friary, Beverley, 24th June 1989. [Tom Shippey...] London: The Tolkien Society, 1991. 88 pp.
ISBN 0-905520-03-3 (pbk)
Vanhecke, Johan: J.R.R. Tolkien 1892-1973: Tentoonstellingscatalogus, Archief en Museum voor het Vlaamse Culturrleven, Antwerpen, 25 januari - 14 maart 1992. Antwerpen: AMVC, 1991. 90 pp., ill., photogr. 29 × 21 cm. (Publikaties van de Stadsbibliotheek en het Archief en Museum voor het Vlaamse Cultuurleven, ISSN 0774-188X, 32)
Arguijo de Estremera, Paulino: Tolkien. Madrid: Palabra, [April] 1992. 223 pp, [16] pp. of plates. 19 × 12 cm. (Biografías MC, 7)
ISBN 84-7118-822-8
Attebery, Brian: Strategies of Fantasy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992. xiv, 152 pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-253-31070-9 (hbk): $22.50
See 2: "Is Fantasy Literature? Tolkien and the Theorists", pp. 18-35.
Auden, W.H.: Good and Evil in The Lord of the Rings. Oxford: Willem A. Meeuws, 1992. 6 pp. 21 cm.
Bodleian Library: J.R.R. Tolkien: Life and Legend: An Exhibition to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973). Oxford: Bodleian Library, [1992]. 95 pp., ill. (some in col.) 26.5 × 21 cm.
ISBN 1-85124-027-6 (pbk): £9.95
This catalogue has been compiled by Judith Priestman, Department of Western Manuscripts.
Carratello, John and Patty Carratello: A Guide for Using The Hobbit in the Classroom: Based on the Novel Written by J.R.R. Tolkien. Illustrated by Sue Fullam. Industry Way: Teacher Created Materials, [June] 1992. 48 pp. 27.5 × 21.5 cm. (TCM, 405)
ISBN 1-55734-405-1 (pbk): $7.95 (2002)
Repr. 1999: Westminster, CA: Teacher Created Materials. Price: $7.95.
Chance, Jane: The Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power. 1. pr. New York: Twayne Publishers, [Aug?] 1992. xiv, 130 pp. 22.5 × 15 cm. (Twayne's Masterwork Studies, no. 99)
ISBN 0-8057-9441-7 (hbk): $22.95
ISBN 0-8057-8571-X (pbk. 21.5 × 13.5 cm)
For a revised edition see: Tolkien's Art [2001 ed.]
Chertkova, Nadezhda: Mir Tolkina: Spravochnik. Moskva: Gil-Estel, 1992. 96 pp. 20 × 13 cm.
ISBN 5-88230-005-3 (pbk)
Title in English: Tolkien's World
Collins, David R.: J.R.R. Tolkien: Master of Fantasy. Illustrated by William Heagy. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1992. 112 pp., ill., photogr.
ISBN 0-8225-4906-9: (lib. bdg.)
ISBN 0-8225-9618-0: $7.95 (pbk. 21.5 × 15 cm.)
Duriez, Colin: The Tolkien and Middle-Earth Handbook. Tunbridge Wells: Monarch, 1992. 316 pp.
ISBN 1-85424-118-1 (pbk): £9.99
Educations Anglo-Saxonnes: De l'an mil à nos jours. Editée par Roger Lejosne. Amiens: UFR de Langues, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, 1992. 227 pp. (Sterne)
Actes du colloque du Centre d'histoire des civilisations de langue anglaise (Amiens, les 22 et 23 mars 1991).
See the contribution by Monique Chassagnol: "Tolkien et l'éducation: Détours et étapes dans The Hobbit", pp. 145-156.
Figures christiques dans la littérature. [Édité par] Bruno Delaroche. Angers: Université catholique de l'Ouest, Institut de perfectionnement en langues vivantes, 1992. 143 pp., ill. 24 cm. (Cahiers du Centre de linguistique et littérature religieuses, ISSN 0987-7290, no. 9)
See the contribution by B. Delaroche: "Figures christiques dans l'œuvre de
Filmer-Davies, Kath: Scepticism and Hope in Twentieth Century Fantasy Literature. Kath Filmer. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1992. [viii], iv, 160 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-87972-553-2 (hbk): $26.95
ISBN 0-87972-554-0 (pbk): $13.95
See chapter 2: "Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings".
Introducing South African Writing. Ed. Z[bigniew] Bialas. Cieszyn [Poland]: Proart, 1992. 97 pp.
See the contribution by Andrzej Wicher: "Some Aspects of Racism in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings".
Das Internationale Tolkien-Symposion (Aachen: 1992).
The proceedings from this conference, held in Aachen 7-9 January, 1992, are to be found on pp. 11-308 of Inklings: Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik, Bd 10 (1992). Lüdenschied: H.-W. Stier, 1992. 380 pp. 20.5 × 13 cm. (Claren-Paperback, Nr. 15059)
ISBN 3-922549-59-4 (pbk)
ISSN 0176-3733
J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference (Oxford: 1992): The J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992, Keble College, Oxford, 17-24 August. [Edited and designed by Wayne G. Hammond.] The Tolkien Society, The Mythopoeic Society, 1992. 41 pp.
Programme book for the conference. The proceedings were published in 1995.
Contains some brief articles in memoriam by Canon Norman Power, H.M. Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and President Árpád Göncz of Hungary. Furthermore there are presentations of The Tolkien Society and The Mythopoeic Society, Tolkien fandom in general, and abstracts of the lectures.
J.R.R. Tolkien, creatore di mondi. Mario Polia ... Rimini: Il Cerchio, 1992. 114 pp. 23 cm.
- Kokot, Joanna: Tekst w tekście: studia o wierszu w prozie narracyjnej. Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański, [1992]. 130 pp., 20 cm.
ISBN 83-7017-413-2
According to the reference in the ABELL database this book contains contributions about Howard Pyle, Richard Adams Rudyard Kipling and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Title in English: Text in text: Studies on poems in narrative prose.
Kranz, Gisbert: Die Inklings-Bibliothek: Systematischer Katalog der Spezialsammlung zu G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy L. Sayers, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams. 2., erweiterte Aufl. Passau: Ersten Deutschen Fantasy Club e.V, 1992. 123 pp. 20.5 × 15 cm.
ISBN 3-924453-52-1 (pbk)
A systematically arranged bibliography, listing 1067 books and 2316 articles.
For references about Tolkien see pp. 79-102 (primary works, pp. 79-81, secondary works, pp. 81-102).
For the original edition see: Systematischer Katalog der Inklings Bibliothek [1987 ed.]
Kranz, Gisbert: Tolkien in aller Welt: Eine Ausstellung der Inklings-Gesellschaft
anläßlich des 100. Geburtstags von J. R. R. Tolkien und des Internationalen Tolkien-Symposions in Aachen. [Die Text dieses Heftes schrieb: © 1992 Gisbert Kranz.] Aachen: Öffentliche Bibliothek der Stadt Aachen, 1992. 67 pp., ill. 21 × 14.5 cm.BR>
Exhibition catalogue. Apart from the catalogue proper there are also some articles: "Tolkiens Zorn über Tolkien-Interpreten", pp. 9-18, "Tolkien-Gesellschaften und Tolkien-Zeitschriften", pp. 19-32, and "Quellen von Tolkiens Phantasie", pp. 33-38.
Kroll, Carol: The Hobbit [by] J.R.R. Tolkien: A Study Guide. Edited by Joyce Friedland and Rikki Kessler. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: Learning Links, 1992. i, 22 leaves. 28 × 21.5 cm. (Novel-Ties Study Guides)
ISBN 0-88122-036-1 (pbk): $14.95
According to The Tolkien Collector, no. 7 (June 1994), p. 6 this book has a 1983 copyright.
List of Tolkienalia: Compiled from the Pages of Beyond Bree with Additional Material. Edited by Nancy Martsch. [Sherman Oaks: N. Martsch], 1992. [1], ii, 56 pp. 28 × 22 cm.
"A Beyond Bree Publication Celebrating the Tolkien Centenary."
Lists unpublished material in the form of dissertations. It also contains pamphlets and other short works as well as various ephmera such as posters, recordings, games, and miniatures.
Martsch, Nancy: Basic Quenya: Quenya Language Lessons, with Elvish-English Vocabulary. [Sherman Oaks, Calif.: N. Martsch], 1992.
"A Beyond Bree Publication Celebrating the Tolkien Centenary".
A revised edition appeared in 1993, Basic Quenya, [1993 ed.].
Monteiro, Maria do Rosário Ferreira: J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: a viagem e a transformação. 1a. ed. Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica: Centro de Estudos Comparados de Línguas e Literaturas Modernas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1992. 164 pp., ill. (some col.) 24 cm. (Literatura, 18)
Revision of the author's thesis (mestre)--Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1987.
Nederlander, Munin: Thúle: Over de ringen van nacht en de hobbits in Tolkiens In de ban van de Ring. Breda: Uitgeverij De Ster, 1992. 211 pp.
[Priestman, Judith]: J.R.R. Tolkien: Life and Legend: an Exhibition to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of J.R.R. Tolkien. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 1992. 95 pp., ill. (some in colour)
Exhibition catalogue, reproducing many never before published illustrations by Tolkien.
Rosebury, Brian: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Critical Assessment. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin, 1992. ix, 167 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-333-53896-X (hbk., Macmillan): £35.00
ISBN 0-312-07583-9 (hbk., St. Martin): $45.00
For a revised edition see: Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon.
Rossenberg, René van: Hobbits in Holland: Leven en werk van JRR Tolkien (1892-1973). Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 1992. 99 pp., ill. 30 × 21 cm. (Tentoonstellingscatalogi en -brochures van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek, ISSN 0169-3557, 41)
ISBN 90-6259-097-7 (pbk)
Exhibition catalogue. Apart from a richly commented catalogue section there appears the following articles: "Een biographische schets van Ronald Tolkien" (pp. 5-14), and "Tolkien en Nederland" (pp. 15-35), the latter treats Tolkien's visit to Holland in 1958.
Ryan, J.S.: The Shaping of Middle-earth's Maker: Influences on the Life and Literature of J.R.R. Tolkien. Highland, Miss.: The American Tolkien Society, 1992. viii, 51 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-03-4 (pbk)
- Schweicher, Eric: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lyf so Short, the Craft so Long to Lerne...: Exhibition Catalogue. Liège: University of Liège: Université de Liège, [1992]. 20 pp. 21 cm.
Shippey, T.A.: The Road to Middle-Earth. [2nd ed.] London: Grafton, [November] 1992. xvi, 337 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10275-3 (pbk): £6.99
For the original edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [1982 ed.]
For a further revised edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [2003 ed.]
Stevens, David & Carol D.: J.R.R. Tolkien. Mercer Island, Wash.: Starmont House, 1992. vi, 176 pp. 21 × 14 cm. (Starmont Reader's Guide, 54)
ISBN 1-55742-237-0 (pbk): $9.95
ISBN 1-55742-238-9 (hbk): $19.95
Not seen. A revised edition appeared in 1993.
Tolkien, John & Priscilla: The Tolkien Family Album. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1992. 90 pp., ill., photogr. 28 × 22 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10239-7 (hbk): £12.99
The Tolkien Society Workshop (5: Milton Keynes: 1990): The First and Second Ages. The 5th Tolkien Workshop, The David Baxter Centre, Milton Keynes, 2nd June 1990. Edited by Trevor Reynolds. London: The Tolkien Society, 1992. 48 pp., ill. 21 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-905520-04-1 (pbk): £5.00
Tolkien's Birmingham. S.l.: Forsaken Inn, 1992. 24 pp.
ISBN 0-9520047-0-4 (spiral bound)
A list of houses, with photographs, that Tolkien lived in during his childhood in Birmingham together with various kinds of background facts.
A Tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien: 3 January 1892 - 2 September 1973, Centenary. Unisa Medieval Association, 19 May 1992. Edited by Rosemary Gray. 1. ed., 1. impr. Pretoria: University of South Africa, © 1992. x, 112 pp. 22 × 15 (Miscellanea Congregalia, 42)
ISBN 0-86981-780-9
Twentieth Century Fantasists: Culture, Society and Belief in 20th-century Mythopoeic Literature. Edited by Kath Filmer. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. xvi, 212 pp.
ISBN 0-312-07959-1 (St. Martin's)
ISBN 0-333-56954-7 (Macmillan)
See the contribution by Charles A. Huttar: "Tolkien, Epic Tradions and Golden Age Myths", pp. 92-107.
Unwin, Rayner: The Making of The Lord of the Rings. Oxford. Willem A. Meeuws, 1992. 8 pp.
Uses of Comparative Mythology: Essays on the Work of Joseph Campbell. Edited by Kenneth L. Golden. New York: Garland Pub., 1992. xiv, 278 pp. 23 cm. (Garland Refernce Library of the Humanities, vol. 1338)
ISBN 0-8240-7092-5
See the contribution by Vernon R. Hyles: "Campbell and the Inklings - Tolkien, Lewis, and Williams".
Whissen, Thomas R.: Classic Cult Fiction: A Companion to Popular Cult Literature. New York, London: Greenwood, 1992. xxxviii, 319 s. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-313-26550-X (hbk)
The Lord of the Rings is one of 50 works discussed in the book. Not seen.
Barton, Anthony: On the Structure of Didactic Tales: Earth's Children, The Garden of Eden, The Mabinogion, The Gita, The Jatakamala, The Lord of the Rings, The Pilgrim's Progress, Tales of the Dervishes, Mount Analogue, The Big Bang, The Song of Lawino, Rakku's Story, The Dragonriders of Pern. Needham Heights, Mass.: Ginn Press, 1993. 170 pp., ill. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-536-58452-4
Interwoven with the text are selections from the works described.
Błażejewski, Michał: J.R.R. Tolkien - Powiernik Pieśni. Wyd. 1. [Gdańsk]: Phantom Press, 1993. 123, [2] pp. 20 × 12.5 cm.
(pbk): 25,000 zł
Title in English: J.R.R. Tolkien - the Confidant of Songs.
The Classics We've Read, the Difference We've Made. Edited by Philip Yancey. New York: McCracken Press, 1993. xii, 252 pp. 22 × 15 cm.
ISBN 1-56977-503-6 (pbk): $12.95
According to The Tolkien Collector, no. 10 (1995), p. 10 eighteen Christian writers responded to the question "Who helped form you as a writer?" Among the essays there is one by Stephen R. Lawhead on Tolkien, pp. 37-51.
- Day, David: A to Z of Tolkien. London: Chancellor Press in association with Mitchell Beazley, 1993. 271 pp., ill, 1 port. 22 cm.
ISBN 1-85152-921-7
Day, David: The Tolkien Companion. London: Mandarin in association with Mitchell Beazley, 1993. 271 [1] pp., ill. 20 × 12.5 cm.
ISBN 0-7493-1594-6 (pbk): £5.99
Hammond, Wayne G.: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography. With the assistance of Douglas A. Anderson. Winchester: St Paul's Bibliographies; New Castle, Dela.: Oak Knoll Books, 1993. xi, [iii], 434 pp., ill. 24 × 15.5 cm. (The Winchester Bibliographies)
ISBN 1-873040-11-3 (UK)
ISBN 0-938768-42-5 (USA)
Hunnewell, Gary.: Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications, Year End Review 1992. Arnold, Mo.: New England Tolkien Society, 1993. 63 pp. 28 × 22 cm.
Lysemose, Lars-Terje Øland: Dansk J.R.R. Tolkien bibliografi. 1993. 17 pp.
"For Tolkiens Følge & Danmarks Tolkien Forening".
Title: Danish J.R.R. Tolkien Bibliography.
- The Lord of the Rings: [The Official Chess Set.] [S.l.]: Danbury Mint [© Tolkien Enterprises 1993], 1993. [4], 28 pp. 21 & times 14 cm.
Subtitle from cover.
Authorship of the book is uncertain. In the lower right hand corner of the title page is printed in tiny print "Michael Barford 1993". This could either be a statement of authorship or of printer.
Despite the subtitle this is a book about Tolkien. In the section "The Chess Pieces", pp. 18-28, the main characters of the book are compared to chess pieces (Aragorn=the White King etc.)
Martsch, Nancy: Basic Quenya: Quenya Language Lessons, with Elvish-English Vocabulary. 2nd ed. [Sherman Oaks, Calif.: N. Martsch], 1993. [3], [iv], 66 pp. 28 × 22 cm.
"A Beyond Bree Publication Celebrating the Tolkien Centenary".
The text just quoted as well as the publishing year 1992 still appears on the title page despite the fact that the revised edition was published in 1993.
The original edition appeared in 1992, Basic Quenya, [1992 ed.].
Swedish edition: Special limited edition. [Stockholm]: Published by Mellonath Daeron, the Language Guild of the Forodrim and "Beyond Bree", 1996. [3], iv, 67 pp. 30 × 21 cm. (pbk)
According to notes in the book this is a Special limited edition of the Fifth American printing of the Second edition of May 16, 1996. Appendix E, "Pagination for Post-1993 Ballantine The Lord of the Rings", p. 67, was added with the Third printing of the Second edition, but no date is given for this printing.
Nester, Holle: Shadows of the Past: Darstellung und Funktion der geschichtlichen Sekundärwelten in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings, Ursula K. LeGuins Earthsea tetralogy und Patricia McKillips Riddle Master trilogy. Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier, 1993. 297 s. (Horizonte, Bd 15)
ISBN 3-88476-084-X
Originally: Diss.: Giessen, Univ., 1992.
Schneidewind, Friedhelm: ...wie schmelzen deine Blätter: Essays über Wissenschaftsethik, New Age, Tolkien und nordische Mythologie, SF-Stories und Lieder. Mit Illustrationen von Ulrike Schneidewind. Verlag der Villa Fledermaus, 1993. 160 pp.
ISBN 3-932683-01-3 (pbk): 9.00 (2002)
The Second Commandment: On the Name of God. Washington, DC: Communio, 1993. 194 pp. (Communio, ISSN 0094-2065, vol. 20 (Spring 1993), no. 1)
See the contribution by Mark Sebanc: "J.R.R. Tolkien, Lover of the Logos".
Stevens, David & Carol D.: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Myth-maker. Rev. ed. Edited by Roger C. Schlobin. San Bernadino, Calif.: Borgo Press, 1993. v, 178 pp. (Milford Series: Popular Writers of Today, 56)
ISBN 1-55742-237-0 (pbk): $18.00
ISBN 1-55742-238-9 (hbk): $28.00
The original edition appeared in 1992.
The Tolkien Phenomenon. [Conference] (Turku: 1992): Scholarship & Fantasy: Proceedings of The Tolkien Phenomenon, May 1992, Turku, Finland. Edited by K.J. Battarbee. Turku: University of Turku, 1993. [4], 236, [3] pp., ill. 25 × 17.5 cm. (Anglicana Turkuensia, ISSN 1236-4754, no. 12)
ISBN 951-29-0087-4 (pbk)
Bignami, Silvia: J. R. R. Tolkien: mito y subcreación. Buenos Aires: Almagesto, 1994. 81 pp. 20 cm. (Perfiles, v. 15)
ISBN 950-751-084-2
Day, David: Tolkien's Ring. Illustrated by Alan Lee. London: HarperCollins, 1994. 183 pp., ill. in colour. 29 × 22.5 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10298-2 (hbk): £17.99
ISBN 0-261-10327-X (pbk)
New edition: London: Pavilion, 1999. 183 pp., ill. (some col.) 29 cm.
ISBN 1-86205-359-6 (hbk)
Paperback edition: London: Pavilion, [September] 2001. 184 pp., ill. (some col.) 28 cm.
ISBN 1-86205-551-3 (pbk.)
New paperback edition: London: Pavilion, [September] 2003. 184 pp., ill. (some col.) 28 cm.
ISBN 1-86205-627-7 (pbk.): £ 9.99
Gardner, John: On Writers and Writing. Introduction by Charles Johnson, Edited by Stewart O'Nan. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1994. xxi, 297 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-201-62672-1
See the chapter: "The Silmarillion, by J. R. R. Tolkien". (Probably a reprint of his review of The Silmarillion, "The World of Tolkien", New York Times Book Review, 23 October 1977, pp. 1, 39-40.)
Hansen, Kim: Dansk J.R.R. Tolkien bibliografi. [Udarbejdet af Kim Hansen.] [Sæby: Danmarks Tolkien Forening, 1994.] 28 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
"For Tolkiens Følge & Danmarks Tolkien Forening".
Lists Danish Tolkien translations, recordings, comics based on Tolkien's writings, articles, reviews, inkluding reviews of the animated film The Lord of the Rings.
For a revised edition see Dansk J.R.R. Tolkien bibliografi [1996 ed.].
Title: Danish J.R.R. Tolkien Bibliography.
Helms, Philip W.: Tolkien's Peaceful War: A History and Explanation of Tolkien Fandom and War. Edited and introduced by Paul S. Ritz. Highland, Miss.: American Tolkien Society, © 1994. 35 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-09-3 (pbk)
Helms, Philip W.: Wargs! Philip W. Helms and David L. Dettman. Highland, Miss.: American Tolkien Society, © 1978 [pr. 1994?] 26 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-06-9 (pbk)
Listemageren [pseudonym for Klaus Johansen]: J.R.R. Tolkien - en bibliografi. Bibliomanen, 1994. 18 pp.
ISBN 87-90011-50-3: DKK 20.00
Title: J.R.R. Tolkien - A Bibliography.
Peace and Conflict Studies in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. Vol. 1. Philip W. Helms with Mark Arvid White, David E. Alter, Jr., Matthew Pugsley, Vlad Manole, Vladimir Borisov, Frank Goddard. Highland, Miss.: American Tolkien Society, [1994?]. 51 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-05-0 (pbk)
Pesch, Helmut W.: Das Licht von Mittelerde: Aufsätze und Vorträge. 1. Aufl. Passau: Erster Deutscher Fantasy-Club, 1994. 191 pp. 21 cm. (Tolkiana; Bd. 1)
ISBN 3-924443-90-4 (hbk): DEM 15.00
Title: The Light of Middle-earth: Essays and Lectures.
- Phantastische Welten: Märchen, Mythen, Fantasy. [Im Auftrag der Europäischen Märchengesellschaft herausgegeben von Thomas Le Blanc und Wilhelm Solms.] Regensburg: Röth, © 1994. 254 pp. (Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Märchengesellschaft, 18)
ISBN 3-87680-364-0
See the contribution by Gisbert Kranz: "Tintenkleckser aus Oxford: Die Anfänge der britischen Fantasy", pp. 147-158, which treats the Inklings.
Sibley, Brian: The Map of Tolkien's Middle-earth. Text by Brian Sibley, images by John Howe. London: Harper Collins, 1994. [23] pp., ill., [1] folded map (in colour, 73 times × 73 cm.) 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10318-0 (pbk) £4.99
The accompanying booklet has a title of its own: The Road Goes Ever On and On: About the Map of Middle-earth and is a short geographical overview of Middle-earth.
- Simposio de la Sociedad Espanola de Literatura General y Comparada (9: Zaragoza: 1992): Actas del IX Simposio de la Sociedad Espanola de Literatura General y Comparada, Zaragoza, 18 al 21 de noviembre de 1992. [Eds.] Tua Blesa, Maria-Teresa Cacho, Gual-Carlos Garcia, Mercedes Rolland, Leonardo Romero-Tobar, Margarita Smerdou-Altolaguirre. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 1994. 2 vols.
ISBN 84-920044-0-1 (set)
Vol. 2, La parodia; El viaje imaginario. 529 pp.
ISBN 84-920044-2-8 (vol. 2)
See the contribution by Javier Arce-Argos: "Tolkien y la parodia: Analisis de Egidio, el granjero de Ham", pp. 15-23. Treats Farmer Giles of Ham.
Stephens, Charles: Shakespeare's Island: Essays on Creativity. Edinburgh: Polygon, © 1994 [February 1994]. viii, 192 pp. 21 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-7486-6139-5 (pbk)
Chapter 3, pp. [72]-110 treats John Cowper Powys, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams. Tolkien is treated on pp. 80-93.
Veldman, Meredith: Fantasy, the Bomb and the Greening of Britain: Romantic Protest, 1945-1980. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xviii, 325 pp., ill. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-521-44060-2 (hbk): £35.00
ISBN 0-521-46665-2 (pbk): £12.95
See part 1: "C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien: Fantasy as Protest Literature", pp. 37-114.
Dictionaries of Middle-earth.
Part 2: The Minor Languages. Compiled by Anthony Appleyard. 20 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Quettar special publication, 3)
Green, William H.: The Hobbit: A Journey into Maturity. 1. pr. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1995. xiii, 150 pp. 22 × 15 cm. (Twayne's Masterwork Studies, no. 149)
ISBN 0-8057-8806-9 (hbk): $22.95
ISBN 0-8057-8807-7 (pbk): $12.95
Hammond, Wayne G. and Christina Scull: J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995. 207, [1] pp., ill. (chiefly in col.)
ISBN 0-261-10321-9 (hbk): £35.00
Holmberg, John-Henri: Fantasy: Fantasilitteraturens historia, motiv och författare. Höganäs?: Replik, 1995. 252 pp. 21.5 × 15 cm.
ISBN 91-88818-03-9 (hbk)
See 5: "Tolkien och genombrottet", pp. 81-87.
Titles in English: Fantasy: The History, Motifs and Authors of Fantasy Literature, and "Tolkien and the Breakthrough".
Hunnewell, Gary.: Tolkien Fannish & Scholarly Activities & Publications 1993. Arnold, Mo.: New England Tolkien Society, 1995. 112 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
Jones, Diana Wynne: Everard's Ride. Framingham, Mass.: NESFA Press, 1995. [x], 303 pp. 22 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-915368-63-3 (hbk): $19.95
See the essay "The Shape of the Narrative in The Lord of the Rings", reprinted from J.R.R. Tolkien: This Far Land.
J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference (Oxford: 1992): Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992: Proceedings of the Conference Held at Keble College, Oxford, England, 17th - 24th August 1992 to Celebrate the Centenary of the Birth of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien: Incorporating the 23rd Mythopoeic Conference
(Mythcon XXIII) and Oxonmoot 1992. Edited by Patricia Reynolds and Glen GoodKnight. Milton Keynes: The Tolkien Society; Altadena, Calif.: The Mythopoeic Press, 1995. 458 pp., ill. 27.5 × 21 cm. (Mythlore, ISSN 0146-9339, Vol. 21, no. 2 = Whole No. 80) (Mallorn, ISSN 0308-6674, 33)
ISBN 0-905520-06-8 (The Tolkien Society, pbk)
ISBN 0-905520-09-2 (The Tolkien Society, hbk)
ISBN 1-887726-04-7 (The Mythopoeic Press, pbk)
Kloczko, Edouard: Encyclopédie des langues de la Terre du Milieu, des îles de Númenor et d'Eressëa, du séjour des elfes ou Eldamar & du séjour des Dieux ou Valmar, ainsi que des terres connues & inconnues telles qu'elles sont décrites dans les oeuvres du Pr. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
[T. 1,] Les langues elfiques. Vol. 1: Dictionnaire Quenya - Français - Anglais. Compilé et présenté par Edouard Kloczko, Président de la Faculté de études elfiques. Illustrations de Jérôme Poupinet. Toulon: Tamise Productions, 1995. 214, [1] pp., ill., tab. 25.5 × 18 cm.
ISBN 2-910861-03-3 (hbk): FRF 147.
Title on cover: Encyclopédie de la Terre du Milieu. Dictionnaire des langues elfiques. Vol. 1.
McDaniel, Stanley: The Philosophical Etymology of Hobbit. Highland, Miss.: American Tolkien Society, © 1994. 1. pr., 1995. 18 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-10-7 (pbk)
A Reader's Companion to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. New York: Quality Paperback Book Club, © 1995. viii, 118, [1] pp. 20.5 × 13 cm.
Senior, W. A.: Stephen R. Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: Variations on the Fantasy Tradition. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1995. vii, 275 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-87338-528-4
See chapter 3: "Donaldson and Tolkien", pp. 62-97.
Sibley, Brian: There and Back Again: The Map of The Hobbit. Text by Brian Sibley, images by John Howe. London: Harper Collins, 1995. 22, [1] pp., ill., facs., [1] folded map (in colour, 73 times × 73 cm.) 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10326-1 (pbk): £4.99
The accompanying booklet describes the composition history of The Hobbit and gives is an overview of the setting of the story.
- Stott, Jon C. and Andrew T. Stott: A Literature Guide to The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Cambridge, Mass.: Book Wise, Inc., [June] 1995 [© 1995]. [6], 46 pp.
ISBN 0-943069-37-8 (pbk): $19.95
Wrinkle, Johanna: Literature Guide for Beowulf & The Hobbit. Ecs Learning Systems, [August] 1995.
ISBN 1-57022-044-1 (pbk): $10.95 (2002)
- Zahnweh, Gudrun: Heldenfiguren bei Tolkien: die Hierarchie des Heldentums im "Silmarillion" und im "Herrn der Ringe". Passau: Erster Deutsche Fantasy-Club, [1995]. 202 pp. 21 cm. (Tolkiana; Bd. 2)
ISBN 3-924443-75-0 (pbk)
Title: Hero Figures in Tolkien: The Hierarchy of Heroism in "The Silmarillion" and in "The Lord of the Rings".
Asimov, Isaac: Magic: The Final Fantasy Collection. New York: HarperPrism, 1996. vii, 275 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-06-105205-1
See the chapter: "Concerning Tolkien".
Ferro, Jorge N.: Leyendo a Tolkien. Buenos Aires: Vórtice; Gladius, 1996. 199 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 950-99168-7-0
Hansen, Kim: Dansk J.R.R. Tolkien bibliografi. [Updated ed.] [Roskilde: K. Hansen], 1996. 32 pp. 21 cm.
Lists Danish Tolkien translations, recordings, comics based on Tolkien's writings, articles, reviews, inkluding reviews of the animated film The Lord of the Rings.
For the original edition see Dansk J.R.R. Tolkien bibliografi [1994 ed.].
Title: Danish J.R.R. Tolkien Bibliography.
Iwicka, Beata: Kultura Śródziemia w końcu Trzeciej i na początku Czwartej Ery: J.R.R. Tolkien "Władca pierścieni", "Silmarillion", "Hobbit". Gdańsk: Gdański Klub Fantastyki, 1996. 162 pp., ill. 21 cm. (Czerwony karzeł, ISSN 1425-5952, 11. Anatomia fantastyki)
Originally presented as the author's thesis (Masters: Uniwersytet Gdański, 1993). Summary in English.
J.R.R. Tolkien: Recepcja polska: Studia i eseje. Redaktor naukowy: Jakub Z. Lichański. Wyd. 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1996. 237, [1] pp. 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 83-230-9900-6 (pbk): zł. 6.00
Krege, Wolfgang: Handbuch der Weisen vom Mittelerde. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1996. 228 pp. 28.5 × 21.0 (Die Sagen vom Mittelerde)
ISBN 3-608-93215-1 (hbk): DEM 48
Paperback edition: Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1999. 427 pp. 20 cm. (Die Sagen von Mittelerde)
ISBN 3-608-93521-5 (pbk): DEM 49.90 (together with 3 other works)
New hardback edition: Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2001. 226 pp.
ISBN 3-608-93311-5 (hbk): 25.50
Murray, Andrew: The Tolkien Quiz Book: [1,200 Questions on the Work of J.R.R. Tolkien]. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1996. [160] pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10346-6 (pbk): £4.99
For a revised edition see The Tolkien Quiz Book [2003 ed.].
Neimark, Anne E.: Myth Maker: J.R.R. Tolkien. Illustrated by Brad Weinman. 1. ed. San Diego, Cal.: Harcourt, Brace & Company, © 1996. viii, [ii], 118 pp., ill., 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-15-298847-5 (hbk): $17.00
- Seven by Seven: Interviews with American Science Fiction Writers of the West and Southwest. [ed. and introd.] Neal Wilgus. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo Press, 1996. 136 pp. (Milford Series: Popular Writers of Today, 44)
ISBN 0-89370-273-0
See the contribution by Neal Wilgus: "Stephen R. Donaldson: Chronicles of the Unbeliever", pp. 65-81. Also treats The Lord of the Rings.
The Tolkien Society Seminar (10: Leicester: 1995): Travel and Communication in Tolkien's Worlds. The 10th Tolkien Society Seminar, The Guildhall, Leicester, June 24, 1995. Edited by Richard Crawshaw. Swindon: The Tolkien Society, 1996. 58 pp., ill., maps. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 4)
ISBN 0-905520-10-6
- Viaggi in utopia. [Eds.] Raffaella Baccolini, Vita Fortunati, Nadia Minerva. Ravenna: Longo, 1996. 450 pp. (Forme dell'utopia. Sezione studi, 6)
See the contribution by Angelo Bovina: "'The Road Goes Ever On and On': la via della rinuncia: ri-velazione e ri-creazione del mondo nelle opere di J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. 231-237.
Wiegand, Regina U.: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien: Curriculum Unit. Rocky River, Ohio: The Center for Leaving, © 1996. viii, 109, [4] pp. 28 × 21 cm.
ISBN 1-56077-335-9 (ring-bound)
Williams, Donald T.: Inklings of Reality: Essays Toward a Christian Philosophy of Letters. Toccoa Falls, Ga.: Toccoa Falls College Press, 1996. [3], 279 pp.
ISBN 1-885729-07-3
See chapter 8: "Lord, teach us to Number Our Days: The Significance of Tolkien's Elves", pp. 228-242.
Tolkien is also discussed on pp. 29-33 in chapter 1: "Morning: Reading and the Awakening of Biblical Conciousness", pp. 20-42.
The Best of Minas Tirith Evening-Star: Celebrating Thirty Years of MTE*S, 1967-1997. Highland, Mo.: The American Tolkien Society, 1997. 70 pp., ill. (Minas Tirith Evening-Star, vol. 26 (Autumn 1997), no. 3)
Curry, Patrick: Defending Middle-earth: Tolkien, Myth and Modernity. Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1997. 206 pp., ill. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-86315-234-1 (hbk): £15.99
American paperback edition: Defending Middle-earth: Tolkien: Myth and Modernity. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, [October] 2004. 208 pp. 20.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-618-47885-X (pbk): $12.00
Day, David: The Hobbit Companion. London: Pavilion, 1997. 96 pp. 31 × 23.5 cm.
ISBN 1-85793-937-9 (hbk): £14.99.
Digging Potatoes, Growing Trees: A Selection from 25 Years of Speeches at the Tolkien Society's Annual Dinners. Vol. 1. Edited by Helen Armstrong. Swindon: The Tolkien Society, 1997. 60 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 5)
ISBN 0-905520-08-4
- Döffinger, Birgit: Das Ende des Dritten Zeitalters: Tolkiens "Herr der Ringe" zwischen Hochliteratur und populärem Fantasy-Roman. Wetzlar: Förderkreis Phantastik in Wetzlar, 1997. 146 pp. 21 cm. (Schriftenreihe und Materialien der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar, 23)
(hbk.): DEM 12.80
Dreams & Realities: Versions of Utopia in English Fiction from Dickens to Byatt. Annette Gomis & Miguel Martínez (eds.). Almerá: Universidad de Almerá, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1997. 150 pp. 22 cm. (Colección Literatura y lingüística, 8)
ISBN 84-82400-80-0
See the contribution by Margarita Carretero González: "A Utopian Reading of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings".
Drew, Bernard A.: The 100 Most Popular Young Adult Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies. Rev. 1st ed. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1997. xxviii, 531 pp. 27 cm.
ISBN 1-56308-615-8
See the chapter "J. R. R. Tolkien", pp. 419-422.
Flieger, Verlyn: A Question of Time: J.R.R. Tolkien's Road to Faërie. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 1997. x, 276, [1] pp., ill. 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-87338-574-8 (hbk)
Horton, George: Tolkien: His Language: A Guide to Quenya. Northallerton, North Yorkshire: G. Horton, © 1997. 44 pp. 30 × 21.5 cm
Justoň, Zdeněk: Setkání Lévi-Strausse s Tolkienem. Praha: Dauphin, 1997. 194 pp., [16] pp. of plates, ill. 20 cm. (Ethnos (Prag), sv. 12)
ISBN 80-86019-55-1
Moseley, Charles: J.R.R. Tolkien. Plymouth: Northcote House; in association with The British Council, 1997. xv, 96 pp. 21.5 × 13.5 cm. (Writers and their Work)
ISBN 0-7463-0749-7 (pbk)
Mathews, Richard: Fantasy: The Liberation of Imagination. New York: Twayne Publishers; London: Prentice Hall International, 1997. xx, 223 pp. 23 cm. (Studies in Literary Themes and Genres, no. 16)
ISBN 0-8057-0958-4
Paperback edition: New York and London: Routledge, 2002. xx, 223, [4] pp. 21.5 × 14 cm. (Genres in Context)
ISBN 0-415-93890-2 (pbk)
See chapter 3: "Shaping Modern Fantasy: Cosmic Light and Dark: [J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings]", pp. 54-84, and chapter 4: "Plotting the Modern Mythic Hero: Morris and Tolkien", pp. 85-95.
News From the Shire and Beyond: Studies on Tolkien. Edited by Peter Buchs and Thomas Honegger. Zurich: Walking Tree Publications, 1997. ix, 151, [4] pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Cormarë Series, 1)
ISBN 3-9521424-0-9 (pbk)
New edition: 2. ed. Walking Tree Publishers, 2004. 160 s. (Cormarë Series, 1)
ISBN 3-9521424-5-x (pbk)
The new ISBN might possibly reflect that the texts of this collection have been revised.
Parmandil [pseud. for Åke Bertenstam]: Frågor från Bokskogen - en
sammanställning av Tipspromenaderna 1983-1996. Cerin Erain [i.e. Uppsala]: Parmandil Press för Jubileumsbokskogen, 1997. 47 pp., ill. 29 × 21 cm.
Title in English translation: Questions for Bokskogen [the Beech Wood] - A Compilation of Tipspromenaderna 1983-1996.
A compilation of the annual quizzes at Bokskogen, a festivity arranged by Angmar, the Tolkien Society of Malmö, Sweden.
- International Association for Semiotic Studies. Congress (5: Berkeley: 1994): Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity. [ed. and preface] Irmengard Rauch, Gerald F. Carr. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997. 2 vols. (xxxii, 1281 pp). (Approaches to Semiotics, ISSN 0066-5576, 126)
ISBN 3-11-012223-5
See the contributions by M. G. Miele: "Sauron's Newspeak: Black Speech, Quenya, and the Nature of Mind", pp. 219-22;
Arden R. Smith: "The Semiotics of the Writing Systems of Tolkien's Middle-Earth", pp. 1239-1242.
- Symbolik von Ort und Raum. [Hrsg. von] Paul Michel. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 1997. xxiv, 536 pp. 21 cm. (Schriften zur Symbolforschung, 11)
ISBN 3-906759-19-9
See the contribution by Thomas Honegger: "In einer Hohle in der Erde, da lebte ein Hobbit: Zur Symbolik von Ort und Raum in J. R. R. Tolkiens Werk", pp. 305-334.
Zgorzelski, Andrzej: The Syncretic Nature of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Gdańskie, 1997. (Interpretations of British Literature, 16)
Bonnal, Nicolas: Tolkien, les univers d'un magicien. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1998. 283, [4] pp. 21.5 × 15.0 cm.
ISBN 2-251-44137-9 (pbk): 110 F.
Burgess, Anthony: One Man's Chorus: The Uncollected Writings. Selected with an Introduction by Ben Forkner. 1st Carroll & Graf ed. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1998. xx, 380 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-7867-0568-X
See the essay: "Tolkien: A Centenary", pp. 369-372.
Digging Potatoes, Growing Trees: A Selection from 25 Years of Speeches at the Tolkien Society's Annual Dinners. Vol. 2. Edited by Helen Armstrong. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 1998. 60 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 6)
ISBN 0-905520-12-2
Ducreux, François: L'espace imaginaire dans les oeuvres de J.R.R. Tolkien: "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit", "The Silmarillion", "Unfinished Tales". Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 1998. 505 pp.
ISBN 2-284-01051-2: 39.64
Thèse du doctorat: Paris 4: 1995.
Heimdal. 30, Tolkien et Le Seigneur des anneaux. Heimdal, [December] 1998.
ISBN 2-8404-8065-4: 5.34 (2002)
Heimdal. 31, Tolkien et les Celtes en Normandie. Heimdal, [December] 1998.
ISBN 2-8404-8066-2: 5.34 (2002)
Hein, Roland: Christian Mythmakers: C. S. Lewis, Madeleine L'Engle, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, G. K. Chesterton, Charles Williams, John Bunyan, Walter wan Wangerin, Robert Siegel, and Hannah Hurnard. 1. ed. Chicago: Cornerstone Press, 1998. xv, 289 pp.
ISBN 0-940895-31-3 (pbk)
For a revised version see: Christian Mythmakers [2002 ed.].
Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch. Edited by Gerald F. Carr, Wayne Harbert, & Lihua Zhang. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. xxi, 762 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-8204-3802-2
"This collection of essays honors Irmengard Rauch on the occasion of her sixty-fifth birthday"
"Irmengard Rauch, a Bibliography of her Writings": p. [745]-762.
See the contribution by Arden R. Smith: "Old English Influence on the Danian Language of J. R. R. Tolkien", pp. 231-237.
Korulska, Ewa: Hobbit czyli Wielka przygoda z lekturą. Kraków: Wydaw. Edukacyjne, 1998. 94 pp. 20 cm. (Metodycna Biblioteka "To lubię")
ISBN 83-866633-6-7
Lustrum Conference (3: Delft: 1996).
The proceedings from this conference, arranged by Unquendor, the Dutch Tolkien Society, appeared in Lembas-extra, ISSN 0167-823X, 1998. Edited by Sjoerd van der Weide. Leiden: Unquendor, 1998. 106 pp.
Northern Tolkien Festival. Arda Symposium (2: Oslo: 1997): Between Faith and Fiction: Tolkien and the Powers of His World: Proceedings of the Arda Symposium at the Second Northern Tolkien Festival, Oslo, August 1997. Edited by Nils Ivar Agøy. Uppsala: Arda-sällskapet, © 1998. xii, 91 pp. 20.5 × 14.5 cm. (Arda special, ISSN 1403-6509, 1)
ISBN 91-973500-0-1 (pbk)
O'Brien, Roderick: J.R.R. Tolkien 1892-1973 - bases des oeuvres de Tolkien: son art et ses sources. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 1998. 2020 pp.
ISBN 2-284-00925-5: 43.45
Thèse du doctorat: Nancy 2: 1996.
Papers in English Literature and Linguistics. Ed. by Roman Kalisz. Gdańsk: Wydaw. Uniwersitetu Gdańskiego, 1998. 159 pp., 21 cm.
ISBN 83-7017-807-3
See the contribution by Ola Kubinska and Malcolm David: "Beyond the Ha-ha: The Garden and Narrative in English Fiction", pp. 118-136. This contribution treats Henry Fielding, Jane Austen, Emily Brontë and J.R.R. Tolkien
Pelosato, Alain: Fantastique: des auteurs et des thèmes. Pantin: Editions Naturellement, 1998. 190 pp. 17 cm. (Collection Fictions)
ISBN 2-910370-46-1
See the contribution "J.R.R. Tolkien" (one of seven essays).
Pearce, Joseph: Tolkien: Man and Myth: [A Literary Life]. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 1998. xiv, 242 pp., 22.5 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-00-274018-4 (hbk): £16.99
Podhaizer, Mary E.: The Hobbit: A Teaching Guide. By Kathy Kiefer (illustrator), Mary E. Podhaizer. Garlic Press, [May] 1998. 80 pp. 27.5 × 21.5 cm. (Discovering Literature Series)
ISBN 0-931993-90-3 (pbk): $8.95 (2002)
Tolkien en France. Sous la direction d'Edouard J. Kloczko. [Argenteuil]: Les editions Arda, 1998. 191 pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 2-911979-02-8 (pbk): FRF 110; 17
Beare, Rhona: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. New Lambton: Nimrod Publications, 1999. 48 pp. 21 × 15 cm. (Babel Handbooks on Fantasy and SF Writers, ISSN 1326-561X, 10)
ISBN 0-909242-49-6 (pbk): AU$10.00
Capanna, Pablo: Excursos: grandes relatos de ficción, 1. ed. Buenos Aires: Simurg, 1999. 249 pp. 20 cm. (Cuadernos de ensayo)
ISBN 987-9243-14-5
See the chapter: "Mitopóiesis: J.R.R. Tolkien". The book also treats C. S. Lewis, Olaf Stapledon and Ernst Jünger.
González Baixauli, Luis: La lengua de los elfos: una gramática para el quenya de J.R.R. Tolkien: tengwesta kwenyana. 1a ed. Barcelona: Minotauro, 1999. 224 pp. 20 × 12 cm.
ISBN 84-450-7316-8
Later editions: 1a ed. en esta colección. Barcelona: Minotauro, 2002. 224 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 84-450-7397-4
1a ed., 1a imp. Barcelona: Planeta-De Agostini, [May] 2002. 224 pp. 22 × 13 cm. (Biblioteca Tolkien, 9)
ISBN 84-395-9644-8: 5.76
Irigaray, Ricardo: Elfos, hobbits y dragones: una investigación sobre la simbología de Tolkien. Buenos Aires: Tierra Media, 1999. xix, 318 pp. 20 cm.
ISBN 950-97595-1-6
Jones, Gwyneth A.: Deconstructing the Starships: Science, Fiction and Reality. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999. viii, 221 pp. 24 cm. (Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies, 16)
ISBN 0-85323-783-2 (hbk)
ISBN 0-85323-793-X (pbk)
See chapter 4: "My Crazy Uncles: C.S. Lewis and Tolkien as Writers for Children", pp. 60-76?
Kamenkovitch, Maria: The Trojan Horse: Russia as a New Context for Tolkien. Flint, Mich.: American Tolkien Society, 1999. 24 pp. 22 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-13-1 (pbk): $3.50
Kopff, E. Christian: The Devil Knows Latin: Why American Needs the Classical Tradition. Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books, 1999. xvii, 313 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 1-882926-25-0
See chapter XV: "J. R. R. Tolkien: Inventing Lost Worlds", 171-180.
Kroll, Carol: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien: A Study Guide. Edited by Joyce Friedland and Rikki Lesser. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: Learning Links, Inc., © 1983, 1992, 1999. [1], 22 leaves. 28 × 21.5 cm. (Novel-Ties)
Lingva arto: Jubilea libro omage al William Auld kaj Marjorie Boulton. [Ed.] Vilmos Benczik. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 1999. 217 pp.
ISBN 92-901706-4-6
See the contribution by Aleksander Korjenkov: "Unu ringo ilin regas", pp. 92-100. Treats the translation of The Lord of the Rings into Esperanto by William Auld.
Morini, Massimiliano: Le parole di Tolkien. Faenza (Ravenna): Mobydick, 1999. 107 pp. 21 cm. (I saggi Mobydick, 18)
Peace and Conflict Studies in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. Vol. 2. Flint, Mich.: American Tolkien Society, 1999. 36 pp. 28 × 22 cm.
ISBN 1-881799-14-X (pbk): $7.50
Root and Branch: Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien. Thomas Honegger (editor). Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publications, 1999. [5], 179, [3] pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Cormarë Series, 2)
ISBN 3-9521424-1-7 (pbk)
Tolkien: A Celebration: Collected Writings on a Literary Legacy. Edited by Joseph Pearce. London: Fount, 1999. xii, 204 pp. 19.5 × 13.0 cm.
ISBN 0-00-628120-6 (pbk): £7.99
American edition: San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2001. xii, 204 pp. 20 cm.
ISBN 0-89870-866-4
The Tolkien Society Seminar (11: Colcester: 1996): Tolkien, the Sea and Scandinavia. The 11th Tolkien Society Seminar, The George Hotel, Colchester, June 15, 1996. Edited by Richard Crawshaw. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 1999. 56 pp., ill. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 7)
ISBN 0-905520-11-4 (pbk): £5.00
Unwin, Rayner: George Allen & Unwin: A Remembrancer. Ludlow: Privately printed for the author by Merlin Unwin Books, © 1999. xiv, 290 pp. 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 1-873674-37-6 (hbk)
See the two chapters on Tolkien: 4: "Publishing Tolkien I" (pp. 71-103) and 5: "Publishing Tolkien II" (pp. 105-135).
The Best of Amon Hen.. Part 1, A selection from Issues 131[=121]-150. Edited by Andrew Wells. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 2000. 60 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 10)
ISBN 0-905520-15-7 (pbk): $5.00
Derdziński, Ryszard: Gobeth e-Lam Edhellin: gobeth e-lam Edhil Egladrim be in-berf e-Ngolwen John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Nen Galadhorn Elvellon, na-chantath dîn. = Sindarin Dictionary: Dictionary of the Language of the Grey Elves as it was Presented in the Writings of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Ryszard Derdziński, with his artwork. 2nd ed. Katowice: Goold Maggot Publishers, 2000. [ii], xii, [4] pp., pp. 2-71, ill. 30 × 21 cm.
(pbk): $10.00
Garbowski, Christopher: Recovery and Transcendence for the Contemporary Mythmaker: Spiritual Dimension in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, 2000. 231 pp. 21 × 15 cm.
ISBN 83-227-1512-9 (hbk)
New edition: Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publications, [June] 2004. 224 pp.
ISBN 3-9521424-8-4 (pbk)
Gardner, Laurence: Realm of the Ring Lords: The Myth and Magic of the Grail Quest. Shaftesbury: Element, [September] 2000. 352 pp., [16] pp. of plates. Ill. (some col.), maps
ISBN 1-86204-843-6: £18.99
The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to Ecocriticism. Edited by Laurence Coupe. London and New York: Routledge, 2000. xvi, 315 pp. 25 × 18 cm.
ISBN 0-415-20406-2 (hbk-library binding): $85.00 (2002)
ISBN 0-415-20407-0 (pbk, 24 × 17 cm): $26.95 (2002)
See the contribution by Patrick Curry: "Defending Middle-earth", pp. 282-287 (adopted from his book Defending Middle-earth).
Hager, Hal: The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien: A Teacher's Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, © 2000. 16 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 0-618-14133-2 (pbk - single copy)
ISBN 0-618-12011-4 (pbk - pack of 5)
"This teacher's guide was written and produced by Hal Hager."
Individual Learning Packet: Teaching Unit: The Hobbit, by: J.R.R. Tolkien. Cheswold, DE: Prestwick House Inc., © 2000. 14 pp., pp. T-1--T-24, S-1--S-22.
ISBN 1-58049-198-7 (loose leaves in folder)
According to this learning packet has been written by James Scott.
Order number ITU136
Consists of two sections: T = Study Guide: Teacher's Guide and S = Study Guide: Student's Copy.
The original size is probably American letter size; the copy I have inspected is a print out from a PDF file.
J.R.R. Tolkien. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Contributing editor: Aaron Tillman. Philadelphia : Chelsea House Publishers, 2000. viii, 176 pp. (Modern critical interpretations)
ISBN 0-7910-5665-0 (hbk): $34.95
Paperback edition: Philadelphia?: Chelsea House Publishers, [July] 2003. 174 pp.
ISBN 0-7910-7813-2 (pbk): $19.95
J.R.R. Tolkien and his Literary Resonances: Views of Middle-earth. Edited by George Clark and Daniel Timmons. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, [August] 2000. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 89)
ISBN 3-313-30845-4 (hbk)
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Contributing editor: Aaron Tillman. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2000. viii, 192 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Modern critical interpretations)
ISBN 0-7910-5665-1 (hbk): $34.95
Macfarlane, V.: "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Teacher Guide. By V. Macfarlane and A. Troy. San Antonio, Tex.: Novel Units, 2000. 44 pp.
ISBN 1-56137-253-6
This guide is accompanied by an unsigned student guide: "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Student Packet. San Antonio, Tex.: Novel Units, 2000. 44 pp.
ISBN 1-56137-828-3
Martinez, Michael: Visualizing Middle-earth. [Philadelphia]: Xlibris Corporation, [October] 2000. 264 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-7388-7254-7 (pbk. 22 × 14 cm): $21.99
ISBN 0-7388-7543-0 (e-book): $8.00 (
Olszański, Tadeusz Andrzej: Zarys teologii Śródziemia i inne szkice tolkienowskie. Gdańsk: Gdański Klub Fantastyki, 2000. 87 pp., ill. 21 cm. (Anatomia Fantastyki, ISSN 1505-845X, 11)
Poteet, Michael: The Hobbit: Study Guide. Eau Claire: Progeny Press, © 2000 [August 2000]. [6], 65 pp.
ISBN 1-58609-173-5 (ring-bound): $14.99 (2002)
La poetica della fede nel '900: letteratura e cattolicesimo nel secolo della 'morte di Dio'. [con una prefazione del cardinale Paul Poupard]. Firenze: Liberal libri, 2000. xiii, 153 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 88-82700-28-3
Papers presented at a meeting held Feb. 1, 2000, Pontificio consiglio della cultura.
See the contribution by Andrea Monda: "C.S. Lewis e J.R.R. Tolkien"
Readings on J.R.R. Tolkien. Katie de Koster, book editor. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 2000. 176 pp. 22 × 14 cm. (The Greenhaven Press Literary Companion to British Authors)
ISBN 0-7377-0245-1 (lib. bdg.): $27.45.
ISBN 0-7377-0244-3 (pbk): $21.81.
Sabella, Robert: Who Shaped Science Fiction? Commack, N.Y.: Kroshka Books, 2000. xvii, 282 pp. 26 cm.
ISBN 1-56072-520-6
See Ch. 27: "J. R. R. Tolkien", pp. 85-86.
Shippey, Tom: J. R. R. Tolkien: Author of the Century. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [September] 2000. xxxv, 347 pp. 22.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10400-4: £16.99
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
ISBN 0-618-12764-X (hbk): $25.00
Signs of Culture: Simulacra and the Real. Herausgegeben von Wojciech H. Kalaga und Tadeusz Rachwal. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, [August] 2000. 244 pp. 21 × 15 cm. (Literary and Cultural Theory, 7)
ISBN 3-631-36559-4 (pbk): 40.00
See the contribution by Andrzej Wicher: "J.R.R. Tolkien's Quarrel with Modernity: Some Reflections on Tolkien's Practical Philosophy".
The Tolkien Society Seminar (12: Manchester: 1997): The Ways of Creative Mythologies: Imagined Worlds and Their Makers. The 12th Tolkien Society Seminar, Manchester University, June 1997. Edited by Maria Kuteeva. Telford: The Tolkien Society, [April] 2000. 2 vols. (72, 68 pp.) 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 8)
ISBN 0-905520-14-9 (pbk): £10.00
The Tolkien Society Seminar (13: Cambridge: 1999): Tolkien: A Mythology for England? The 13th Tolkien Society Seminar, Cambridge, June 1999. Edited by Richard Crawshaw. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 2000. 70 pp., ill. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet; 9)
ISBN 0-905520-11-4 (pbk)
Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on The History of Middle-earth. Edited by Verlyn Flieger and Carl F. Hostetter. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2000. xvi, 280 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy; 86)
ISBN 0-313-30530-7 (hbk): $59.95
La Trace médiévale et les écrivains d'aujourd'hui. Sous sous la direction de Michèle Gally. Paris: Presses Universitaires du France, 2000. 256 pp. 22 cm. (Perspectives littéraires)
ISBN 2-13-050466-3 (pbk)
See the contribution by Vincent Ferré: "Tolkien et le Moyen Âge, ou l'arbre et la feuille", pp. 121-141.
Adelmund, Martijn: In de ban van Tolkien. Utrecht: Het Spectrum, 2001. 46 pp., ill. 18 cm.
ISBN 90-274-7612-8
Archer, Di et al.: The Lord of the Rings: J. R. R. Tolkien (HarperCollins): Mission, Power, Wisdom and Guidance. Bletchley: Scripture Union, 2001. 23, [1] pp. 29.5 × 21 cm. (Connect Bible Studies)
ISBN 1-85999-634-5 (pbk)
Title on cover: What does the Bible say about... The Lord of the Rings ...Themes of Mission, Power, Wisdom and Courage.
Written by: Di Archer, James Murkett, Caroline Duntis and Tony Watkins.
Behind the Veil of Familiarity: C.S. Lewis (1898-1963). Edited by Margarita Carretero González and Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio. New York, Bern, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2001. 347 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-8204-5099-5 (New York): $49.95
ISBN 3-906765-59-8 (Bern)
See the contributions by Margarita Carretero González: "The Second Love: Friendship, Jack and The Inklings", by Marta García de la Puerta: "J.R.R. Tolkien y C.S. Lewis: Su repercusión en España", and by Miguel Ángel Moleón Viana: "Sobre los cuentos de hadas: en torno a J.R.R. Tolkien y sus criaturas mitológicas".
Bode, Matthias: Erläuterungen zu J. R. R. Tolkien, Der Hobbit. 1. Aufl. Holfeld: Bange, 2001. 87 pp. 16 cm. (Könings Erläterungen und Materialen, Bd. 402)
ISBN 3-8044-1688-8 (pbk): 5.60
List of literature, pp. 84-87.
A revised edition appeared in 2002.
Title in English: Explaining J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.
Broecker, Randy: Fantasy of the Twentieth Century. London: Collins, [October] 2001.
"This book chronicles the world of fantasy in the 20th century from J. R. R. Tolkien... to Terry Pratchett" (
Bruner, Kurt and Jim Ware: Finding God in The Lord of the Rings. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, © 2001 [November 2001]. xiv, 120 pp. 19.5 & 13 cm.
ISBN 0-8423-5571-5 (hbk): $12.99
Paperback edition: Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, [October] 2003. 144 pp. 17 × 10.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8423-8555-X (pbk): $6.99
The paperback edition was published in October according to the record in and in November according to
New paperback edition: Saltriver, [September] 2006. 120 pp.
ISBN 1-4143-1279-2 (pbk): $9.99
Chaij, Kenneth: Sindarin Lexicon. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 2001. 60 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 12)
ISBN 0-905520-18-1 (pbk): £5.00.
On pp. 55-60 there is a reprint of David Masson: "English in Fëanor" (appeared originally in Mallorn 14).
Chance, Jane: The Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power. Rev. ed. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, [October] 2001. xiii, 262 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-8131-9017-7 (pbk): $19.95
For the original edition see: The Mythology of Power [1992 ed.]
Chance, Jane: Tolkien's Art: A Mythology for England. Rev. ed. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, [November] 2001. xiii, 262 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-8131-9020-7 (pbk): $19.95
For the original edition see: Tolkien's Art [1979 ed.]
A Company of Readers: Uncollected Writings of W.H. Auden, Jacques Barzun, and Lionel Trilling from The Reader's Subscription and Mid-century Book Clubs. Edited with an Introduction by Arthur Krystal. Foreword by Jacques Barzun. New York: Free Press, 2001. xxx, 289 pp., ill. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-7432-0262-7
According to an unsigned review in Virginia Quarterly Review (vol. 28, no. 1, pp. A14-A16) this volume contains an essay by Auden on Tolkien.
Coren, Michael: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created The Lord of the Rings. London: Boxtree, 2001. [7], 135, [1] pp. 23.5 × 20 cm.
ISBN 0-7522-6156-8 (hbk): £12.99
Canadian edition: Toronto: Stoddard, 2001. 8, 136 pp. 23.5 × 20 cm.
ISBN 0-7737-3287-X (hbk): Can$27.95
ISBN 0-7737-6285-X (pbk): Can$7.95
Cristiano, Basso: L'anello del potere: La magia dell'anello dai greci a J.R.R. Tolkien. Atene, 2001.
ISBN 88-88330-02-X: 9.00
Day, David: Characters from Tolkien. See
Day, David: A Tolkien Bestiary.
Day, David: Guide to Tolkien. Bounty Books, [October] 2001. 271 pp.
ISBN 0-7537-0562-1 (pbk): £2.99
Digging Potatoes, Growing Trees: A Selection from 25 Years of Speeches at the Tolkien Society's Annual Dinners. Vol. 3. Edited by Helen Armstrong. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 2001. 52 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 11)
ISBN 0-905520-13-0 (pbk): £5.00
Duriez, Colin: The Inklings Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Lives, Thought and Writings of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield and Their Friends. Colin Duriez and David Porter. London: Azure, 2001. xi, 244 pp.
ISBN 1-902694-22-8: £5.99
American edition: St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2001. xii, 244 pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 1-902694-13-9 (hbk): $29.99
Duriez, Colin: Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings: A Guide to Middle-earth. London: Azure, 2001. xvii, 296 pp.
ISBN 1-902694-22-8: £5.99
American edition: Mahwah, New Jersey: Hidden Spring, [November] 2001.
ISBN 1-58768-017-3 (pbk): $17.00
New British edition: [Stroud?]: Sutton Publishing, [March 2005].
ISBN 0-7509-3982-6 (pbk)
Farrell, Michael P.: Collaborative Circles: Friendship Dynamics & Creative Work. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001. x, 324 pp., ill. 16 pp. of plates. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-22-623866-0
The Inklings is one of six collaborative circles studied in Farrell's book.
Ferré, Vincent: Tolkien: Sur les rivages de la Terre du Milieu. Paris: Christian Bourgois Éditeur, © 2001 [dépôt légal: février 2001]. 353, [4] pp.
ISBN 2-267-01573-0 (trade pbk): 22.87
New paperback edition: Paris: Christian Bourgois Éditeur, © 2001 [dépôt légal: octobre 2002]. 353, [1] pp. 18 × 11 cm. (Agora)
ISBN 2-266-12118-9 (pbk)
Fredrick, Candice: Women among the Inklings: Gender, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Candice Fredrick and Sam McBride. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001. xvi, 201 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Contributions in Women's Studies, ISSN 0147-104X, no. 191)
ISBN 0-313-31245-1 (hbk): $59.00
Gillam, James H.: Treasures from the Misty Mountains: A Collector's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien: A Complete Guide to Lord of the Rings Collectibles, Toys and the New Movies. Burlington, Ont.: Collector's Guide Pub., © 2001 [November 2001]. 208 pp., col. ill. 27.5 × 21 cm.
ISBN 1-896522-76-9 (pbk): $30.95
"A complete guide to Lord of the Rings collectibles, toys, and the new movies."
Gómez, Teodoro: J.R.R. Tolkien. Teodoro Gómez Cordero. Barcelona: Océnao Difusion Editorial, [November] 2001. 186 pp., [12] leaves of plates; 21 × 14 cm. (El lector de -- )
ISBN 84-7556-054-7: 5.49
Gulisano, Paolo: Tolkien: il mito e la grazia. Milano: Àncora, 2001. 201 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 88-7610-958-7
Der Herr der Ringe: Auswahl mit Materialen: Ab Klasse 8. Klett, 2001. 160 pp.
ISBN 3-12-262350-1 (pbk): 4.90
Tolkien is given as the author in the database.
Title: The Lord of the Rings: Selection with [Learning] Materials.
Kawiński, Artur: Tolkien - barwy pieśni: opisanie muzycznego świata Śródziemia. Gdańsk: Gdański Klub Fantastyki, 2001. 82 pp., ill. 21 cm. (Anatomia Fantastyki, ISSN 1505-845X, 12)
Knight, Gareth: The Magical World of J.R.R. Tolkien.. Oceanside, Calif.: Sun Chalice Books, © 2001 [September 2001]. xiv, 120 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 1-928754-08-2 (pbk): $11.95
The contents of this book is probably a revised and enlarged version of the chapter about Tolkien in the author's The Magical World of the Inklings.
König, Helga and Cordula Schütz-Fischer: Die Bibliothek der Inklings-Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001. xxxiv, 494 pp. 29 cm. (Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt: 7, Vereinsarchive und Vereinsbibliotheken, Bd. 1)
ISBN 3-447-04453-5 (hbk.): DEM 128.00
Cf. the catalogue by Gisbert Kranz: Die Inklings-Bibliothek: Systematischer Katalog der Spezialsammlung zu G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy L. Sayers, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams.
MacKay, William: Tolkien Trivia Quiz Book. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2001. [4], 88, [3] pp. 13.5 × 10.5 cm.
ISBN 0-7607-2670-1 (pbk): $3.95
Major, David C.: 100 One-Night Reads: A Book Lover's Guide. David C. Major and John S. Major. 1. ed. New York: Ballantine Books, [June] 2001. xix, 312, [1] pp. 20.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-345-43994-5 (trade pbk): $12.95
See the chapter "J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit", pp. 272-273.
Meditations on Middle-earth. Edited by Karen Haber. Illustrations by John Howe. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. xvi, [ii], 235 pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-312-27536-6 (hbk): $24.95
Paperback edition: Gardners Books, [October] 2003.
ISBN 0-7434-6874-0 (pbk)
Nagula, Michael: Tolkiens Welt: Von A wie Auenland bis Z wie Zauberring: Alles über den Schöpfer des 'Herr der Ringe' und sein Werk. Knaur, 2001. 416 pp. 18 cm. (Knaur Taschenbücher, nr. 70249)
ISBN 3-426-70249-5: 8.90
Überarbeitete Neuausgabe [2. Dr.]: München: Knaur, 2002. 416 pp.
ISBN 3-426-70249.5 (pbk)
Neal, Connie: Wizards, Hobbits and Harry Potter: What Your Family Needs to Know. Connie Neal and Kurt Bruner. Little Rock, Ariz.: Family Life Publishing, 2001. 48 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 1-57229-328-4 (pbk with an audio CD): $19.95
Published in February 2002 according to Amazon.
Nebreda Sáinz-Pardo, José Maria and Manuel Berrocal Muela: Tolkien: Enciclopedia. 1a ed., 1a imp. Madrid: Alberto Santos, [October] 2001. 256 pp., ill. 24 × 17 cm.
ISBN 84-95070-34-0: 20.23
List of literature, pp. 84-87.
A revised edition appeared in 2002.
Title in English: The Fantastic Literature of J. R. R. Tolkien.
Pesch, Helmut W.: Fantasy: Theorie und Geschichte. Passau: Erster Deutsche Fantasy-Club, 2001. 308 pp.
ISBN 3-932621-45-X (pbk): 17.50
Title: Fantasy: Theory and History.
For an earlier edition see Fantasy: Theorie und Geschichte einer literarischen Gattung
Questin, Marc-Louis: Le monde légendaire de Tolkien. Avec la collaboration de Philippe Kerforme. Paris: Éditions Trajectoire, © 2001 [November 2001]. 301, [1] pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 2-84197-198-X (pbk): 18.00
The QPB Companion to The Lord of the Rings. [Edited by Brandon Geist]. New York: Quality Paperback Book Club, © 2001. viii, 104 pp., maps. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-9653078-8-3 (pbk)
Repun, Graciela: Tolkien para principiantes. Graciela Repun, Enrique Melatoni. Buenos Aires: Longseller, 2001. 176 pp. 19.5 × 14 cm. (Era naciente)
ISBN 987-906-593-X: Arg$11.90
Schneidewind, Friedhelm: Das große Tolkien-Lexikon: Von "Roverandom" bis zum "Silmarillion", vom "Kleinen Hobbit" bis zum "Herrn der Ringe": eine phantastische Reise durch die Welt des John R. R. Tolkien. Mit einem Titelbild und Illustrationen von Ulrike Schneidewind. Berlin: Lexikon-Imprint-Verlag [im Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag], © 2001 [October 2001]. 829, [3] pp., ill. 23.5 × 16.5 cm.
ISBN 3-89602-298-9: 25.90
Bibliography, pp. 773-829.
Servos, Stefan: Herr der Ringe u. a. Fantasy-Filme und -Bücher: [Bonus: großes Tolkien-Quiz und Mittelerde-Lexikon!] [Autoren: Stefan Servos/Andreas Kasprzak.] Königswinter: Heel, 2001. 109 pp., [16] pp. of colour plates, ill. 30 cm. (Space view: Special)
ISBN 3-89880-020-2 (hbk.): 12.50
This book mainly treats The Lord of the Rings film. Chapters 1-2, pp. 6-11 deals with Tolkien's life and works.
Stanton, Michael N.: Hobbits, Elves, and Wizards: Exploring the Wonders and Worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. New York: Palgrave, [December] 2001. xii, 192 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-312-23826-6 (hbk): $19.95
Sturch, Richard: Four Christian Fantasists: A Study of the Fantastic Writings of George MacDonald, Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publishers, 2001. [6], 126 pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Cormarë series, no. 3)
ISBN 3-9521424-3-3 (pbk)
A Tolkien Treasury. Edited by Alida Becker, illustrations by Michael Green, color illustrations by Tim Kirk. Philadelphia: Running Press, 2001. 93 pp., ill. (some col.) 8.5 × 7 cm.
ISBN 0-7624-0980-0 (hbk): $4.95
"A Running Press Miniature Edition."
According to The Tolkien Collector, no. 25 (October 2001), p. 14 a miniature book with illustrations and extracts from A Tolkien Treasury, [1989 ed.]
University of St. Thomas Tolkien Conference (Saint Paul, Minn.: 2001): Concerning Hobbits and Other Matters: Tolkien Across the Disciplines: Papers Delivered at the University of St. Thomas Tolkien Conference, April 26th, 2001. Editor: Tim Schindler, editorial assistant: Matthew DiPietro, artwork: Randall Wesley. [St. Paul, Minn.]: University of St. Thomas, [2001]. 86 pp., ill. 28 × 21.5 cm.
White, Michael: Tolkien: A Biography. London: Little, Brown, 2001. ix, 290 pp., [16] pp. of plates, ill., ports. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-316-86044-1 (hbk): £16.99
ISBN 0-316-86049-2 (pbk): £10.99
American edition: The Life and Work of J.R.R. Tolkien. Indianapolis, Ind.: Alpha Books, 2002. xviii, 317 pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-02-864285-6 (pbk): $14.95
New English paperback edition: London: Abacus, 2002. [ix], 292 pp., [16] pp. of plates. 19.5 × 12.5 cm.
ISBN 0-349-11620-2 (pbk): £7.99
Włodek, Julia: Hobbit, czyli Tam i z powrotem J.R.R. Tolkiena: powtórka z lektur. Warszawa: "Nasza Księgarnia", 2001. 22, [2] pp. 21 cm. (Mini-Maksy)
ISBN 83-1-010783-8
Abanes, Richard: Fantasy and Your Family: Exploring The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Modern Magick. Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, [September] 2002. xii, 322 pp., [8] pp. of plates, ill. 20.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-87509-975-0 (pbk): $11.99
Ang, Susan: [The] Master of the Rings: [Inside the World of J.R.R. Tolkien]. With illustrations by Enrique Melatoni (illustrator). Duxford, Cambridge: Wizard Books (an imprint of Icon Books), [November] 2002. 176 pp.
ISBN 1-84046-423-2 (pbk): £5.99 (UK)
Canada: CA$12.00
USA: $13.95 (Totem Books; [January] 2003 according to
"Published in the USA in 2002 by Totem Books"
Information about subtitle taken from the cover.
According to information from the publisher they had originally intended to publish a book by Graciela Repun with the title above (ISBN 1-84046-400-3) but eventually published a book by Susan Ang instead, using the same title and illustrator as for the projected book by Repun.
New edition: New York: IBooks; London: Simon & Schuster, [November] 2003. 176 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 0-7434-7988-2 (pbk): $9.95
Apocalyptic in History and Tradition. Edited by Christopher Rowland and John Barton. London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. xvi, 332 pp., ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-82646-208-1 (hbk): £ 85.43
See the contribution by Christopher Garbowski: "Tolkien's Eschatology of Hope: From Ragnarok to Joyous Subcreation".
The Best of Amon Hen.. Part 2, A Selection from Issues 91-120. Edited by Andrew Wells. Telford: The Tolkien Society, 2002. 71 pp., ill. 21 × 15 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet, 13)
ISBN 0-905520-19-X (pbk): £5.00
Bidlo, Oliver D.: Mythos Mittelerde: Über Hobbits, Helden und Geschichte in Tolkiens Welt. Norderstedt: Books on Demand Gmbh., © 2002 [July 2002]. 151 pp. 19 × 12 cm.
ISBN 3-8311-3744-7 (pbk): 11.50
Birzer, Bradley J.: J.R.R. Tolkien's Sanctifying Myth: Understanding Middle-Earth. With a foreword by Joseph Pearce. 1st ed. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, [October] 2002. xxvi, 219 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 1-882926-84-6 (hbk): $24.95
Paperback edition: Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, [October] 2003. 245 pp.
ISBN 1-932236-20-1 (pbk)
"ISI Books, the imprint of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute"
Joseph Pearce's foreword is printed on pp. [ix]-xiv.
Blake, Andrew: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Beginner's Guide. London: Hodder & Stoughton, [September] 2002. x, 83 pp., ill., 20 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-340-85797-8 (pbk): £5.99
American edition: J.R.R. Tolkien. Headway, [March] 2003. 96 pp. (Headway Guides for Beginners)
ISBN 0-340-85797-8 (pbk): $9.95
Bode, Matthias: Erläuterungen zu J. R. R. Tolkien, Der Hobbit. 2., ergtänzte Aufl. Holfeld: Bange, 2002. 101 pp. 15.5 × 11.5 cm. (Königs Erläterungen und Materialen, Bd. 402)
ISBN 3-8044-1688-8 (pbk): 5.60
List of literature and URL's, pp. 97-101.
The first edition appeared in 2001.
Title in English: Explaining J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.
Børch, Marianne Novrup: Lord of the Rings - bog, film, roller, computerspil. Af Marianne Novrup Børch og Anne Scott Sørensen. Odense: Syddansk Universitet, Center fra Middelalderstudier, [August] 2002. 47 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Mindre Skrifter, udgivet af Center for Middelalderstudier, Syddansk Universitet, ISSN 1601-1899, nr. 22)
See the contribution by Børch: "Ringenes Herre som Romance", pp. 9-29.
Titles in English: Lord of the Rings - Book, Film, Roles, Computer Game and "The Lord of the Rings as Romance".
Bottero, Alessandro: L'anello el la spada: Guido al mondo di J. R. R. Tolkien. Mare Nero, 2002. 189 pp., ill. (Pop Arts)
Bouttier-Couqueberg, Catherine: Clés pour Le Seigneur des Anneaux de J.R.R. Tolkien. Paris: Pocket, [November] 2002. 254, [2] pp. 17.5 × 10.5 cm. (Pocket classiques, no 6259)
ISBN 2-266-12484-6: 5.00
Caldecott, Stratford, Didier Rance and Grégory Solari: Tolkien: Faërie et Christianisme. Genève: Ad Solem, © 2002 [dépôt légal: November 2002]. 108, [4] pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 2-88482-014-0: 12.00
Celebrating Middle-earth: The Lord of the Rings as a Defense of Western Civilization. Edited by John G. West, Jr. Seattle: Inkling Books, 2002. 107 pp. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 1-58742-012-0 (alk. pbk): $19.95
ISBN 1-58742-013-9 (alk. hbk)
Title on half title page: Celebrating Middle-earth: An Examination of the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien as a Defense of the Literary, Philosophical, Political Religious Foundations of Western Society.
Based on papers delivered at the conference 'Celebrating Middle Earth The Lord of the Rings as a Defense of Western Civilization' at Seattle Public University on November 9-10, 2001.
Children's literature in English at the turn of the millennium. Bohuslav Mánek (ed.); Ralph Slayton, Pavla Machová (assoc. eds.). Hradec Králové: British Council/Gaudeamus, 2002. 235 pp.
ISBN 80-7041-940-7
Selected papers and workshops from the first and second international biennial conferences on Children's literature in English, University of Hradec Kralove, 27-29 January 1999 and 24-26 January 2001.
See the contribution by Patricia Ráckoá: "Mythical motifs in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and Jaroslav Foglar", pp. 118-128.
Colbert, David: The Magical Worlds of The Lord of the Rings: The Amazing Myths, Legends, and Facts behind the Masterpiece. New York: Berkley Books, October 2002. viii, 197, [3] pp., ill. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-425-18771-3 (pbk): $13.00
Canadian edition: Toronto: McArthur, 2002. viii, 197 pp., ill. 22 cm.
ISBN 1-55278-340-5 (pbk): CA$16.95
British edition: The Magical Worlds of The Lord of the Rings: A Treasury of Myhts, Legends and Fascinating Facts. London: Puffin Books, [August?] 2002. 211 pp., ill. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-14-131574-1 (pbk): £5.99
Collins, Mary B.: The Hobbit: A Unit Plan. Teacher's Pet Publications, [March] 2002. 190 pp.
ISBN 1-58337-284-9 (CD-ROM): $19.95
La compagnia, l'anello, il potere: J. R. R. Tolkien creatore di mondi. [Contributi di] Tullio Bologna, Gianfranco Turris, Stefano Guiliano. Rimini: Il cerchio, 2002. 198 pp. 21 cm. (Fantásia)
ISBN 88-84740-12-6: 15.00
Crovi, Luca: Mister fantasy: Il mondo segreto di Tolkien. Luca Crovi, Stefano Priarone. Passigli, 2002. 144 pp. (Il tempo e le cose)
Day, David: Guide to Tolkien's World: A Bestiary. San Diego, CA: Thunder Bay Press, [September] 2002. 287 pp. 27 × 21 cm.
ISBN 1-571-45878-6 (pbk): $14.98
Possibly just a new edition of David Day's A Tolkien Bestiary.
Dufau, Jean-Christophe: L'être et le temps dans l'oeuvre de J.R.R. Tolkien. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2002. 612 pp. (These a la carte)
ISBN 2-284-02630-3: 46.50
Thèse du doctorat: Artois: 2000.
Ellwood, Robert S.: Frodo's Quest: Living the Myth in The Lord of the Rings. Wheaton, Ill.: Quest Books; Theosophical Publishing House, [November] 2002. 159, [1] pp., ill. 23 × 18.5 cm
ISBN 0-8356-0823-9 (pbk): $18.95
According to published in September 2002, according to Barnes& in November (November 26, 2002).
P. [160]: "Quest Books are published by The Theosophical Society in America, Wheaton, Illinois".
Faeries: Toutes les fantasy. Hors série, no. 1, Special Tolkien. Paris: Nestiveqnen Editions, janvier 2002. ca. 160 pp.
ISBN 2-910899-40-3 (pbk): 8.99
ISSN 1625-8223
Fernandez, Irène: Et si on parlait... du Seigneur des Anneaux: [le sens caché de l'œuvre de Tolkien]. Paris: Presses de la Renaissance, © 2002 [dépôt légal, November 2002]. 134, [6] pp. 21 × 12 cm.
ISBN 2-85616-863-9 (pbk): 12.00
Flieger, Verlyn: Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien's World. 2nd [rev.] ed. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, [September] 2002. 208 pp.
ISBN 0-87338-744-9 (pbk)
For the original edition see: Splintered Light [1983 ed.].
Published in November 2002 according to and in February 2002 according to Barnes& (November 24, 2002).
Gardner, Patrick and Dennis Quinio: The Hobbit: J.R.R. Tolkien. New York: Spark Publishing, [July] 2002. vi, 65 pp. 21.5 × 13 cm. (SparkNotes)
ISBN 1-58663-588-3 (pbk): $4.95
Other editions: Adobe Acrobat eBook: Barnes & Noble Digital, [August] 2002
ISBN 1-401-40573-8: $4.95
MS Reader eBook: Spark Publishing, [August] 2002
ISBN 1-401-40549-5: $4.95
Gardner, Patrick et al.: The Lord of the Rings: J.R.R. Tolkien. New York: Spark Publishing, [September] 2002. vii, 260 pp. 21.5 × 13 cm. (SparkNotes)
ISBN 1-58663-790-8 (hbk): $9.95
Writers: Patrick Gardner, Drake Bennett (The Fellowship of the Rings), John Henriksen (The Two Towers & The Return of the King), Joel Dodson (The Return of the King).
Gieth, Sandy van der and Dennis Willems: Literaturprojekt. Der Herr der Ringe. Die Gefährten. Illustrationen: Larysa Golik. 1. Aufl. Kempen: BVK (Buch Verlag Kempen), 2002. 60 pp. 29.5 × 21 cm.
ISBN 3-932519-89-2 (pbk): 14.90
Gifford, Clive: So you Think you Know The Lord of the Rings? London: Hodder Children's Books, [October] 2002. vi, 152 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-340-87361-2 (pbk): £4.99
Subtitle on cover: Over 1200 Fantastic Quiz Questions.
Quizbook for children.
Gilleland, Michael S: "The Fellowship of the Ring" by JRR Tolkien: Study Guide. Eau Claire, Wisconsin: Progeny Press, 2002.
ISBN 1-58069-186-7 (pbk)
Gloge, Andreas: J.R.R. Tolkiens Der Herr der Ringe: Vom Mythos zum Begründer eines Genres. Passau: Erster Deutsche Fantasy-Club, 2002. 148 pp.
ISBN 3-932621-49-2 (pbk): 15.00
Title: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: From Mythos to the Foundation of a Genre.
Gray, D. J.: Harry Potter and Tolkien's Rings: A Christian Perspective. Cannon Hill, Qld.: Shepherd Publications, [May] 2002. 24 pp. 19 cm.
ISBN 0-9579868-1-5 (pbk)
Hein, Roland: Christian Mythmakers: C.S. Lewis, Madeleine L'Engle, J.R.R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, Charles Williams, Dante Alighieri, John Bunyan, Walter Wangerin, Robert Siegel, and Hannah Hurnard . 2. ed. Chicago: Cornerstone Press, 2002. xv, 303 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 0-940895-48-X (pbk, alk. paper)
For the original edition see: Christian Mythmakers [1998 ed.].
Individual Learning Packet: Teaching Unit: The Fellowship of the Ring: By: J.R.R. Tolkien. Cheswold, DE: Prestwick House Inc., © 2002. 14 pp., pp. T-1--T-33, S-1--S-27. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-58049-411-0 (loose leaves in folder)
Order number TU194/ITU194
Consists of two sections: T = Study Guide: Teacher's Guide and S = Study Guide: Student's Copy.
Individual Learning Packet: Teaching Unit: The Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers: By: J.R.R. Tolkien. Cheswold, DE: Prestwick House Inc., © 2002. 14 pp., pp. T-1--T-37, S-1--S-31. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-58049-460-9 (loose leaves in folder)
Order number TU216/ITU216
Consists of two sections: T = Study Guide: Teacher's Guide and S = Study Guide: Student's Copy.
Introduzione a Tolkien: tutto sul mondo e sull'opera dell'autore de Il signore degli anelli: una guida chiara e facilmente consultabile per chi lo avvicina per la prima volta, una miniera d'informazioni, idee, aggiornamenti per gli esperti tolkieniani. A cura di Franco Manni. Disegni di G. Daniele. 1. ed. Milano: Simonelli, 2002. 491 pp., ill. 21 cm. (Il piacere di raccontare)
ISBN 88-86792-39-5: 25.00
Includes bibliographical references (pp. 417-471).
Jones, Leslie Ellen: Myth & Middle-earth: [Exploring the Medieval Legends Behind J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings]. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press, © 2002. 191 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-892975-81-5 (pbk): $14.95
J.R.R. Tolkien: Mythos and Modernity in Middle-Earth. [Editor: Ian Boyd, CSB.] South Orange, New Jersey: Seton Hall University, G.K. Chesterton Insitute, 2002. i, [i], 299 pp. 21.5 × 15 cm. (The Chesterton Review, ISSN 0317-0500, vol. 28, nos. 1/2, February/May 2002)
(pbk): $20.00
Special issue of The Chesterton Review.
J.R.R. Tolkien & the Christian Imagination. Chicago, Ill.: Touchstone, 2002. (Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, vol. 15, no. 1, January/February 2002)
(pbk): $6.00
Special issue of Touchstone.
Kiernan, Denise: The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien. Interior illustrations by Teresa Southwell. 1. pr. Jefferson City, Mo.: Scholastic, [September] 2002. 32 pp. 27.5 × 21.5 cm. (Scholastic Literature Guide)
ISBN 0-439-41129-7 (pbk): $5.95
Kloczko, Edouard: Encyclopédie des langues de la Terre du Milieu, des îles de Númenor et d'Eressëa, du séjour des elfes ou Eldamar & du séjour des Dieux ou Valmar, ainsi que des terres connues & inconnues telles qu'elles sont décrites dans les oeuvres du Pr. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
T. 4, Dictionnaire des langues des Hobbits, des Nains, des Orques & autres créatures de la Terre du Milieu, de Númenor & d'Aman. Argenteuil: Arda, 2002. xix, 179, [1] pp. 25.5 × 18 cm.
ISBN 2-911979-04-4 (hbk)
Kuby, Gabriele and Michael Hageböck: Harry Potter - der globale Schub in okkultes Heidentum. Von Gabriele Kuby. Frohe Botschaft aus Mittelerde. Von Michael Hageböck. 1. Aufl. Kisslegg: Fe-Medienverl., 2002. 189 pp. 18 cm.
ISBN 3-928929-43-7 (hbk.): 7.80
Levinsen, Jakob: Helte og hobbitter: veje omkring J.R.R. Tolkien og Ringenes Herre. Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2002. 208 pp.
ISBN 87-595-1890-1 (pbk): DKK 249.00
Title: Heroes and Hobbits: Roads to J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings.
2. oplag (=2. edition) was published in 2004 (208 pp). This was apparently not revised.
For a revised edition see: Helte og hobbitter: Tolkien og hans verden.
Lewis, Alex and Elizabeth Currie: The Uncharted Realms of Tolkien: (A Critical Study of Text, Context and Subtext in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien). Oswestry: Medea, 2002. [3], 250 pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-9543207-0-0 (pbk): £18.00
Lowson, Iain: World of the Rings: The Unauthorised Guide to the World of JRR Tolkien. Iain Lowson, Keith Marshall and Daniel O'Brien. London: Reynolds & Hearn, 2002. 127 pp.
ISBN 1-903111-23-4 (pbk): £6.95
Lustrum Conference (4: Brielle: 2001): 2001: A Tolkien Odyssey: Proceedings of Unquendor's Fourth Lustrum Conference, Brielle, The Netherlands, 9 June 2001. Edited by Ron Pirson. Leiden: De Tolkienwinkel, 2002. vi, 119 pp. 29.5 × 21 cm. (Lembas-extra, ISSN 0167-823X, 2001)
(pbk): 12.50
Martins Filho, Ives Gandra da Silva: O mundo do Senhor do Anéis. São Paulo: Madras, 2002. 177 pp., col. ill. 21 cm.
ISBN 85-7374-552-5 (pbk)
Monda, Andrea and Saverio Simonelli: Tolkien: Il signore della fantasia. [Milano]: Frassinelli, 2002. 269 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 88-7684-689-1: 13.00
Morse, Robert: Bilbo's Birthday and Frodo's Adventure of Faith. San Jose; New York; Lincoln, Neb.; Shanghai: Writers Club Press [imprint of iUniverse, Inc.], © 2002. xiii, 197 pp. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-595-21935-7 (pbk): $16.95
Nagula, Michael: Tolkiens Welt: Von A wie Auenland bis Z wie Zauberring: Alles über den Schöpfer des 'Herr der Ringe' und sein Werk. Überarbeitete Neuausgabe [2. Dr.]: München: Knaur, 2002. See Tolkiens Welt [2001 ed.].
Petty, Anne C.: One Ring to Bind Them All: Tolkien's Mythology. 2nd, [revised] edition. Alabama: University of Alabama Press, [September] 2002. xxi, 124 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-8173-1205-6 (pbk): $18.95
For the original edition see: One Ring to Bind Them All [1979 ed.].
The revised edition has a new introduction (pp. [xi]-xxi) and a revised bibliography (pp. [118]-121).
Poteet, Michael: The Two Towers, by J.R.R. Tolkien: Study Guide. Eau Claire, WI: Progeny Press, © 2002. 109 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm. [size of folder: 29.5 × 23 cm]
ISBN 1-58609-190-5 (loose-leaves in folder): $14.99 (2002)
Questin, Marc-Louis: La sagesse de Tolkien ou les prodiges du Silmarillion. Paris: Éditions Trajectoire, © 2002 [dépôt légal: September 2002]. 231, [1] pp. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 2-84197-237-2 (pbk): 18.00
A Reader's Guide: The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. [Boston]: Houghton Mifflin, [2002?]. 11, [1] pp., map, port. 21.5 × 12 cm.
ISBN 0-618-16815-X (pbk - pack of 5 Reader's Guides)
"Produced by Hal Hager & Associates, Somerville, NJ. Design: e2 Studio, Mechicsburg, PA."
Cover title. Discusses questions on The Lord of the Rings with a chronology of Tolkien's life.
Individual Learning Packet: Teaching Unit: The Fellowship of the Ring: By: J.R.R. Tolkien. Cheswold, DE: Prestwick House Inc., © 2002. 14 pp., pp. T-1--T-33, S-1--S-27. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-58049-411-0 (loose leaves in folder)
Order number TU194/ITU194
Consists of two sections: T = Study Guide: Teacher's Guide and S = Study Guide: Student's Copy.
Reflections: A Student Response Journal for... The Hobbit, by: J.R.R. Tolkien. Cheswold, DE: Prestwick House, Inc., © 2002. 35 pp.
ISBN 1-58049-431-7 (pbk?): $19.50
Order number RJ57/IRJ57
Servos, Stefan and Anja Arendt: Der Herr der Ringe: Der neue Film "Die zwei Türme", das Phänomen & die Fans: [Extras: Sindarin Sprachkurs (mit elbischen Filmzitaten): Reiseführer durch Mittekerde (mit Neuseelandkarte)]. Königswinter: Heel, © 2002. 100 pp., [16] leaves of plates, ill., col. ill. 30 × 21 cm. (Space view. Special)
ISBN 3-89880-126-8 (pbk): 12.50
This book treats mainly the film The Two Towers. There is, however, a section on Sindarin on pp. 81-99.
Smadja, Isabelle: Le Seigneur des Anneaux ou la tentation du mal. Paris: Presses Universitaires du France, [November] 2002. 133 pp. 21.5 × 13.5 cm. (Sociologie d'aujourd'hui)
ISBN 2-13-053050-8 (pbk): 14
Smith, Mark Eddy: Tolkien's Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of The Lord of the Rings. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, [February] 2002. 141, [3] pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-8308-2312-3 (pbk): $11.00
British edition: A Closer Look at The Lord of the Rings: [Exploring the Spiritual values and Themes of the Greatest Fantasy Novel Ever Written]. 1st British ed. Eastbourne: Kingsway Communications, [March] 2002. 141, [2] pp. 20 × 12.5 cm.
ISBN 1-84291-075-2 (pbk)
Soler Frost, Pablo: Acerca de El señor de los anillos. Tlalpan: Libros del Umbral, 2002. 38, [2] pp. 20.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 968-5115-29-X (pbk)
Spaemann, Cordelia: Der Riss in der Welt: Tolkien und die Hintergründe. Hrsg. von Engelbert Recktenwald. Köln, Johann-Heinrich-Platz 12: E. Recktenwald, 2002. 68 pp. 15 cm.
Tavella, Emanuela: Tolkien: Dalla fiaba al mito: Creazione e significato dell'universo fantastico de Il signore degli anelli. Firenze: Firenze libri, 2002. 123 pp., ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 88-7256-120-5: 12.39
Tjalve, Lars and Ulla Tjalve: Ringenes Herre og den bibelske fortælling: Et undervisningsmateriale.. 1. udgave. Valby: Unitas, 2002. 78 pp., ill.
ISBN 87-7517-626-2 (pbk): DKK 98.00
Tolkien, Christopher: The History of Middle-earth Index. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [August] 2002. xxiii, 484 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-00-713743-5 (pbk): £9.99
Tolkien, J.R.R.: Der Herr der Ringe (Auswahl). Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Wolfgang Krege. Mit Materialen zusammengestellt von Hans-Gerd Claßen. [1. Aufl.] Stuttgart; Düsseldorf; Leipzig: Ernst Klett Verlag, 2002. 158 pp., ill. 17.5 × 10.5 cm. (Lesehefte für den Literaturunterricht: In neuer Folge herausgegeben von Klaus-Ulrich Pech und Rainer Sigle)
ISBN 3-12-262350-1 (pbk)
Contains extracts from the Prologue and from five chapters (1:1, 1:2, 2:4, 3:7 and 4:9), pp. 7-131 (with comments), Materialen, pp. 132-153 (general, on fantasy and Tolkien, symbols and motifs, on the German translation, and on the Peter Jackson film and role-playing games).
Tolkien, la Terra di Mezzo e i miti del terzo millennio. A cura di Michele De Feudis. [Testi di] Franco Cardini et al. Bari: L'arco e la core, 2002. 100 pp., ill., 21 cm.
Proceedings of a conference in Bari 2003 according to a reference in Yale University library database. This year must surely be in error unless the publishing date is incorrect.
Tyler, J.E.A.: The Complete Tolkien Companion. Illustrations by Kevin Reilly. 3rd ed. London: Pan, [November] 2002. xi, [ii], 713, [2] pp., ill. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-330-41165-9 (pbk): £9.99
American edition: New York: St. Martin's Press, [January] 2004. xi, 713 pp., ill. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-312-31545-7 (hbk): $27.95
"Thomas Dunne Books."
American paperback edition: New York: St. Martin's Press, [November] 2004. 736 pp.
ISBN 0312-33912-7 (pbk): $15.95
Revised edition of The New Tolkien Companion.
Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art. Edited by Gary Westfahl, George Slusser, and Kathleen Church Plummer. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, [January] 2002. vi, 166 pp. 25 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875; no. 98)
ISBN 0-313-31705-4 (hbk): $63.95
See the contribution by Beatrix Karthaus-Hunt: "'And What Happened After': How J. R. R. Tolkien Visualized, and Other Artists Re-Visualized, the Denizens of Middle-Earth", pp. 125-140?
Voenix: Tolkiens Wurzeln: Die mythischen Quellen zu "Der Herr der Ringe". Arbon: Akrons Verlag AG, 2002. 173, [3] pp., ill.. col. ill. 24 × 17 cm.
ISBN 3-905372-19-3 (pbk): 14.90
Voenix is a pseudonym for Thomas Vömel.
W.H. Auden: A Legacy. Edited by David Garrett Izzo. West Cornwall, Conn.: Locust Hill Press, 2002. xxvi, 510 pp. 23 cm. (The Locust Hill Literary Studies Series, no. 31)
ISBN 0-933951-94-9 (lib. bdg.)
See the contribution by Rod Jellema: "Auden on Tolkien: The Book That Isn't, and the House That Brought It Down (with unpublished letters by Auden)", pp. 39-46.
Weinreich, Frank: J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings; Der Herr der Ringe. München: Mentor Verlag; in Zusammenarbeit mit Langenscheidt, © 2002. 64 pp. 18 × 11 cm. (Mentor Lektüre. Durchblick, Bd 431)
ISBN 3-580-63431-3 (pbk): 4.95
Study guide.
Wentz, Melanie: Once upon a Time in Great Britain: A Travel Guide to the Sights and Settings of Your Favorite Children's Stories. New York: St. Martin's Press, [July] 2002. 224 pp.
ISBN 0-312-28338-5 (pbk): $15.95
See the chapter: "The Chronicles of Narnia and The Hobbit", pp. 49-62.
Zipes, Jack: Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales. Rev. and expanded ed. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2002. xxv, 278 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-8131-9030-4 (pbk)
See chapter 5: "The Utopian Function of Fairy Tales and Fantasy: Ernst Bloch the Marxist and J.R.R. Tolkien the Catholic", pp. 146-178.
For the original edition see Breaking the Magic Spell [1979 ed.]
Agøy, Nils Ivar: Mytenes mann: J.R.R. Tolkien og hans forfatterskap. [Oslo]: Tiden, 2003. 201 pp., ill.
ISBN 82-10-04851-1 (hbk)
Arendt, Anja: Space View Fantasy: Die Geschichte die Elben: Die überirdischen Wesen im Film "Der Herr der Ringe", in Tolkiens Werken und in der Myhtos. Heel/VSB, 2003. Ca. 128 pp. Ca. 100 ill. (some in col.) 30 × 21 cm.
ISBN 3-89880-165-9 (pbk): 12.50
Arthur, Sarah: Walking with Frodo: A Devotional Look at The Lord of the Rings. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, [November] 2003. 220 pp.
ISBN 0-8423-8554-1 (hbk): $9.99
Baehr, Ted and Tom Snyder: Frodo and Harry Potter: The Lord of the Rings Versus Harry Potter. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, [October] 2003. 160 pp.
ISBN 1-58134-559-3 (tpb. - alk. paper): $12.99
Cover title according to picture on the site: Frodo and Harry: Understanding Visual Media and Its Impact on Our Lives.
It is somewhat unclear whether or not the book has been published as of 5 November 2003. Both and claims that it was published in October 2003. The record in, however, says that it unavailable and according to the book ships within 1 to 2 months.
According to (record no. 040702642) the title of the book and other bibliographical information is somewhat different from the information given above: Frodo & Harry: Understanding Visual Media and its Impact on our Lives. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2003.
207 s.
Baldwin, Stanley P.: J.R.R. Tolkien: His Life and Works. New York: Spark Publishing, [August] 2003. xi, [ii], 207 pp., ill. 20.5 × 14 cm. (Library of Great Authors)
ISBN 1-58663-843-2 (hbk): $9.95
Beahm, George: The Essential J.R.R. Tolkien Sourcebook: A Fan's Guide to Middle-earth and Beyond. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page Books, [November] 2003. 264 pp.
ISBN 1-56414-702-9 (pbk): $18.99
Bidlo, Oliver D.: Sehnsucht nach Mittelerde? Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH, © 2003. 104 pp. 19 × 12 cm.
ISBN 3-8330-0464-9 (pbk): 7.60
Bramlett, Perry C.: I am in Fact a Hobbit: An Introduction to the Life and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. With a reflective chapter by Joe R. Christopher. 1st ed. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, © 2003 [December 2002]. [viii], 254 pp. 22 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-86554-851-X (hbk: alk. paper): $29.95
Contribution by Christopher: "The Impact of Tolkien's Writings: A Personal Reflection", pp. 182-190.
Paperback edition: Mercer University Press, [August] 2003.
ISBN 0-86554-894-3 (pbk): $16.00
Caldecott, Stratford: Secret Fire: The Spiritual Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Darton Longman & Todd, [November] 2003. 160 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-232-52477-7 (pbk.): £9.95
For a revised edition see: The Power of the Ring.
Carter, Lin: Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings. [Revised and updated edition by Adam Roberts.] London: Gollancz, [August] 2003. xv, 188 pp. 20.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-575-07548-1 (hbk): £6.99
For the original edition see: Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord of the Rings[1969 ed.].
Colebatch, Hal K.: Return of the Heroes: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Social Conflict. 2. ed. Cybereditions, [July] 2003. 176 pp. 22.5 × 15 cm
ISBN 1-877275-57-3 (print on demand - pbk): $17.95
ISBN 1-877275-56-5 (ebook): $12.95
For the original edition see: Return of the Heroes [1990 ed.].
Dalton, Russell W.: Faith Journey Through Fantasy Lands: A Christian Dialogue with Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings. Augsburg Fortress Publishers, [September] 2003. 179 pp. 22.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8066-4571-7 (pbk): $13.99
Day, David: Tolkien's World: Mythological Sources of The Lord of the Rings. London: Mitchell Beazley, [October] 2003. 184 pp., ill. (some in colour) 26 × 21 cm.
ISBN 1-84000-689-7 (hbk): £16.99
Originally scheduled for publication in November 2002. According to A. Wells to be published on 18 September 2003. According to as of 4 November 2003 actually published on 16 October 2003.
American edition published as: The World of Tolkien: Mythological Sources of The Lord of the Rings. Gramercy Books, [March] 2004. 192 pp. 26 × 20.5 cm.
ISBN: 0-517-22317-1 (hbk): $:14.99
Del Corso, Lucio and Paolo Pecere: L'anello che non tiene: Tolkien fra letteratura e mistificazione. Postfazione di Andrea Cortellessa. Roma: Minimum Fax, 2003. 219 pp. 17 cm. (Filigrana; 33)
Di Luca, Giuseppe: Un cammino di libertà: Campo scuola ispirato al romanzo "Il signore degli anelli" di J. R. R. Tolkien. Paoline Editoriale Libri, 2003. 176 pp., ill. (Il cappello magico)
Dickerson, Mathew T.: Following Gandalf: Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, [October] 2003. 234 pp. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 1-58743-085-1 (pbk): $14.99
In the record as of 4 November 2003 the publisher's name is given as Baker Book House but still as Brazos Press in the record (5 November 2003).
For a revised edition see: A Hobbit Journey
Dizionario dell'Universo di J.R.R. Tolkien. Cur. Società Tolkieniana Italiana. Bompiani, 2003. 425 p., ill. (Tascabili. Saggi)
(pbk): 9.50
Duriez, Colin: Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: The Story of a Friendship. Mahwah, N.J: HiddenSpring, [November] 2003. xii, 244 pp.
ISBN 1-58768-026-2 (pbk): $16.00
Cover title: Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship
British edition: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: The Story of their Friendship. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, [December] 2003. 256 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 0-7509-3541-3 (hbk): £20.00
English Core Linguistics. Edited by Cornelia Tschichold. [New York?], Bern: Peter Lang, 2003. 368 pp.
ISBN 0-8204-6259-4(New York?)
ISBN 3-906770-98-2(Bern)
Essays in Honour of D. J. Allerton.
See the contribution by Allan Turner: "Fronting in Tolkien's Archaising Style and Its Translation", pp. 301-321.
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Convention (24th: 2001: Omaha, Neb.): The Catholic Imagination: Proceedings from the Twenty-fourth Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, Omaha, Nebraska, September 28-30, 2001. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press, 2003. xi, 172 pp., ill. 22 cm.
ISBN 1-58731-174-7 (pbk): $17.00
See the contribution by C. N. Sue Abromaitis: "The Sacramental Vision of J. R. R. Tolkien", pp. 56-73.
Fernandez, Irene: Tolkien une voie vers le surnaturel. Ad solem, [2003?]. (Hors collection religieux)
ISBN 2-88482-030-2: 15.00
There is no publishing date given either in or As the book is listed as published and the entry has been added during the autumn of 2003 it must have been published during the latter half of 2003.
Fleutot, F.M.: Le mythe du Seigneur des anneaux. Rocher, [2003?]. 20 × 13 cm.
ISBN 2-268-04916-7: 15.00
There is no publishing date given in As the book is listed as published and the entry has been added during the autumn of 2003 it must have been published during the latter half of 2003.
Den gamle nyreligiøsitet: vestens glemte kulturarv. Redaktion: Mette Buchardt & Pia Rose Böwadt. København: Forlaget ANIS, 2003. 294 pp., ill.
ISBN 87-7457-306-3 (pbk)
See the contribution by Hans Hauge: "Fantasy som religion: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling", pp. 267-281.
Garth, John: Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [October] 2003. xviii, 398 pp., [8] pp. of plates. 24 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-00-711952-6 (hbk): £20.00
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [December] 2003. 400 pp.
ISBN 0-618-33129-8 (hbk): $26.00
Paperback edition: London: HarperCollins, [September] 2004. 398 pp.
ISBN 0-00-711953-4 (pbk): £7.99
American paperback edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [June] 2005. 416 pp. 22 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-618-57481-6 (pbk): $14.00
In some pre-publication information the title of this book was given as: Tolkien's War: J.R.R. Tolkien and the Great War.
Greggersen, Gabriele: O senhor dos anéis. Da fantasia à ética. Viçosa, MG: Ultimato, 2003. 142 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 85-86539-63-5 (pbk)
Also treats C. S. Lewis.
Gulisano, Paolo: Gli Eroi de "Signore degli Anelli". Testi di Paolo Gulisano. Illustratiozioni [KOLLA STAVNING!] de Andrea Red Mutti e Angelo Bussacchini. Milano: Àncora Editrici, Rocher, © 2003. 160 pp., ill. (mainly in colour). 29.5 × 21 cm.
ISBN 88-514-0079-2 (pbk)
Guidebook to main characters and places in Middle-earth.
Harvey, Greg: The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, [September] 2003. 338 pp. 23 × 18.5 cm.
ISBN 0-7645-4186-2 (pbk): $19.99
Published in England on 10 October 2003 at a price of £12.99. The pagination in the record is given as 360 pp.
Hodges, Ted: Understanding The Lord of the Rings. San Diego et al: Lucent Books, © 2003 [June 2003]. 96 pp., photogr. 23.5 × 16 cm. (Understanding Great Literature)
ISBN 1-59018-234-0 (hbk: alk. paper): $27.45
Hooker, Mark T.: Tolkien through Russian eyes = Tolkin russkimi glazami. Zollikofen: Walking Tree Publications, 2003. 320 pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Cormarë Series, 5)
ISBN 3-9521424-7-6 (pbk)
Iannone, Luigi: Tolkien e Il signore degli anelli. Napoli: Controcorrente, 2003. 124 pp., [8] leaves of plates, ill. 21 cm.
Bibliography, pp. 91-124.
The Image of the City in Literature, Media, and Society. Edited by Will Wright and Steven Kaplan. Pueblo, Colo.: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, University of Southern Colorado, 2003. 397 pp.
Selected papers from the 2003 conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, March 2003, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
See the contribution by Johanna Fisher and Dorothy Smith: "The Response of the Human Imagination to the Concept of City: The City as Literary Trope", pp. 340-345 (on Tolkien's treatment of the city in The Lord of the Rings compared to Thomas Mann, Der Tod in Venedig).
Individual Learning Packet: Teaching Unit: The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King: By: J.R.R. Tolkien. Cheswold, DE: Prestwick House Inc., © 2003. 15 leaves, pp. T-1--T-31, S-1--S-26. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-58049-462-5 (loose leaves in folder): $29.50
Order number TU218/ITU218
Consists of two sections: T = Study Guide: Teacher's Guide and S = Study Guide: Student's Copy.
Jones, Leslie Ellen: J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography. Westport, Conn.; London: Greenwood Press, [June] 2003. xvi, 156 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Greenwood Press Biography Series, ISSN 1540-4900)
ISBN 0-313-32340-2 (hbk, alk. paper): $27.50
Kehr, Eike: Die wiederbezauberte Welt: Natur und Ökologie in Tolkiens "The Lord of the Rings". 1. Aufl. Wetzlar: Förderkreis Phantastik in Wetzlar, 2003. 107 pp. 21 cm. (Schriftenreihe und Materialien der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar, Bd. 79)
(inb.): 6.00
Krege, Wolfgang: Eldarin parmaqettarin Quenya ar Sindarin: Wolfgang Krege ócolanes et cariëllon Tolkieno = Elbisches Wörterbuch Quenya und Sindarin: Nach J.R.R. Tolkiens Schriften zusammengestellt von Wolfgang Krege. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, [July] 2003. 289, [2] pp. 14 × 10.5 cm.
ISBN 3-608-93185-6 (hbk - flexicover): 12.00
Kyrmse, Ronald E.: Explicando Tolkien. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004. 180 pp., ill. 21 cm.
ISBN 85-336-1917-0 (pbk)
Labbé, Denis and Gilbert Millet: Etude sur John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, le seigneur des anneaux. Paris: Ellipses Marketing, [June] 2003. 141 pp. 19 × 15 cm. (Resonances. Epreuves de français)
ISBN 2-7298-1511-2 (pbk?): 5.50
Levine, Stuart P.: The Importance of J.R.R. Tolkien. San Diego, Calif.: Lucent Books, [December] 2003. 96 pp. 24 × 18.5 cm.
ISBN 1-59018-356-8 (hbk): $28.70
Aimed at the age group 9-12 according to
Lobdell, Jared: The World of the Rings: Language, Religion, and Adventure in Tolkien. Chicago and La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, [March] 2003. xvi, 139 pp., size 23 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-81269-533-X (pbk): $22.95
For the original edition see: England and Always.
According to A. Wells published in May 2003. According to and by December 22, 2005 not published until July 30, 2004. This information cannot be correct, however, as it was listed as available for order already on June 22, 2004 in Until certain evidence in other direction is provided I continue to treat this book as published in 2003.
Lopez, Hector Gonzales and Maria Florencia Rampoldi: Tolkien - El Señor de Los Mitos. Circulo Latino, [September] 2003.
ISBN 84-961290-1-2
The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All. Edited by Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson. Chicago: Open Court, [September] 2003. xi, 240 pp. 22.5 × 15 cm.
ISBN 0-81269-545-3 (pbk): &36;17.95
Earlier announced for publication in August 2003, according to as of 4 November 2003 actually published on 1 September.
Lynch, Doris: J.R.R. Tolkien: Creator of Languages and Legends. New York: Franklin Watts, [September] 2003. 127 pp., ill. 24 cm. (Great Life Stories: Writers and Poets - New Series)
ISBN 0-531-12253-0 (hbk; school & library binding): $29.00
Martinez, Michael: Understanding Middle-earth: Essays on Tolkien's Middle-earth. Vivisphere Publishing, [November] 2003. 512 pp.
ISBN 1-58776-145-9 (pbk): $19.99
Meyer, Martin J.: Tolkien als religiöser Sub-Creator. Münster: Lit, 2003. 376 pp. 22 × 16 cm. (Hallenser Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 17)
ISBN 3-8258-7200-9 (hbk): 29.90
Murray, Andrew: The Tolkien Quiz Book. [Revised and expanded ed.] London: HarperCollins, [September] 2003. 160 pp.
ISBN 0-00-716971-X (pbk): £5.99
For the original edition see The Tolkien Quiz Book [1996 ed.].
Described as revised and expanded in the entry in as of April 2003 as well as in library database entries. The page count and the number of questions remains the same as of the original edition so it might be just a slightly revised/corrected edition of the original despite the cited claim. This is substantiated by the fact that the preface remains unchanged from the 1996 edition.
Nitzsche, Rainar: Spinne sein: Spinnenspiegelungen in Menschenaugen: Spinnen in Märchen, Literatur und Film, Spinneangst und Spinnenträume sowie neue Spinnengeschichten. Illustriert von Berthold Mallmann. Photograph: Rainar Nitzsche. 1. Aufl. R. Nitzsche, [November] 2003. Ca. 260 pp. Numerous photographs and other ill. 21 × 15 cm. (Reihe Natur, 7)
ISBN 3-930304-15-5 (pbk): 18.00
According to the reference in the literary spiders treated in the book comes from the worlds of Harry Potter, Stephen King, Spiderman and Tolkien.
Passaro, Errico and Marco Respinti: Paganesimo e cristianesimo in Tolkien: Le due tesi a confronto. Roma: Il Minotauro, 2003. 210 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 88-80730-84-3 (pbk): 14.50
Consists of two essays, written from different standpoints by each of the authors.
The People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien: [Essays & Reflections on Middle-earth from TheOneRing.Net - The Internet's #1 Tolkien Fan Website]. Erica Challis, editor-in-chief. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press, [May] 2003. 377 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-892975-90-4 (pbk): $16.95
Perry, Michael W.: Untangling Tolkien: A Chronology and Commentary for The Lord of the Rings. Inkling Books, [September] 2003. 252 pp. 23 × 19 cm.
ISBN 1-58742-019-8 (pbk): $17.95
Perry, Phyllis J.: Teaching Fantasy Novels: From The Hobbit to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Portsmouth, NH: Teacher Ideas Press, [September] 2003. vi, 185, [i] pp., ill. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 1-56308-987-4 (pbk): $30.00
See the chapter "The Hobbit or There and Back Again, by J.R.R. Tolkien", pp. [169]-176.
Pesch, Helmut W.: Elbisch: Grammatik, Schrift und Wörterbuch der Elben-Sprache von J. R. R. Tolkien. Dt. Erstveröff., Orig.-Ausg., vollst. Taschenbuchausg., 1. Aufl. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei Lübbe, [October] 2003. 510 pp. 19 cm. (Bastei Lübbe, Bd. 20476)
ISBN 3-404-20476-X (hbk): 8.00
Petty, Anne C.: Tolkien in the Land of Heroes: Discovering the Human Spirit. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press (Imprint of Open Road Pub.); Garsington: Windsor, [August] 2003. 336 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-892975-99-8 (pbk): $17.95
Petzold, Dieter: J.R.R. Tolkien: Leben und Werk. K. Isele, [December] 2003. 112 pp.
ISBN 3-86142-296-4 (pbk)
Pierri, Kim H.: Quentasta: En dansk Tolkienbibliografi. København: Pegasi, 2003. 91 pp. 22 × 13 cm.
ISBN 87-90987-01-2 (pbk)
Pytrell, Ariel: El profesor de los anillos: Tolkien, la sub-creacion y... [2003?]
ISBN 987-20607-0-3: Arg$16.00
The record in Libreria Santa Fe (``.asp) as of 30th November 2003 gives neither complete title or publishing information. As the book is not yet listed in La Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina database ( it presumably has been published during 2003.
Rampoldi, Maria-Florencia: Tolkien le seigneur des mythes. Circulo Latino, [June] 2003.
ISBN 84-93303-74-7: 28.00
Rosebury, Brian: Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon. 2. ed. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, [21 October], 2003. 256 pp.
ISBN 1-4039-1263-7 (pbk): $19.95; £14.99
Hardback edition: [21 October] 2003. 256 pp.
ISBN 1-4039-1597-0 (hbk): $59.95; £45.00
A revised and substantially extended edition of J.R.R. Tolkien: A Critical Assessment.
Rottensteiner, Franz and Erik Simon: Tolkiens Geschöpfe. Heyne, [November] 2003. 670 pp.
ISBN 3-453-87532-X (pbk): 10.00
Schwarz, Guido: Jungfrauen im Nachtemd - Blonde Krieger aus den Westen: Eine motivpsychologisch-kritische Analyse von J.R.R. Tolkiens Mythologie und Weltbild. 1. Aufl. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, &cop; 2003 [May 2003]. 193 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 3-8260-2619-5 (pbk): 19.80
Shelton, Mahmoud: Alchemy in Middle-earth: The Significance of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Temple of Justice Books, [May] 2003. 124 pp. 23.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-9741468-0-3 (hbk): $19.95
Shippey, T.A.: The Road to Middle-Earth: [How J.R.R. Tolken Created a New Mythology]. Rev. and expanded ed. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., [June] 2003. xviii, 398 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 0-618-25760-8 (pbk): £6.99
For the original edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [1982 ed.]
For the previous edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [1992 ed.]
For a further revised edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [2005 ed.]
Sibley, Brian: The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-earth. Illustrated by John Howe. Special ed. London: HarperCollins [August], 2003. 80 pp., col. ill., col. maps. 26 cm. + 4 folded, col. maps inside a folder (79 × 73 cm, folded to 25 × 19 cm).
ISBN 0-00-716970-1 (hbk): £20.00
American edition: Houghton Mifflin Company, [November], 2003. 64 pp.
ISBN 0-618-39110-X (pbk)
In slip case. Consists of a hardback volume with Brian Sibley's commentary accompanied by a folder containing John Howe's maps. Not yet checked, and I thus does not know whether the text has been revised from Sibley's two earlier works The Map of Tolkien's Middle-earth (1994) and There and Back Again: The Map of The Hobbit (1995).
Simpson, Paul: The Rough Guide to The Lord of the Rings. London: Rough Guides, [October] 2003. 320 pp., ill. 17 cm.
ISBN 1-84353-275-1 (pbk.): £7.99
Thielking, Sigrid: J.R.R. Tolkien, Der kleine Hobbit. München: Oldenburg [Schulbuchverlag GmbH], [March] 2003. 92 pp. 20 × 13.5 cm. (Klasse/Lektüre, Bd 8)
ISBN 3-486-80808-7 (pbk): 6.60
No publisher given in the record in as of June 18, 2003.
Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire: Cahiers d'études tolkiennes. Réunis sous la direction de Michaël Devaux. Ad Solem, [December] 2003. 416 pp. (La Feuille de la Compagnie, no. 2)(Hors collection religieux)
ISBN 2-88482-027-2 (pbk): 31.00
This is no. 2 of the journal of La Compagnie de la Comté.
Tolkien: Una creatività per il Vangelo. A cura della Comunità di San Leolino. Panzano in Chianti (Firenze): Feeria, 2003. 77 pp., ill. 17 cm. (Lampada ai miei passi, n. 4)
ISBN 88-87699-39-9
Essay collection. With chronology (pp. 13-28, bibliography and index.
A Tolkien Compass. Edited by Jared Lobdell. 2. ed. Chicago and La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, [February] 2003. xi, 164 pp. 23 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-87548-303-8 (pbk.): $15.95
Despite the contents not being identical to the original edition, the original edition's ISBN has been retained. This new edition has a preface by Tom Shippey and a postscript by Jared Lobdell but does not contain Tolkien's "Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings".
For the original edition see A Tolkien Compass [1975 ed.]
Tolkien e la Terra di Mezzo: Atti del convegno. Brescia, 23-24 febbraio 2002. A cura di Franco Manni. Libro Grafo, © 2003 [Febr. 2003]. 96 pp. 24 × 17 cm.
ISBN 88-7385-569-5: 10.00
Tolkien in Translation. Thomas Honegger (editor). Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publications, 2003. [7], 152, [3] pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Cormarë Series, no. 4)
ISBN 3-9521424-6-8 (pbk)
Tolkien the Medievalist. Edited by Jane Chance. London and New York: Routledge, [January] 2003. xiv, [i], 295 pp. 24 × 16 cm. (Routledge Research in Medieval Religion and Culture, 3)
ISBN: 0-415-28944-0 (hbk): £60.00
Verstappen, Birgit et al: Vreemde verhalen, goed nieuws? Over Harry Potter en andere helden. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers, © 2003. 112 pp. 21 × 13 cm. (Publiekslezingen Theologische Faculteit Tilburg, 4)
ISBN 90-5625-143-0 (pbk)
See the contributions by Rolf H. Bremmer jr., "Zin in Tolkiens In de ban van de Ring", pp. 69-93, and Ron Pirson, "God in Middle-earth?", pp. 94-111.
West, Mark I.: A Children's Literature Tour of Great Britain. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, [September] 2003. 160 pp. 21 × 13 cm. (On the Road with Mr. Toad, no. 1)
ISBN 0-313-32592-8 (hbk - alk. paper)
See the chapter "J.R.R. Tolkien".
Information above from the CIP record in the Library of Congress database (DLC 2003015229). According to as of 5 November 2003 this is a paperback edition with the ISBN 0-81084-878-3.
Wood, Ralph C.: The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-earth. 1st ed. Louisville, KY; Harrow: Westminster John Knox Press, [October] 2003. xi, 169 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-664-22610-8 (pbk - alk. paper): $14.95; £9.99
Wright, Greg: Tolkien in Perspective: Shifting the Gold from the Glitter: A Look at the Unsettling Power of Tolkien's Mythology. V M I Publishers, [October] 2003. 224 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-9712311-6-8 (pbk): $13.95
According to as of 5 November 2003 the publisher's name is FaithWorks.
Albero di Tolkien. Cur. G. De Turris. Larcher, 2004. 360 pp. (Assaggi)
(pbk): 13.00
Arendt, Anja: Die Geschichte der Elfen & Elben. Heel, [April] 2004. 128 pp.
ISBN 3-898801-65-9 (pbk): 14.95
On Elves in mythology, literature and fantasy with emphasis on Tolkien. Three chapters on Tolkien: "Eine Betrachtung von Tolkiens Elben und deren Verbindungen mit unserer Welt", "Die Umsetzung der Elben in der Herr der Ringe-Filmtrilogie" and "Kleines Elbisch-Wörterbuch".
Besson, Anne: D'Asimov á Tolkien: Cycles et séries dans la littérature de genre. CNRS, [Octobre] 2004. 250 pp. 24 × 17 cm. (CNRS littérature)
ISBN 2-271-06277-2 (pbk): 24.00
British Writers: Classics. Vol. 2. Edited and with an introduction by Jay Parini. New York, N.Y.: Scribner's, 2004. xiv, 368 pp.
ISBN 0-684-31269-7
See the contribution by Paul Bibire: "J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", pp. 155-175.
Castagno, Paola, Jesús Pedrazo and Juan M. Villa: J.R.R. Tolkien: Preguntas frecuentas (y no tan frecuentes): Las FAQ de Barcelona: Minotauro, [November] 2004. 432 pp. 22 × 14 cm
ISBN 84-450-07514-4 (pbk)
Collins, David R.: J.R.R. Tolkien. Lerner Publishing Group, [September] 2004. 112 pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Just the Facts Biographies)
ISBN 0-8225-2470-8 (hbk - library binding): $27.93
Possibly a reissue of J.R.R. Tolkien: Master of Fantasy [1992 ed.] since the page count and publisher is the same. The book has received a new ISBN, however.
Paperback edition: Lerner Publications Co., [July] 2006. 112 pp. (Just the Facts Biographies)
ISBN 0-8225-5319-8 (pbk): £5.99
Condé, Osvaldo: A mitologia e o esoterismo em O Senhor dos Anéis. Brasília: Gilgamesh, 2004. 133 pp., ill. 21 cm.
ISBN 85-87154-05-2 (pbk)
Croft, Janet Brennan: War and the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, [June] 2004. 175 pp. 24 × 15 cm. (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy, ISSN 0193-6875, no. 106)
ISBN 0-313-32592-8 (hbk - alk, paper): $64.95
Day, David: The World of Tolkien: Mythological Sources of The Lord of the Rings. See Tolkien's World: Mythological Sources of 'The Lord of the Rings'.
Fauskanger, Helge Kare: Curso de quenya. A mais bela lingua dos elfos. Tradução Gabriel O. Brum. Curitiba: Arte & Letra, 2004. 444 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 85-89101-04-5 (pbk)
Gee, Harry: The Science of Middle-earth. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press, [Nov.] 2004. 256 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-59360-023-2 (pbk): $14.00
British edition: Souvenir Press, [April] 2005.
ISBN 0-28-563723-1
Gekoski, Rick: Tolkien's Gown and Other Stories of Great Authors and Rare Books. Constable & Robinson, [September] 2004. 256 pp.
ISBN 1-84119-929-X (hbk): £14.99
Paperback edition: Constable and Robinson, [September] 2005. 256 pp.
ISBN 1-84529-239-1 (pbk): £7.99
Gregorutti, Cinzia and Luisa Vassallo: L'erbario di Tolkien: Ricette e rimedi naturali della Terra di Mezzo. Ancora, 2004. 140 pp. (Fuori collana)
Heims, Neil: J.R.R. Tolkien. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers [May] 2004. xi, 139 pp. (Great writers)
ISBN 0-7910-7847-7 (hbk)
With a foreword by Colin Duriez.
Ilgner, Oliver: Biographische, theologische und literaturpsychologische Analysen zur Person und zum Werk J R. R. Tolkiens. Shaker, [June] 2004. 366 pp. 21 × 15 cm. (Theologische Studien)
ISBN 3-8322-2781-4 (pbk): 49.80
The Image of the Hero in Literature, Media, and Society. Edited by Will Wright and Steven Kaplan. Pueblo, Colo.: Colorado State University, 2004. 550 pp.
Selected papers from the 2004 conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, March 2004, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
See the contribution by Paula M. Persoleo: "Frodo: The Modern Medieval Hero", pp. 464-468.
The Invented Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien: Drawings and Original Manuscripts from the Marquette University Collection, October 21, 2004 - January 30, 2005, Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Organized by the Patrick and
Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art ... Milwaukee, Wis.: The Museum, 2004. 44 pp., col. ill., ports. 28 cm.
See contribution by Ron Pirson: "Divine Interventions in Tolkien's Universe", pp. 93-102.
Job's God. Edited by Ellen van Wolde. London: SCM Press, [October] 2004. 141 pp. 22 cm. (Concilium (English language edition), ISSN 0010-5236, 2004:4)
ISBN 0-334-03080-3 (pbk): £10.50
See contribution by Ron Pirson: "Divine Interventions in Tolkien's Universe", pp. 93-102.
Kells, F. MacDonald: The Culture of Middle-earth: Everyday Life in Tolkien's World. 1. ed. Carlton South, Victoria, Australia: printed for private circulation by the Bread Street Press, 2004. 231 pp. 20 cm.
Labbé, Brigitte and Michel Puech: Tolkien. Milan, [August] 2004. 58 pp. 18 × 13 cm. (De vie en vie)
ISBN 2-7459-1516-9 (pbk): 6.00
Illustrated by Jean-Pierre Joblin.
Lobdell, Jared C.: The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy. Chicago: Open Court, 2005 [November 2004]. xvi, 188 pp. 23 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-81269-458-9 (hbk): $21.95
According to the record in MARQCAT (Marquette University Library,, record no. 56951327) with a publishing date of 2005. Published in November 2004 according to (30th December 2005).
López, Rosa Silvia: O Senhor dos anéis & Tolkien. O poder mágico de palavra. São Paulo: Arte e Ciência, Devir, 2004. 222 pp., ill. 23 cm.
ISBN 85-7532-121-8 (pbk)
Loy, David and Linda Goodhew: The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy. 1st ed. Boston: Wisdom Publications, [November] 2004. 155 pp. 22.5 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-86171-476-8 (pbk: alk. paper): $14.95
See the chapter: "J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings".
Lyons, Mathew: There and Back Again: In the Footsteps of J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Cadogan Guides, [February] 2004. 240 pp. 20 cm.
ISBN 1-86011-239-4 (pbk): £8.99
McFadden, Edward J. and Jane Yolen: Deconstructing Tolkien: A Fundamental Analysis of The Lord of the Rings. Padwolf Publishing, [January] 2004. 188 pp.
ISBN 1-890096-24-5 (pbk): $16.00
With a foreword by Tom Piccirilli.
The Medieval Hero on Screen: Representations from Beowulf to Buffy. Edited by Martha W. Driver and Sid Ray. With a Foreword by Jonathan Rosenbaum. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, [August] 2004. viii, 268 pp.
ISBN 0-7864-1926-1 (alk. paper)
See the contribution by David Salo: "Heroism and Alienation through Language in The Lord of the Rings", pp. 23-37.
Mingardi, Alberto and Carlo Stagnaro: La verità su Tolkien: Perché non era fascista e neanche ambientalista. Liberal Libri, 2004. 176 pp.
Monda, Andrea and Saviero Simonelli: Gli anelli della fantasi: [Un viaggio ai confini dell'universo di Tolkien]. [Milano]: Frasinelli, 2004. xii, 290 pp. 21 cm. (Saggistica)
ISBN 88-7684-778-2
More People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien. Edited by Cynthia McNew. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press, [November] 2004. 264 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-59360-026-7 (pbk): $14.00
News From the Shire and Beyond: Studies on Tolkien. 2. ed. See
News From the Shire and Beyond: Studies on Tolkien [1997 ed.].
Petty, Anne C.: Dragons of Fantasy: The Scaly Villains and Heroes of Tolkien, Rowling, McCaffrey, Pratchett and other Fantasy Greats. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring; Garsington: Windsor, [May] 2004. 311 pp., ill. 22 cm.
ISBN 1-59360-010-0 (pbk): $14.95; £9.99
See chapter 2: "J. R. R. Tolkien: A Treacherous Twosome", pp. 34-61
Ridoux, Charles: Tolkien: Le Chant du Monde. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, [September] 2004. 361 pp. 20 × 13 cm. (Travaux bis)
ISBN 2-251-74121-6: 25.00
Roman, Celso: J.R.R. Tolkien: Señor de magias, creador de universos. [ORT?]: Panamericana Editorial, [April] 2004. 100 pp.
ISBN 958-301-306-4 (pbk)
Rund um Der kleine Hobbit: Kopiervorlagen für den Deutschunterricht. Hrsg. von Ute Fenske. Erarb. von Ute Fenske et al. 1. Aufl., 1. Dr. Berlin: Cornelsen, 2004. 63 pp., ill. 30 cm.
ISBN 3-464-61590-1 (pbk?): 20.00
Rutledge, Fleming: The Battle for Middle Earth: Tolkien's Divine Design in Lord of the Rings. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., [November] 2004. vii, 373 pp. 23 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-8028-2497-8 (pbk): $20.00
Postponed to 1 March, 2004 according to as of October 28(?), 2003; 15 March 2004 according to Further postponed to September 1, 2004 according to as of June 22, 2004.
Salo, David: A Gateway To Sindarin: A Grammar of an Elvish Language from J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, [November], 2004. 550 pp. 23.5 × 16.5 cm.
ISBN 0-87480-800-6 (hbk): $49.95
Skogemann, Pia: En jungiansk fortolkning af Tolkiens Ringenes herre. København: Athene, 2004. 250 pp.
ISBN 87-11-17084-0 (pbk)
Title in translation: A Jungian Interpretation of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Smith, Jim and J. Clive Matthews: The Lord of the Rings: The Films, the Books, the Radio Series. London: Virgin, [July] 2004. 224 pp., [8] pp. of plates, col. ill. 22 cm.
ISBN 0-7535-0874-5 (pbk): £9.99
Szyjewski, Andrzej: Od Valinoru do Mordoru: świat mitu a religia w dziele Tolkiena. Kraków: Wydawn. "M", 2004. 497 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 83-7221-866-8
Tolkien and the Invention of Myth: A Reader. Edited by Jane Chance. 1. pr. Lexington, Ky.: The University Press of Kentucky, [April] 2004. xx, 340 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-8131-2301-1: $35.00
Tolkien on Film: Essays on Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. Edited by Janet Brennan Croft. Altadena, Calif.: Mythpoeic Press, [October] 2004. ix, 323 pp.
ISBN 1-887726-09-8 (alk. paper): $19.95
Tolkien, trente ans après (1973-2003). Sous a direction de Vincent Ferré. Paris: Christian Bourgois, [October] 2004. 394 pp. 24 × 15 cm.
ISBN 1-267-01738-5 (pbk): 22.00
Truth, Reconciliation, and Evil. Edited by Margaret Sönser [KOLLA LIBRIS etc] Breen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004. 259 pp. (At the Interface)
ISBN 90-420-1923-9
See the contribution by Margarita Carretero González: "When Nature Responds to Evil Practices: A Warning from the Ents of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth", pp. 147-161.
Understanding The Lord of the Rings: The Best of Tolkien Criticism. Edited by Rose A. Zimbardo and Neil D. Isaacs. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., [May] 2004. [9], 294 pp. 21.5 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-618-42251-X (hbk): $25.00
Paperback edition: Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., © 2004 [May 2005]. [9], 294 pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-618-42253-6 (pbk): $13.00
Wainwright, Edmund: A Middle-earth Companion: Tolkien's Mythology for England. Hockwold-cum-Wilton: Anglo-Saxon Books, [February], 2004. 160 pp.
ISBN 1-898281-36-X (pbk): £9.95 ($17.95)
Distributed in the U.S.A. by David Brown Book Company (May 2004).
Wilhelmsen, Leif Werner: Tolkiens: "Ringens herre"; ringens skjulte budskap avdekket. [Oslo]: True Democratic Ideology, 2004. [8] pp.
ISBN 8291894279 (incorrect ISBN; pbk)
Title in translation: Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Hidden Message of the Ring Uncovered.
Willett, Edward: J.R.R. Tolkien: Creator of Imaginary Worlds. Aldershot, Hants [England], Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, Inc., [July] 2004. 128 pp. 23.5 × 15,5 cm. (Authors Teens Love)
ISBN 0-7660-2246-3 (pbk): $20.95 ($26.60 by December 2005)
Witzsche, Rolf A. F.: The Lord of The Rings Metaphors. North Vancouver, B.C.: Cygni Communications, [January] 2004. 237 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 1-897046-34-0 (pbk): $12.36
Abanes, Richard: Harry Potter, Narnia, and The Lord of The Rings. Eugene, Or.: Harvest House Publishers, [July], 2005. 297 pp. 21.5 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-7369-1700-4 (pbk): $11.99
Aknin, Laurent: J.R.R. Tolkien. [Paris]: Nouveau monde; [Sillery (Québec)] : Septentrion, [October], 2005. 31 pp. 18 × 13 cm. (Les petits illustrés)
ISBN 2-84736-129-4 (pbk): 3.00
Bergh, Alexander van de: Mittelerde und das 21. Jahrhundert. Zivilisationskritik und alternative Gesellschaftsentwürfe in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings. Trier: WVT, [May] 2005. 132 pp. (Studien zur anglistischen Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, 23)
ISBN 3-88476-748-8 (pbk): 16.50
Boyle, Nicholas: Sacred and Secular Scriptures: A Catholic Approach to Literature. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. xi, 299 pp. 24 cm. (Erasmus Institute Books)
ISBN 0-684-31269-7
"The text of the third series of Erasmus lectures, delivered in the Erasmus Institute of the University of Notre Dame in September 2002 and April 2003" (Preface).
See chapter 15: "Rewards and Fairies(2): The Lord of the Rings", pp. 248-266?.
Burns, Marjorie: Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien's Middle-Earth. Toronto; Buffalo: Toronto University Press, [September], 2005. xii, 225 pp. 23.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-80203-806-9 (pbk): $27.95
ISBN 0-80203-871-9 (hbk): $55.00
Caccavale, Elisa: I sentieri di Eä: J. R. R. Tolkien: il fascino di un universo ancora tutto da esplorare. Firenze Atheneum, 2005. 168 pp. (Collezione Oxenford)
(pbk): 13.00
Caldecott, Stratford: The Power of the Ring: The Spiritual Vision Behind The Lord of the Rings. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, [February] 2005. vii, 151 pp. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-8245-2277-X (pbk): $16.95
For the original edition see: Secret Fire. A revised edition appeared in 2012.
"This book is a revised and expanded edition of Secret Fire: The Spiritual Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 2003)" (Title page verso).
A Companion to the British and Irish Novel, 1945-2000. Edited by Brian W. Shaffer. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2005 [published December 2004?]. xix, 583 pp. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture) 25 × 17.5 cm.
ISBN 1-4051-1375-8 (hbk: alk. paper): $124.95
See the contribution by Peter J. Schakel: "The Oxford Fantasists: J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis", pp. 354-366.
Crum, C. N.: Tolkien's Mighty Pen: How God Rules Middle Earth. [S.l.]: Authorhouse, [July], 2005. 144 pp. 22.5 × 15 cm.
ISBN 1-4208-5586-7 (pbk): $12.95
Flieger, Verlyn: Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien's Mythology. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, [June] 2005. xv, 172 pp. 23 × 16 cm.
ISBN 0-87338-824-0 (pbk: alk. paper): $18.00
Eine Grammatik der Ethik: Die Aktualität der moralischen Dimension in J. R. R. Tolkiens literarischem Werk. Thomas Honegger, Andrew J. Johnston, Friedhelm Schneidewind, Frank Weinreich (Herausgebers). [ORT?]: Verlag der Villa Fledermaus, [July], 2005. 160 pp.
ISBN 3-932683-11-0 (pbk): 17.00
Hammond, Wayne G. and Christina Scull: The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [October] 2005. lxxxii, 894 pp.
ISBN 0-00-720308-X (hbk): £18.99
ISBN 0-00-720907-X (pbk): £7.99 (18 × 11 cm)
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [December] 2005. 416 pp. [outdated info.] 22.5 × 17 cm.
ISBN 0-618-64267-6 (hbk): $30.00
His Dark Materials Illuminated: Critical Essays on Philip Pullman's Trilogy. Edited by Millicent Lenz with Carole Scott. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, [September] 2005. xi, 242 pp., ill. 23 cm. (Landscapes of childhood)
ISBN 0-8143-3207-2 (pbk: alk. paper): $25.95
See the contribution by Burton Hatlen: "Pullman's His Dark Materials, a Challenge to the Fantasies of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, with an epilogue on Pullman's neo-romantic reading of Paradise lost", pp. 75-94.
Kohman, Catherine: Lembas for the Soul: How The Lord of the Rings Enriches Everyday Life. [ORT]: BookSurge Publishing, [November] 2005. 184 pp. 22.5 × 15.5 cm.
ISBN 0-9740841-9-0 (pbk): $19.95
Kreeft, Peter: The Philosophy of Tolkien: The Worldview Behind The Lord of the Rings. Ignatius Press, [October] 2005. 237 pp. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 1-58617-025-2 (pbk): $15.95
Kulik, Nils: Das Gute und das Böse in der phantastischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Eine Untersuchung bezogen auf Werke von Joanne K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael Ende, Otfried Preussler und Frederik Hetmann. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, [January] 2005. 402 pp.
ISBN 3-631-53446-9 (pbk): 68.50
Lee, Stuart D. and Elizabeth Solopova: The Keys of Middle-Earth: Discovering Medieval Literature through the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Palgrave Macmillan, [December] 2005. 256 pp.
ISBN 1-4039-4671-X (pbk): £15.99
ISBN 1-4039-4672-8 (hbk): £55.00
Lewis, Alex and Elizabeth Currie: The Forsaken Realm of Tolkien: (Tolkien and the Medieval Tradition). [Oswestry]: Medea, [April] 2005. ii, 263 pp., ill. 21 × 14 cm.
ISBN 0-9543207-1-9 (pbk): £21.00
Mitopoiesi: Fantasia e storia in Tolkien. Cur. Franco Manni. Grafo, 2005. 240 pp. (Atti di Convegni)
Contains the proceedings of three conferences arranged by the journal Endòre and the city of Brescia from 2002 to 2004.
I popoli di Tolkien. A cura di Paolo Paron. Bompiani, 2005. 342 pp. (Tascabili: Saggi)
(pbk): 9.00
Porter, Lynnette R.: Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings: From the Page to the Screen. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, [March] 2005. xiv, 224 pp. 24 × 17 cm.
ISBN 0-27-598521-0 (hbk): $39.95
Praxis Lesen - z.B. Tolkien: Kopiervorlagen zu 'Der Herr der Ringe', 'Der Hobbit', 'Die Briefe vom Weihnachtsmann'. AOL Arbeitsvorlagen von Jörg Knobloch, Elvira Gürtner, Katja Hellmich, Jessica Rödl, Friedhelm Schneidewind. Aol Verlag, [February] 2005. 48 pp., ill. 30 cm.
ISBN 3-89111-651-9 (pbk): 12.90
Reconsidering Tolkien. Edited by Thomas M. Honegger. Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publications, [April] 2005. 209 pp. 22 × 15.5 cm. (Cormarë Series, no. 8)
ISBN 3-905703-00-9 (pbk)
"The majority of the essays ... was presented at the ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) 7 session on 'Reconsidering Tolkien' held at Zaragoza in September 2004. The remaining contributions resulted from an additional call for papers ..." (Cover)
Senhoras dos anéis. Mulheres na obra de J. R. R. Tolkien. [Organização, Rosana Rios.] São Paulo: Devir, 2005. 168 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 85-7532-184-6 (pbk)
Shippey, T.A.: The Road to Middle-earth. Rev. and expanded ed. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [January] 2005. xxi, 474 pp. 19.5 × 12.5 cm.
ISBN 0-261-10275-3 (pbk): £10.99
For the original edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [1982 ed.]
For the previous edition see: The Road to Middle-Earth [2003 ed.]
Sicuramente probabile: Viaggio nella probabilità con Dostoevskij, Tolkien, Conan Doyle. Catalogo della mostra. A cura di Enrico Gamba et al. ItacaLibri, 2005. 64 pp., ill.
The Tolkien Society Seminar (17: Carlisle: 2004): Tolkien, Influenced and Influencing: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Tolkien Society Seminar, St. Martin's College, Carlisle, July 17, 2004. Edited by Matthew Vernon. [Telford?]: The Tolkien Society, [August] 2005. 112 pp. 21 × 14.5 cm. (Peter Roe Memorial Booklet; xx)
ISBN 0-905520-20-3 (pbk): £7.50
Tolkien und seine Deutungen. [Herausgegeben von] Thomas Fornet-Ponse. Scriptorium Oxoniae, [March] 2005. 208 pp. 22 cm. (Hither Shore, Bd 1, 2004)
ISBN 3-00-015786-7 (pbk): 19.90
Tolkien's Modern Middle Ages. Edited by Jane Chance and Alfred K. Siewers. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, [November], 2005. 264 pp. 21.5 × 15,5 cm. (The New Middle Ages)
ISBN 1-4039-6973-6 (pbk): $65.00
Tolkien's Oxford: The Sights of the Oxford of Professor JRR Tolkien CBE. Edited by Richard Crawshaw, Ian Lawrence Collier and Andrew Butler. [Telford?]: The Tolkien Society, [August], 2005. 36 pp. 20.5 × 13.5 cm.
ISBN 0-905520-17-3 (pbk): £xx.00
Turner, Allan: Translating Tolkien: Philological Elements In The Lord of The Rings. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, [February], 2005. 213 pp. 20 × 14.5 cm. (Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture)
ISBN 3-631-53517-1 (pbk): $43.95
Wilderness: Essays in Honour of Frances Young. Edited by R.S. Sugirtharajah. London; New York: T & T Clark International, [November] 2005. xiv, 209 pp. 25 cm. (Library of New Testament studies, 295)
ISBN 0-567-04142-5 (hbk): $120.00
See the contribution by Emily Hunt: "Wilderness Wanderers and their Theological Significance in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings", pp. 175-185.
Wrigley, Christopher: The Return of the Hero: Rowling, Tolkien and Pullman. Lewes, East Sussex: Book Guild Publishing, [June], 2005. 118 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 1-85776-990-2 (hbk): £10.95
See "The Tale of Middle-earth", pp. 35-72?
Blackham, Robert: The Roots of Tolkien's Middle Earth. Tempus Publishing, [April], 2006. 144 pp.
ISBN 0-7524-3856-5 (pbk): £10.99
Dawson, Anna: Studying the "Lord of the Rings". Auteur Publishing, [June], 2006. 80 pp.
ISBN 1-903663-66-0 (pbk): £16.99
Gilliver, Peter, Jeremy Marshall and Edmund Weiner: The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, [April] 2006. 256 pp.
ISBN 0-19-861069-6 (hbk): $12.99
The Lord of the Rings, 1954-2004. Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder. Edited by Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull: Marquette University Press, [March] 2006. 387 pp.
ISBN 0-87462-018-X (hbk): $32.00
Reading The Lord of the Rings: New Writings on Tolkien's Trilogy. Edited by Robert Eaglestone. Continuum International Publishing Group, [February] 2006. 240 pp.
ISBN 0-8264-8459-X (hbk): $75.00
ISBN 0-8264-8460-3 (pbk): $19.95
[Archer, Peter, Scott Francis and Jeff Gerke:] The Unofficial Hobbit Handbook: Everything I Need to Know about Life I Learned from Tolkien. The Shire Collective [Peter Archer, Scott Francis, Jeff Gerke]. [Illustrations by Ben Patrick.] 1. ed. Cincinnati, OH: Writers Digest Books, [Oct.] 2012. 231 pp., ill. 19 cm.
ISBN 978-1-599-63650-4 (pbk): $12.99
Atherton, Mark: There and Back Again: J R R Tolkien and the Origins of The Hobbit. London; New York: I.B. Tauris, [Nov.] 2012. xiii, [1], 306 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 978-1-78076-246-3 (hbk.): £ 20.00
Blackham, Robert S.: The J.R.R. Tolkien Miscellany. Stroud, Gloucestershire: History Press, 2012. 190 pp., ill. 18 cm.
ISBN 978-0-7524-8719-9 (hbk.): £9.99
The Broken Scythe: Death and Immorality in the Work of J.R.R. Tolkien. Roberto Arduini & Claudio A. Testi (eds.) Zürich: Walking Tree, [June] 2012. xxvii, 252 pp. 23 × 16 cm. (Cormarë series, 26).
ISBN 978-3-905703-26-9 (pbk.): 19.36
Brown, Devin: The Christian World of The Hobbit. Nashville: Abingdon Press, [Oct.] 2012. 193 pp. 22 × 14 cm.
ISBN 978-1-426-74949-0 (pbk.): $14.99
Hardback edition: [July] 2014.
ISBN 978-1-630-88819-0 (pbk.): $24.99
Caldecott, Stratford: The Power of the Ring: The Spiritual Vision behind The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. 2. ed. New York: Crossroad Pub. Co., [Dec.] 2012. xiv, 238 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 978-0-82454-983-1 (pbk): $16.95
"A Crossroad Book."
"This book is a revised and expanded edition of Secret Fire: The Spiritual Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien
(London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 2003) and a revised second edition of The Power of the Ring: The Spiritual Vision behind The Lord of the Rings (New York: Crossroad, 2005). It also includes revisions that were made for a Russian edition in 2007." [Verso of title page.]
The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature. Edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, [Jan.] 2012. xxiv, 268 pp. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 978-0-521-42959-7 (hbk.): £57.00
ISBN 978-0-521-72873-7 (pbk.): £18.99
See the contribution by Edward James: "Tolkien, Lewis, and the explosion of genre fantasy" (pp. 62-78).
C.S. Lewis and the Inklings: Discovering Hidden Truth. Edited by Salwa Khoddam and Mark R. Hall with Jason Fisher. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2012. xiii, 266 pp. 21 cm.
ISBN 978-1-443-84093-4 (hbk.): £44.99
Dickerson, Matthew T.: A Hobbit Journey: Discovering the Enchantment of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, [Sept.] 2012. xii, 260 pp. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 978-1-587-43300-9 (pbk.): $20.00
Revised edition of Following Gandalf.
Don't Stop Believin': Pop Culture and Religion from Ben-Hur to Zombies. Edited by Robert K. Johnston, Craig Detweiler, and Barry Taylor. 1. ed. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, [Oct.] 2012. xxii, 217 pp. 23 × 15 cm.
ISBN 978-0-664-23505-5 (pbk., alk. paper): $20.00
See the brief essay "The Lord of the Rings and J. R. R. Tolkien" (pp. 19).
Edwards, Raymond: JRR Tolkien: His Life, Work and Faith. London: Catholic Truth Society, 2012. 93 pp, ill. 15 cm.
ISBN 978-1-86082-827-0 (pbk.)
Flieger, Verlyn: Green Suns and Faërie: Essays on J. R. R. Tolkien. Kent, Ohio: Kent State UP, 2012. xi, 331 pp.
ISBN 978-1-606-35094-2
The Hobbit and Philosophy: For when you've Lost your Dwarves, your Wizard, and your Way. Edited by Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, [2012]. x, 262 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 978-0-470-40514-7 (pbk.): £11.99
Also issued online.
Mathison, Phil: Tolkien in East Yorkshire, 1917-1918: An Illustrated Tour. Newport: Dead Good Publications, 2012. 119 pp., ill., maps. 25 cm.
ISBN 978-0-956299-41-3 (pbk.)
Nicholas, Angela P.: Aragorn: J.R.R. Tolkien's Undervalued Hero. Gamlingay, Sandy, Bedfordshire: Bright Pen, [2012]. 491 pp. 30 cm.
ISBN 978-0-7552-1506-5 (pbk.)
Porter, Lynnette R.: Hobbits: The Many Lives of Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. London: I.B. Tauris, 2012. vii, 280 pp. 22 cm.
ISBN 978-1-84511-856-3 (pbk.): £ 12.99
Raymond, Gary: 3-minute J.R.R. Tolkien: An Unauthorised Biography of the World's Most Revered Fantasy Writer. Foreword by John Howe. Lewes: Ivy, 2012. 160 pp, ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 978-1-908005-83-0 (hbk.)
Ruane, Abigail E. and Patrick James: The International Relations of Middle-Earth: Learning from The Lord of the Rings. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012. vi, 243 pp, ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 978-0-472-07182-1 (cased)
ISBN 978-0-472-05182-3 (hbk.)
ISBN 978-0-472-02859-7 (e-book)
Also issued online.
The Body in Tolkien's Legendarium: Essays on Middle-earth Corporeality. Edited by Christopher Vaccaro. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2013. vii, 190 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 978-0-786-47478-3 (pbk)
Fuchs-Gamböck, Michael and Thorsten Schatz: Tolkien in 60 Minuten. München: Thiele, 2013. 110 pp. 16 cm.
ISBN 978-3-85179-268-3 (pbk): 8.00
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Edited by Peter Hunt. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. xi, 185 pp. 23 cm. (New casebooks).
ISBN 978-1-13-726400-8 (hbk.): £45.00
ISBN 978-1-13-726399-5 (pbk.): £14.99
Levinsen, Jakob: Helte og hobbitter: Tolkien og hans verden. 3., reviderede udgave. København: Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2013. 207 pp.
ISBN 978-87-1-138985-0 (pbk)
Originally published in 2002: Helte og hobbitter: Veje omkring J.R.R. Tolkien og Ringenes Herre (2. oplag 2004).
Pask, Kevin: The Fairy Way of Writing: Shakespeare to Tolkien. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2013. 207 pp.
ISBN 978-1-421-40982-5 (pbk)
See chapter 6: "Before and after Literature: J. R. R. Tolkien", pp. 123-143.
Roberts, Adam: The Riddles of The Hobbit. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. vi, 186 pp. 23 cm.
ISBN 978-1-13-737363-2 (hbk.): £18.99
Snyder, Christopher A.: The Making of Middle-earth. A New Look inside the World of J.R.R. Tolkien. New York: Sterling, 2013. 352 pp. 24 cm.
ISBN 978-1-4027-8476-7 (hbk.): $24.95
Tolkien. Volume dirigé par Alexis Brocas et Vincent Ferré. Paris: Le Magazine littéraire, cop. 2013. 172 pp. 20 cm. (Nouveaux regards).
ISBN 979-10-91530-13-2
Tolkien: The Forest and the City. Helen Conrad-O'Briain and Gerard Hynes, editors. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. 197 pp., ill. 24 cm.
ISBN 978-1-84682-429-6 (hbk)
Wicher, Andrzej: Selected medieval and religious themes in the works of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Łódź: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 2013. 320 pp.
ISBN 978-83-606-5571-9 (hbk)
Forthcoming Books - 2004
Translating Tolkien. Thomas Honegger (editor). Zurich and Berne: Walking Tree Publications, 2004. (Cormarë Series, no. 5)
Forthcoming Books - 2005
Tolkien, un autre regard sur la Terre du milieu. Edysseus, [October] 2005.
ISBN 2-9523058-1-1
Listed as not available in on December 30, 2005. The book has probably not yet been published. No author or editor is given.
Forthcoming Books - 2006
Dickerson, Matthew and Jonathan Evans: Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J. R. R. Tolkien. Kent, Ohio: University Press of Kentucky, [November], 2006. 320 pp. (Culture of the Land)
ISBN 0-81312-418-2 (hbk): $35.00
Doherty, Peter: Lord of the Rings: Popular Culture in Global Context. Wallflower Press, [May] 2006. 224 pp.
ISBN 1-904764-83-5 (binding unknown): $75.00
Hammond, Wayne G.: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Companion and Guide. Wayne G. Hammond, Christina Scull. London: HarperCollins, [October] 2006. 2 vols.
ISBN 0-00-716972-8 (boxed set): £50.00 (1999 pp.)
[Vol. 1:] Reader's Guide. 896 pp.
ISBN 0-26-110381-4 (hbk): £30.00
[Vol. 2:] Chronology. 1250 pp.
ISBN 0-00-714918-2 (hbk): £30.00
American editions: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006?. 2 vols.
Vol. I: Reader's Guide. 800 pp.
ISBN 0-618-39101-0 (hbk): $35.00
Vol. II: Chronology. 800 pp.
ISBN 0-618-39102-9 (hbk): $35.00
Hazell, Dinah: The Plants of Middle-earth: Botany and Sub-creation. Kent, Ohio: University Press of Kentucky, [November] 2006. 136 pp.
ISBN 0-87338-883-6 (hbk): $22.95
J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment. Edited by Michael D.C. Drout. London: Routledge, [November] 2006. 704 pp.
ISBN 0-415-96942-5 (hbk): $100.00
Newsom, William Chad: Talking of Dragons: The Children's Books of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Christian Focus Publications, [January 31] 2006. 192 pp.
ISBN 1-84550-106-3 (pbk): £5.99
Parker, Vic: J.R.R. Tolkien. Heinemann Library, [May] 2006. 48 pp. (Writers Uncovered)
ISBN: 0-431-90626-2 (hbk): £11.99
Williams, Donald T.:Mere Humanity: G. K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien on the Human Condition. Broadman & Holman Publishers, [February] 2006. 224 pp.
ISBN 0-8054-4018-6 (pbk): $24.99
Forthcoming Books - 2007
Anderson, Douglas A. and Marjorie J. Burns: J.R.R. Tolkien: Interviews, Reminiscences, And Other Essays. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, [October] 2007. 224 pp.
ISBN 0-618-44516-1 (hbk): $25.00
This book, announced and postponed several times seems have been delayed indefintely. At the time of writing (JUly 2015) the latest publishing date announced in is Jan. 30, 2012, but it failed to appear at that date.
Books with unclear status or incomplete information
Gaschke, Susanne: Hexen, Hobbits und Piraten: Die besten Bücher für Kinder. Dva, [September] 2002. 270 pp. 28 × 21.5 cm.
ISBN 3-421--05668-4 (hbk): 19.90
Despite the title it is uncertain whether Tolkien is treated to the extent to warrant inclusion in the present list. According to a description of the book in the database Gaschke treats the 100 best children's books in her view in the present study.
Holmberg, John-Henri. J.R.R. Tolkien: sagoberättaren från Midgård. Viken: Replik. 180 pp.
ISBN 91-88818-69-1 (hbk): 128 SEK
This book was scheduled for publication in 2002, but has been postponed with no new publication date set.
Title: J.R.R. Tolkien: The Teller of Fairy-tales from Middle-earth.
J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit": A Study Guide from Gale's "Novels for Students". The Gale Group. 29 pp. (750 KB)
ISBN B00006G3KM (e-book PDF - Acrobat Reader): $3.95
This study guide is an extract from a printed series Novels for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studies Novels which started in 1997 and so far (November 2002) comprises 16 volumes. I have no information from which volume the study guide on The Hobbit is extracted. There is no information on author and publishing date in the database as of November 2002.
J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings": A Study Guide from Gale's "Epics for Students". The Gale Group. 42 pp. (1178 KB)
ISBN B00006G3FN (e-book PDF - Acrobat Reader): $3.95
This study guide is an extract from a printed series Epics for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studies Epics which comprises two volumes published in 1997 and 2001 respectively. I have no information from which of these the study guide on The Lord of the Rings is extracted. There is no information on author and publishing date in the database as of November 2002.
Pearce, Joseph: Literary Converts: Spiritual Inspiration in an Age of Unbelief. London: HarperCollinsReligious, 1999. xii, 452 pp. 25 cm
ISBN 0-00-628111-7
There are quotations from the book jacket in the record of the MARCQAT (Marquette Library database, record no. 41466351) which indicates that Tolkien is treated in the book: "The twentieth century has been marked both by belief and unbelief. While church attendance has declined, the lives of many of the most salient figures of our times have been influenced and inspired by Christianity." "Literary Converts takes us on a journey into the deepest beliefs of some of the greatest writers in the English language: Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh, C. S. Lewis, Malcolm Muggeridge, Graham Greene, Edith Sitwell, Siegfried Sassoon, Hilaire Belloc, G. K. Chesterton, Dorothy Sayers, T. S. Eliot and J. R. R. Tolkien. The role of George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells in intensifying the religious debate despite not being converts themselves is also considered." The same record also gives a complete listing of the chapter titles. This listing however gives no indication at all that Tolkien is treated in the book. As I have not seen it myself I cannot judge whether or not Tolkien is treated to the extent to warrant inclusion in the present list.
Tye, Joe: The 12 Rings of Leadership: Classic Lessons from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The hobbit" and "The Lord of the rings". Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, [September] 2001. 288 pp.
ISBN 0-7352-0260-5: $25.00
According to The Tolkien Collector, no. 25 (October 2001), p. 20 cancelled by the publisher, according to available and published in August 2001. It may also be noted that there is a somewhat similarly sounding title listed in the Internet Bookshop database: Leadership Lessons What You Can Learn from JRR Tolkien's Classic Works (no author given), noted as having a projected publishing date of 31 October 2002.
Warnes, Hector: Labyrinths of the Mind: The Background of Poetic Fascination. London: Pen Press, [April] 2000. 89 pp.
ISBN 1-900796-56-2 (pbk): £5.99 (2002)
This book deals with the subjects labyrinths, underground areas and rites & ceremonies in literature. According to the database the book treats the following authors: J.L. Borges, E. Sábato, Owen, Hesse, Milton and Tolkien. I don't know if Tolkien is treated to the extent that this book warrants inclusion in the present bibliography.
Media related books
Bordoni, Andrea and Matteo Marino: Peter Jackson. Milano: Il castoro, 2002. 139 pp., ill. (Il castoro cinema, 207)
ISBN 88-80332-252-2
[Brawn, David:] The Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers: Creatures.. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, © 2002 [December 2002]. [48] pp., col. ill. 24.5 × 18.5 cm.
ISBN 0-618-25811-6 (pbk): $8.95
British edition: London: Harper Collins, [November] 2002. 48 pp.
ISBN 0-00-714409-1: £6.99
Brawn, David: The Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers Photo Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2002. 48 pp.
ISBN 0-618-25736-5 (pbk): $8.95
British edition: London: Harper Collins, [November] 2002. 48 pp.
ISBN 0-00-714372-9: £6.99
Brawn, David: The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King Photo Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2003. 48 pp.
ISBN 0-618-39098-7 (pbk): $8.95
British edition: London: Collins, [November], 2003. 48 pp., col. ill.
ISBN 0-00-717056-4 (pbk): £6.99
No author is given in the record for the British edition.
Brodie, Ian: Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook. [Auckland, N.Z.]: HarperCollins Publishers (New Zealand), [November 2002]. 96 pp., col. ill., col. maps. 20 cm.
ISBN 1-86950-452-6 (pbk):$19.95
Concerning locations for Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.
British edition: London: HarperCollins, [December] 2003. 128 pp.
ISBN 0-00-717925-1 (pbk): £8.99
Expanded edition: London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [September] 2005. 176 pp. 22.5 × 21 cm.
ISBN 1-86950-530-1 (pbk): $24.95 (U.S. distribution)
Brodie, Ian: The Lord of the Rings Travel Diary: Location Guidebook. [Auckland, N.Z.?]: HarperCollinsPublishers (New Zealand?), [April] 2005. 180 pp. 23 × 18 cm.
ISBN 1-86950-550-6 (pbk):$18.95 (U.S. Distibution)
Concerning locations for Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.
The Filmbook of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings': Over 130 Pictures from the Fantasy Films Presentation of 'The Lord of the Rings part one, with a Text Based on the Film Script, Produced by Saul Zaentz, directed by Ralph Bakshi. New York: Ballantine, 1978. 76 pp., col. ill. 23 × 27 cm.
ISBN 0-345-28139-X: $7.95
Canadian edition: Toronto : Methuen, 1978. 76 pp., col. ill. 23 × 24 cm.
ISBN 0-458-93870-X: CA$9.95
British edition: Hemel Hempstead: Fantasy Film Books, 1979. 76 pp., chiefly col. ill. 23 × 27 cm.
ISBN 0-04-823150-9: £3.50
Fisher, Jude: The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring: Visual Companion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2001. 65, [6] pp., col. ill. 32 × 23 cm.
ISBN 0-618-15401-9
British edition: London: HarperCollins Entertainment, [November], 2001. , [6] pp., col. ill.
ISBN 0-00-711624-1 (hbk): £14.99
Fisher, Jude: The Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers Visual Companion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2002. 72 pp.
ISBN 0-618-25802-7 (hbk): $18.95
British edition: London: Harper Collins Entertainment, [November] 2002. 72 pp.
ISBN 0-00-711625-X: £14.99
Fisher, Jude: The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King Visual Companion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2003. 72 pp.
ISBN 0-618-39097-9 (hbk)
British edition: London: Harper Collins, [November] 2003. 80 pp.
ISBN 0-00-711626-8: £14.99
Fisher, Jude: The Lord of the Rings Complete Visual Companion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2004. 224 pp. 27.5 × 22 cm.
ISBN 0-618-51082-6 (pbk): $19.95
From Hobbits to Hollywood: Essays on Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings. Edited by Ernest Mathijs and Murray Pomerance. Rodopi, [July] 2006. 421 pp. (Contemporary Cinema)
ISBN 90-4201-682-5 (hbk): £60.71
Pryor, Ian: Peter Jackson: From Prince of Splatter to Lord of the Rings: A Biography. New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press, [January] 2004. 380 pp., [8] pp. of plates (in colour)
ISBN 0-312-32294-1 (pbk): $23.95
Russell, Gary: The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [June] 2002. 192 pp., col. ill. 28.5 × 22.5 cm.
ISBN 0-618-21290-6: $35.00
British edition: London: HarperCollins, [June], 2002. 192 pp., col. ill.
ISBN 0-00-713563-7 (hbk): £25.00
Russell, Gary: The Art of The Lord of the Rings. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, [October] 2004. 224 pp., col. ill. 28 × 22.5 cm.
ISBN 0-00-719192-8 (hbk)
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2004. 224 pp., col. ill. 28 × 22.5 cm.
ISBN 0-618-51098-2 (hbk):$35.00
Russell, Gary: The Lord of the Rings: The Art of The Return of the King. London: HarperCollins, [January] 2004. 192 pp., ill.
ISBN 0-00-713565-3 (hbk): £25.00
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, [January] 2004. 192 pp., ill.
ISBN 0-618-43029-6 (hbk)
Russell, Gary: The Lord of the Rings: The Art of The of The Two Towers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [March] 2003. 192 pp., col. ill. 29 cm.
ISBN 0-618-33130-1 (hbk)
British edition: London: Harper Collins, [March] 2003. 192 pp.
ISBN 0-00-713564-5: £25.00
Sage, Alison: The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring: Photo Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2001. 46 pp., col. ill. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-618-19558-0 $9.95 (pbk)
British edition: London: Collins, [November], 2001. 46 pp., col. ill.
ISBN 0-00-713272-7 (pbk): £6.99
Serkis, Andy: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum: How we made Movie Magic. With contributions by Gary Russell. Foreword by Fran Walsh. London: Collins, [December] 2003. 112 pp., ill. 25 cm.
ISBN 0-00-717057-2 (pbk): £9.99
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [December] 2003. 128 pp., ill.
ISBN 0-618-39104-5
In the record for the American edition Brian Sibley is given as editor.
In a library pre-publication record Andy Serkis is listed as the sole author
Servos, Stefan: Der Herr der Ringe: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von "Die Rückkehr des Köngs: Exklusive Berichte von Set, Fotos und Interviews: Das geheime Produktionstagebuch: Die neuen Filme der HdR-Stars. K�nigswinter: Heel Verlag GmbH, [September] 2003. 93 pp., [16] pp. of plates, 100 ill. (some in col.) 30 × 21 cm. (Space view fantasy)
ISBN 3-89880-233-7 (pbk): 14.95
Sibley, Brian: The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring Insiders' Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2001. 96 pp. 19.5 × 13 cm.
ISBN 0-618-19559-9: $6.95 (pbk)
British edition: London: Collins, [November], 2001. 95 pp.
ISBN 0-00-713194-1 (pbk): £4.99
Sibley, Brian: The Lord of the Rings Official Movie Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2001. 119 pp., col. ill., col. map. 29 cm.
ISBN 0-618-15402-7 (hbk)
ISBN 0-618-15403-5 (pbk)
British edition: London: HarperCollins Entertainment, [November], 2001. 119 pp., col. ill.
ISBN 0-00-711908-9 (pbk): £10.99
ISBN 0-00-711909-7 (hbk): £16.99
Sibley, Brian: The Lord of the Rings: The Making of the Movie Trilogy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2002. 192 pp., ill. 29 cm.
ISBN 0-618-25800-0 (hbk): $29.95
ISBN 0-618-26022-0 (pbk)
British edition: London: Harper Collins, [November] 2002. 192 pp.
ISBN 0-00-712302-7 (hbk): £17.99
ISBN 0-00-713567-X (pbk): £12.99
Smith, Chris: The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King: Weapons and Warfare. London: HarperCollins, [November] 2003. 208 pp., ill.
ISBN 0-00-713566-1 (hbk): £20.00
ISBN 0-00-717201-X (pbk): £12.99
American edition: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, [November] 2003. 224 pp.
ISBN 0-618-39100-2 (hbk)
ISBN 0-618-29099-5 (pbk)
Worley, Alec: Empires of the Imagination: A Critical Survey of Fantasy Cinema from Georges Melies to The Lord of the Rings. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, [October] 2005. viii, 296 pp. 25 × 18 cm.
ISBN 0-7864-2324-2 (hbk): $45.00
With a foreword by Brian Sibley.
Wright, Greg: Peter Jackson in Perspective: The Power Behind Cinema's The Lord of the Rings: A Look at Hollywood's Take on Tolkien's Epic Tale. Lightening Source UK, [August] 2004. 212 pp.
ISBN 0-9759577-0-8 (pbk): $13.95
Publisher according to as of 22 December 2005: Hollywood Jesus Books, [August] 2004. 191 pp. 20 × 14.5 cm.
ISBN 0-9759577-0-8 (pbk): $13.95
Foreword by David Bruce.
Forthcoming media related books in 2003
Vinet, Pierre: The Lord of the Rings Movie Portfolio.
British edition: London: Harper Collins, [October] 2003. 96 pp.
ISBN 0-00-713566-1: £35.00
Von Neuseeland nach Mittelerde: Die Welt des Peter Jackson. Beiträge von Sabine Horst, Harald Harzheim, Horst Peter Koll und Ursula Vossen. Schüren Presseverlag, [December] 2003. Ca. 240 pp., 300 photographs.
ISBN 3-89472-349-1 (pbk): 16.80
Forthcoming media related books in 2004
Lee, Alan: The Lord of the Rings: Portfolio. London: HarperCollins, [September] 2004. 192 pp., ill., col. ill.
ISBN 0-261-10383-0 (hbk): £19.99
Peter Jackson: From Gore to Mordor. Edited by Paul A. Woods. London: Plexus, [December] 2004. 192 pp.
ISBN 0-85965-356-0 (pbk)
Forthcoming media related books in 2005
Sibley, Brian and Peter Jackson: Peter Jackson: The Authorised Biography. London: HarperCollins Entertainment, [August] 2005. 384 pp., ill.
ISBN 0-00-717558-2 (hbk?): £20.00
Forthcoming media related books in 2006
Russell, Gary: The "Lord of the Rings": Staging the Greatest Show on Middle-Earth. London: HarperCollins, [August] 2006. 160 pp.
ISBN 0-00-721908-3 (hbk): £20.00
Probably a treatment of the musical based on The Lord of the Rings.
- Bertenstam, Åke. "Supplement
för 1983-1984 till En Tolkienbibliografi: med tillägg och
rättelser för tidigare år. Supplement for 1983-1984 to A Tolkien bibliography (with additions and corrections for earlier years)". Arda 5 (1985, pr. 1988), pp. 124-209.
- Bertenstam, Åke. "Supplement för 1985-1986 till En Tolkienbibliografi: med tillägg och rättelser för tidigare år. Supplement for 1985-1986 to A Tolkien bibliography (with additions and corrections for earlier years)". Arda 6 (1986, pr. 1990), pp. 160-275.
- Bertenstam, Åke. "Supplement för 1987-1990 till En Tolkienbibliografi: med tillägg och rättelser för tidigare år. Supplement for 1987-1990 to A Tolkien bibliography (with additions and corrections for earlier years)". Arda 8/11 (1988/1991, pr. 1994), pp. 204-404.
- Hammond, Wayne G. J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography. With the assistance of Douglas Anderson. Winchester: St Paul's Bibliographies; New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Books, 1993. xi, [iii], 434 pp. (Winchester Bibliographies of 20th Century Writers)
ISBN 1-873040-11-3 (UK)
ISBN 0-938768-42-5 (US)
- Jönsson, Åke. "Supplement för 1981-1982 till En Tolkienbibliografi: med tillägg och rättelser för tidigare år. Supplement for 1981-1982 to A Tolkien Bibliography (with Additions and Corrections for Earlier Years)". Arda 3 (1982/83, pr. 1986), pp. 128-173.
- Jönsson, Åke. En Tolkienbibliografi 1911-1980: verk av och om J.R.R. Tolkien. A Tolkien Bibliography 1911-1980: Writings by and About J.R.R. Tolkien. Borås, 1983. xiv, 146, [1] pp. (Specialarbete. Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Bibliotekshögskolan, 1982:76)
- The Tolkien Collector: An Occasional Magazine for Collectors of J.R.R. Tolkien. Edited by Christina Scull. London, No. 2 (February 1993)- .
No. 1 (November 1992) was entitled J.R.R. Tolkien Collecting and Bibliography Special Interest Group Magazine. Christina Scull can be reached through the following address: 30 Talcott Road, Williamstown, MA 01267, U.S.A. or via e-mail through her husband Wayne G. Hammond [email protected].
© 2002-2015 by Åke Bertenstam.
Mail corrections and comments to:
"a r a w n 7 4 @ g m a i l . c o m"
Created: 30 September 2002
Last updated: 13 July 2015