The Tengwar character Arda

ARDA - annual for Arda research

Arda is an annual for the furtherance and propagation of all discoveries and insights that render clearer the picture of the ancient world that J.R.R. Tolkien subcreated. Arda is bilingual: since volume III, each text in it is either in English with a summary in Swedish or other Scandinavian language, or else in a Scandinavian language with a substantial English summary (in volumes I and II always thus). Arda is published by the Arda Society with support from the Forodrim.

The Arda Society also maintains the Arda format for structural references to Tolkien's works.

Volume I

Published 1981 / Arda 9 — NO LONGER IN STOCK

Volume II

Published 1983 / Arda 10 — NO LONGER IN STOCK

Volume III

Published 1986 / Arda 1982–83 — NO LONGER IN STOCK

Double volume IV & V

Volume IV

Published 1988 / Arda 1984, containing:

The Clerkes Compleinte [a humorous poem by Tolkien, published anonymously in 1922] & Text, Commentary [by T.A. Shippey] and Translation / Djäknens klagan & text, kommentar och översättning

Douglass Parker: Hwaet We Holbytla... / Vi hört om hobbitars...

Beregond, Anders Stenström: Något om pipor, blad och rökning / Some Notes on Pipes, Leaf and Smoking

The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies
Krönika / Chronicle
Recensioner / Reviews

Brev / Letters

Volume V

Published 1988 / Arda 1985, containing:

Naomi Collyer: Recollections of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien / Erinringar om professor J.R.R. Tolkien

G.H. Thomson: The Lord of the Rings: The Novel as Traditional Romance / Romanen som traditionell romans

Vitæ breves nuper inventæ duæ / Two Recently Found Short Biographies

Nils-Lennart Johannesson: Sure as Shiretalk - On Linguistic Variation in Hobbit Speech (Part One) / Språklig variation i Fylke och Bree (Del ett)

Beregond, Anders Stenström: Striking Matches - An Exegesis of H V:4 / Kunde tändstickorna strykas?

The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies
Krönika och rapport / Chronicle and Report
Recensioner / Reviews

Brev / Letters

Åke Bertenstam: Supplement för 1983-1984 till En Tolkienbibliografi / Supplement for 1983-1984 to A Tolkien Bibliography

Volume VI

Published 1990 / Arda 1986, containing:

The Clerkes Compleinte Revisited [with facsimile of Tolkien's manuscript] / Djäknens klagan än en gång

Ian A. Muirhead: Theology in Gandalf's Garden / Teologi i Gandalfs trädgård

Beregond, Anders Stenström: Något om Ringbärarens dagar kring Spindelns Pass / Some Notes on the Ringbearer's Days around the Pass of the Spider

The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies
Krönika och rapport / Chronicle and Report
Recensioner / Reviews

Brev / Letters

Åke Bertenstam: Supplement för 1985-1986 till En Tolkienbibliografi / Supplement for 1985-1986 to A Tolkien Bibliography

Volume VII

Published 1992 / Arda 1987, containing:

Nils Ivar Agøy: The Shaping of Middle-earth: Some Reflections on Tolkien's Cosmology / Midgårds daning: några reflektioner kring Tolkiens kosmologi

T.A. Shippey: Long Evolution: The History of Middle-earth and its Merits / En lång utveckling: The History of Middle-earth och dess förtjänster

Beregond, Anders Stenström: The Figure of Beorn / Beorngestalten

Florence Vilén: Mumintrollets broder: Tove Janssons bilder till Bilbo / Brother of the Moomintroll: Tove Jansson's Illustrations for The Hobbit

Nils-Lennart Johannesson: Sure as Shiretalk - On Linguistic Variation in Hobbit Speech (Part Two) / Språklig variation i Fylke och Bree (Del två)

The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies
Krönika och rapporter / Chronicle and Reports
Recensioner / Reviews

Brev / Letters

Åke Bertenstam: Register till supplementen för 1981-1986 till En Tolkienbibliografi / Index to the Supplements for 1981-1986 to A Tolkien Bibliography

Volume VIII-XI

Published 1994 / Arda 1988–1991, containing:

Andreas Haarder: Beowulf - A Work of Art / Beowulf - et kunstværk

Beregond, Anders Stenström: Skönhet och fara och sorg: En tankeväv hos Tolkien / Beauty and Peril and Sorrow

Chris Seeman: Tolkien's Conception of Evil: An Anthropological Approach / Tolkiens ondskebegrepp ur antropologisk synvinkel

Sébastien Ferenczi: Mordor - Empire of Evil or Decline of a Model? / Mordor - ondskans rike eller misslyckad modell?

Jadwiga Węgrodzka: The Hero Stereotype and Its Modifications in The Lord of the Rings / Hjältestereotypen och dess modifikationer i The Lord of the Rings

Rönt och noterat / Records and notes
Nils-Lennart Johannesson: The Clerkes Compleinte Yet Again: A Note on maystryes / Djäknens klagan ännu en gång — en kommentar till ordet maystryes

The Years’ Work in Tolkien Studies
Krönika / Chronicle
Rapporter / Reports
Recensioner / Reviews

Brev / Letters

Åke Bertenstam: Supplement för 1987-1990 till En Tolkienbibliografi / Supplement for 1987-1990 to A Tolkien Bibliography

Between Faith and Fiction: Tolkien and the Powers of His World

Published 1998 / Arda Special 1, containing:

Marjorie Burns: All in One, One in All

Nils Ivar Agøy; The Fall and Man’s Mortality: An Investigation of Some Theological Themes in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth”

Verlyn Flieger: Whose Myth Is It?

Kaj André Apeland: On Entering the Same River Twice: Mythology and Theology in the Silmarillion Corpus

Daniel Timmons: Sub-creator and Creator: Tolkien and the Design of the One

Maria Kuteeva: “Old Human” or “The Voice in Our Hearts”: J.R.R. Tolkien on the Origin of Language

Prices (Swedish crowns)

Arda 1984 & 1985 45:-
Arda 1986 65:-
Arda 1987 95:-
Arda 1988-1991 150:-
Between Faith and Fiction 80:-

How to order and pay

Send an email to the Arda editor, Beregond, with your order to get a quote for the postage cost. Payment can be made by Paypal (with a surcharge) or elsewise as agreed.

This document has been on-line since 21 January 1996.
Last updated 29 January 2021.