By Elros / Måns Björkman
Ai! Táre tarmar yáre tauriva!
En nessa nóre, i Minnónar,
lender nu lassi: antaner lambe
máne norsannar, mavari aldaiva
varnor olvaiva, vorime Ontor,
Eru te cáre Cementario hyermen
aina Yavanna Alduva yénis.
Turmar tusso ar talmaron aldo
pustante pelecco i pelehta ornennar
nwalca quárinen nauca Nornoiva
-- Aule atarinta, Ardo tano --
ar Orcor úmie, angatalaiti
Moringotto, i Melcorohíni
oiale ohtala; onótien ilye
ahava nossi enga i Engwar
i lungamaiti. Lasse ar lóte
voro nar varna Ontonen valda.
Aldamar yára tompe Endóre
palan earello orontinnar pella.
Telcontalli taureva táre ranner,
lírenta linda i lamma erya
enga i ómar unquion salamba
tuilesse; te i taline auri!
Nan sóra sí ná salque cemesse
yasse yávecolindor yáresse tuianer.
Er sí -- enga i aldali ulce,
i Yárea Taure, Yárono mar --
nu Tirini Hisiéva termare i Taure
Ornefangava núra yasse Ontor nurtar.
Prose translation
Alas! Tall pillars of the ancient woods! Yonder the young folk, the Firstborn,
travelled under the leaves: they gave language to the blessed giants, shepherds
of the trees, protectors of the plants, the faithful Ents: Eru created them
for the prayer of the Earth-queen, holy Yavanna in the years of the Trees.
Shields of the bush and the tree's roots, they stop the axe that hew on the
trees in the cruel hands of the twisted Dwarves -- Aule [is] their father, the
smith of the World -- and Orcs evil, iron-footed, of Morgoth, the children
of Melcor ever warring; I have reckoned all the raging peoples except the Sickly,
the heavyhanded. Leaf and flower ever are safe by the worthy Ent.
The old tree-home covered Middle-earth far and wide from the sea to beyond
the mountains. The striders of the forest that day wandered, their fair song
the only sound except the voices of the hollows resounding in spring; they [were]
the broad days! But long now is the grass on the earth where the fruit-bearers
once sprouted. Alone now -- except the wicked trees, the Old Forest, home of the Ancient --
under the Towers of Mist remains the Forest of Fangorn the deep
where the Ents hide.
- *onto "Ent"
- Hypothetic Quenya form of Sindarin onod.
- *varnor "protectors"
- Plural of *varno, from BAR "to protect".
- *hyermen "for the prayer"
- Dative of *hyerme, the most probable correct form of the erroneous
kyerme, in Erukyerme "Prayer to Eru" (UT).
- *Alduva "of the Trees"
- Possessive dual of alda "tree". Aldu (seen in Aldudénie,
Aldúya) would refer specifically to the Two Trees of Valinor.
- *yénis "in the years"
- 'Short locative' plural of yén "long year".
- *ohtala "warring"
- Present participle of *ohta- "to war", from the noun ohta
- *onótien "I have reckoned"
- Perfect tense of not- "to reckon", plus 1st sg. pronominal
ending -n "I".
- *ranner "wandered"
- Plural 'strong' past tense of ranya- "stray".
- *cemesse "on the earth"
- Lockative of cemen; for the assimilation c.f. númessier
vs. númen.
- *Yárono "of the Ancient"
- Genitive of *Yáron "Ancient one", from yára
- *Ornefangava
- Possessive of *Ornefanga, "Tree-beard", i.e. Fangorn.