
(To the Sea!)

Translated by Erestor / Fredrik Ström

A Quenya prose translation of Legolas' song 'To the Sea!' (LR Book VI, ch. 4).

Earenna, Earenna! Fáni maiwi yaitar, súre ráva, ar ninque winga hlápua. Andúnenna, Andúnenna, Anar rinda lanta. Sinda cirya, sinda cirya, hláralye te cána: ómar nórenyo i oantier yanna lelyuvan? Autuvan, autuvan taurellor nostienyo; an auremmar tyellar, ar yénimmar fifíruar. Termistuvan i palla néni, erya círala. Ande nar i.falmar métima hrestasse taltala, linde nar i.ómar Tol Vanwo cánala, Eresseo, Eldamardo Fírimain útúvima, yasse nár lassi alalantala: nóre nórenyo tenn'oio!

'To the Sea, to the Sea! The white gulls are wailing, the wind is roaring, and the white foam is flying. Westward, westward the sun's round is falling. Grey ship, grey ship, hearst-thou them calling: the voices of my people who have gone whither I am going? I will depart, I will depart from the forests of my birth; for our days are ending, and our years are fading away. I will fare across the wide waters, lonely sailing. Long are the waves falling on the Last Shore, sweet are the voices calling from the Lost Isle, from Eressea, from Elvenhome for mortals unfindable, where be leaves unfalling: land of my people for ever!'

teithant Erestor, o Mellonath Daeron